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THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM -TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY.A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY.THIS MORTGAGE- SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (�-20) PER CENT OF THE A00UNt NOW OWING, EXCEPT*F OR ANY ADVANCES THAT. MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE MITH THE TERM9 OF TH.IS MORTGAGE. <br />THE 'NIORTGAGOil F17RTI-IER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Nlorlgagor will pay the indebtedileSs as hervinl?'efore provided, <br />'I'liat, the INIortgagor is the owner of said property ill fev simple ;fit(] lias, 90od right and lawful atifiloritv to sell and <br />colivev till, sallif, and that tlwsanit'� is free and clear of miv lien or encinnbrance:.and that i0ort g:igor will warrarif and defenrl file <br />titte to said premises against the;tclaims of all persons whomsociver. <br />To pay ifilliv-diately whvl� due ;Ili([ payableall general f;1xvs, special taxes, special assessments, water cIyrj,,o_;s, sewm,lorv- <br />iov. cllilrgv�, and other laxes and charges against said propertY, an(l all tax" leviedoll the delit y!cllrf�d llvrvbv� "Ild"to fill-711ish-tilo <br />Nlortgagee. upon request. with flit-, original or driplicate receipt-, therefor, 'I'lle INIortgagor a"grees that, there shall'bo added to <br />each 111olitilly payment required heremider of- under fit(, evidence (if dobt sectired horebY',an iiiii-ount vsfinmtvd YY the Nlortgapo�v <br />to he sufficient to onable the NIort!,;u,'cc to pily, it,,; dwy becolllt�, (Ille, all taxcs�'. assessments. ;fit(] simil.,jr CIMI-9('s LIj)0II IlW prCIII- <br />iscs SUbject. therelo; any deficienn: hocittist, (if the insufficiencY of Sir(.]) additional payments hall It(- forthwith �d oposited by t1w <br />.%Iorl,ag,or with fit(- Nlortgagee uj)on demand bN: t1w Mortgageo. Any default undor this parilgi-aph shall be deelfled it dt4itull ill <br />payment of taxes, asst";sIlwilts, of-, similar charges requirf�d livretinder. <br />The Mortgagor agr(ws ill;ll there sliall ;list) hp ildded trj each Illontlily payment of Imincipal niid iiiler(!.�t i:i�quijccl fiere- <br />undur an amount, vstimated i).v flio Nfortgagev to he sufficient to ci'iabh- the INlor(gagce to pay�� a's it lwcollw�4 Ow insill-allve <br />prefilitilli or] aliv i list] ra lice poliev olelivered to fit(, -Mortgagce. Any defici(.11(n. IWC;Itl�e of till. illstifficiellm. of, sucil ;I(IdiiiolI;lI pay- <br />nI(-Ilts sivill Ill, forth\vith depo'.�ifed by fit,' i c VTort­ag( <br />klortg,ilgor with t1w Mortgagee upon demand hy fit g 111. :%if.\ (i(:f;iiili und(-f- this <br />pa;agrapli sliall he deeliled a dufal ' fit ill till- payllwilt of insuralic(i premillills. If tho polic ' v of- policies dep"'ited :ll.ry �socli ;is hoill(-_ <br />OWners or all risk. policivs, and tlif�- deposits art� instifficient to pay tho entire promium, 11w Nlortgagve 11111Y apIlly, the dopo.,it to <br />pil.", prelilitims. oil risks requir(,d to -he insured by this <br />Pa * vnionts nvide 1) flit- %fortga"'or Illicler fill, above pararaphs miiv� ill fit(- option of tho Mortgiiic(-� )w IwId I)v it and <br />%%-ill) other such fujids:or it., -%%-if foods flit- iliv paYment of such milil '4o applied. �4tivli pmifl ni"o. lif'reby <br />pledged if, securily for ill(, unpai( i hakince of flit- niortg.,wi, indel')tedllcs.