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<br />3
<br />was included therein in compliance Nvith. the terms of tile
<br />original indenture described in tile within bond AN-hich was
<br />executed prior to the approval oil June 5, 1933 of Public
<br />Resolution No. 10 or the,7.3,rd Congress. Speciric�attentioll
<br />is called to tile fact that said Public Resolution provides ill
<br />part as follow s
<br />"Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter 'incurred,
<br />or ii tiny such provision' is contained therein or
<br />whethei ot .
<br />made with respect thereto, sliall be discharged upon pay-
<br />ment, dollar for dollar, in any coin 6r-eurrency which at the
<br />time of payment is legal tender for public and privato.
<br />debts.
<br />This bond is one of the GanernI Mortgage Gold Bonds (coupon
<br />or registered) of the Railway Company issued inid to be issued
<br />in one or more series under and pursuant to and equally secured
<br />by in indenture dated January 1, 3921, emwuted Iq the 11ailmny
<br />Company to 'The T.,irst, National 11;1111� of.' tile City of.' -New York,
<br />Trustvc (Fh%t 10(ional CIty1j'aulc being successor Trustee by
<br />merger), (hereinafter called the "hWentairWI, colivefy all the
<br />property and franchises of the Rnilway Coinp;uty mentioned ill
<br />said indeliturc, pnd Supowngdal Indelitures dided respectively
<br />Afarch 19, 193Q as of January 1., 19:37, April 18, 194:4, as of July
<br />1, 1944, AlAnAl 2% 19Q as of July ., 1941 two supplemmits dated
<br />as of Jamuiry L 114% as of July 2, 1953, as of September 1, 1954,
<br />two supplements daWd as or Audi % 197% as of July L 19M, as
<br />of January 1� 1971� is or Jiniiary 1, 1974 and as of' jiil�- 1,
<br />1975 providing, for the issiianei� or Gener,-il Mortgage Gold bonds,
<br />Series V, to whiell referenev is hereh�- ninde rol. a statement of the
<br />property nnd noneldws nuirtgaged, conveyed, pledged or assigned,
<br />the 11,1ture and extent (a thv WAY, and the rig -lits or the holders
<br />of saki bonds and or tho said Trnstve in respect to such security.
<br />Me authorized issue of bonds under said indenture is limited to
<br />-in amount whic1q: WgeMer 011 A then oul-standing Odor dAt
<br />of tile rjaiINN-ay Company or of a sucees�oi, corporation as de-
<br />Ifned hi Wd indeihiire, after deductin,14 therefrom tile aniount of
<br />all. bonds thell res�rved under the provisions or said indenture to
<br />refire prior debt at or bebre maturity, shall not. exceed three
<br />Hines the par value (whieh, as provided in said Supplemental
<br />Indenture dated March 19, 1936, shall, in respect of shares with-
<br />