�. <br />'I'o procure, deliver to. and maintnin for ill(, liont-fit of the Morlg.wee dur'ing fire life of this mortgage origioal policies and <br />renewals thereof, deliverod ill l(-ast lon daYs b4oi:v the expl�ration of anY stich policiv�, fire mild'oth(-r insurable <br />liazards*, cnsualties,- and contingencies ,I.-; the 1%lortgag"ll may require, ill fit am6unt equal to the indebtednes) set:i1recl by this <br />.%Tortgag(-, and ill companies acct-piable to flit- Morlgilgeo, %vitli lo,�s lmyable chillst. ill fnvor ofillid i10 form acceptal fle to the Niortg"i- <br />gee. Ill f1w event. ally policy i�; n('of renewed oil or hi,forc ten da'"Ins (if its expirillio'n. fit(, Nlort­aggee may proci on I <br />ITl1Ur;fIIC(. fle <br />i Illp rovellielit s, pay fill- premium flierofor, and stich um shall hec:'Illf, imillodinfol ' v (hw and ]);I ' v;,lblo willi inte I -es I ai Ille ra(e sot <br />forth ill said note lifitil ]);fill and -hall be sectired kv this mortgn,,v. Failure ()if Ili(- part. of fit(- Nlortgagor to lllrl;i�li such rem-w;lIs <br />I,., are lwri,in rcqijirt�d of- 1;lilllre t6 pily ally sullis advilllc(�d licl-curldt'l. al t1w option of ill(-. 'Mort;"aget.� u;,Il1iit1lte a dt-fatilt <br />mider fit(- torms of this mort,_ag�r. dolivol-Y of such policit�s skoill, ill the dofaillt. cm)";tiltite mi :ls��igillllvlll -0 tlp� till - <br />earned premium. <br />Ali,%, smn� received bY t1:w Mort.gil"t.t. hv reasoll of los�; (it- dalliage insured agaill'i mav 1w relaill'-d it, v tilt, <br />and applied toward fit(, payment: of the debt hi -rob st17ill-wi, of., ill ill(, option of fit(' -�;uch sunis vi , ll�er �vhollv or ill <br />part Ina ' v bo paid ovor to fill- Mo-rtga,"'or to lot. its(,(] It, repair stli'll hililding's ill. (o blIiId,fl(,w hilildings ill tlwiri 111i . or for :11,1y <br />other purpose or of) wto <br />ject satisf; , I-% to tilt- Mortgilgee williout alft,clill! the liell oil f1w Illortg;lg,(,:for ill(' full �unouiit �,rcurrd hero <br />bY before such paytn,�Ilt ever took,placc. <br />'I'll promptly repair, reston. or robuild :fit,\, Imilding-, ol- i ill provenlell I., flow or heri-alter (oil the premi . st-s which m:tY Iw- <br />come damagwl or destro ' ved: to k(::cp said proillise.,4 ill good condition and repair and if-(,(- from ;fit%- mcchimic's lien of- other livu or <br />claim of lien not expressly silhordillilled to flit- lien lwreof: riot to ,";uffer (of- pci-tilit'an ' v unlawfill lise of ()I- :fit\- mjJ.,anc(- to-(,xisf on <br />said property riot, to porillit wasto. oil silid plenlisus, ]lot- to do any other act-whervIry flit.- pro1wrty hen -by conv,:-Y(�d shall become <br />loss valuable. nor to diminish of- impair its value by any act or omission to ilet: to complY with all. requirenients,of' law with respeci. <br />to ill(- mortgaged premisos and thc'uso thercof. I <br />That should, till- prefllis(­�' i <br />:of, any part fli(,r(:of be taken ot- damagcd bY reaspil of III.\- puhlic improvoinent or condornimtioll <br />proceeding, or finder the right of c�niinent donlain, or ill illio., other Illariller. tho Mort"agev shall']w olititled to ; I ill. compensations, <br />awards, and any other payment or. rolief therefor. and sliall, he entilled, at. its of)tioll, to commonce, appear ill an I of pl�os(�cuie in its <br />own name any actirm of- proevedi'.-w. or to Illakt ' compromiso or settloment ill connection with such taking oli damage. AlI such <br />compensation, awards, dallinges. 1;illt of action and procceds aro hereby as.,;iglled to tliv Mort.-'a"ce, . who may. deducting <br />therf-from all its v%ponses, releiew!any moneys so received In, it or appl * v tire sarile oil Ili\- indebf( dncs., secured "I i wr(4iV. 'I'lie Mort. <br />gagor agrees to exectite such further assipirlients (if' any coinpollation. awards. damages, and rigbts of action itild prouct-d., as the <br />Nlorfgagov mii:z re(Iiiii-c. <br />That ill case of failure to 1wi-forlil ,If)\- (if fit(- covenanis lien!in, the 'Niortgaice mily (to (111,1114, -Nlorfgagov's� <br />I <br />S 0 that the Mortgage' mity also (to ,fit , v ;let. it may (feel,, ll(q.essary to protect fit(, lien tllt,r(-of: that fit(, \Iortgagor will <br />rvpay upon demand any nioneys 1);lid of- disbursed 1w the 1\1ortgaget, for anv of the abov(� purpos(,s, and such moiievs'together Nk-itil <br />inter"t thereon at the rate provic.-led ill said flote shali become S, . o Illoch additional in(-Icbtodiws� herehy secured "llid f1mv he ill- <br />clucled ill any decree foreclosim, this mortgage and be paid out of . tho refits or proceeds of sai(I' Prenliset; -if -ilot o therwist, <br />paid that, it shall not be obligatory lipon till, %Iortgagev Ili inquire into the validit ' v of ally lien. enctillibrillices,- or cl;jim ill I(]- <br />vancing,nioneys as above autliorizPd, but nothing herein contained sli,111 he construed it,; requil-hig, the %lortgng0v to advance an-, <br />moneys for nny stich purposo nor to do any ;I , ct livretitider; and llitit Mortgagee shall, not inctir ain, personal liability he�-auso of if . '_ <br />filing it nvi�N (to or ornit to (to herelinder. <br />In fit(, evelit of ill(. defall)t bY Nklortgagor ill ill(' payment of ally installment, as required by fit(- Note .4 ectired lwrehv. or <br />in ill(- I , )vrforniance of flit- oblit,,ation ill thi�s mortgagi- or ill f1w no'f(, s(�cur­l 0—m -by, thi, Nfortgagoo .11all ho to declart. fit, - <br />do , 4A sectired lipreb.v (Ili(, and pay,�blv without notice. and fit(, Mor;fga,,zoo sliall I)(. villitled at its ol)fjoll, without notico. either by itsoif <br />or by a receiver to be appointed by the court thervol'. and wifliolij regard to tlic, adequacy of any'sectiritv for the inch!bledness <br />cured hereby, to enter upon and iake possession of the mortgaged pronlis(�.-, and to. collect. and r,eceive ill(, renis,lissues and profits <br />thereof, and apply the same, less*crists of operation and collection. upoll the indebt ed liess secured by this Illolitgag6: said renk, <br />Alortgagm, as further sectirit�; for the payment of all. indebtedness s0-im'd her('4)N. <br />issu" and profits being hereby assigned to the I <br />The lovIortgagee sliall have the power to app6int, any agen't or agents it niaN, 'fiesire-for the purpose of repairing said preni- <br />ises., renting file saniv: collecting 'the rents. reverities and income, and it may pay out of said income all expensv.�.irlcurrcd ill rent- <br />ing and managing, the sarriv and'.of collecting the rentals theref:rom. The hzilance remaining, if any. -shall heapplied toward the <br />di'scharge of flit,. niortgalgv i ndVbf if�d rfvss. This .-Issignment is to terrilinate arld become 111111 arld , ) <br />%-.(ill tipon releaso of this niortgngo. <br />