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.:.-MORTGAGE <br />Made and Executed tL:,3 loth day of* October D.= <br />by=dbetween Clarence'A. and Janet L. Padrnos- <br />o �' 28,18 Ft. 'yorth St. , GrLajjd_jzjanj, ;1 68801 irst part, <br />art �of the f <br />ly <br />and -Roberts Dairy 1hployees Federal Credit Union' <br />2901 Cuming St., .0maha, Nebraska, 68101. <br />party of the- second part. <br />WIT-NESSETH, that the said party of the firs' part, for and in consideration of__JL_2a,7m_in__thcL_P_ - iini. of <br />ex.entv__--ane_hundr_ed__f.o said party of the <br />.1; - - h� rty=,9jx �_Lad_ 62/100 - - - - - - - - - OLL.KRS, paid by <br />nd i I receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, h --s gmated, so'd and conveyed, ar-d*by these preserits, does grant, bar- <br />�e�o , te 'rtd -, unto said party of the second par:, the_foUowing descrlbe real property �ituate-in the County of, Dougias and State <br />g..n a- convc) <br />of r.,. -wl <br />k., to t. <br />Lot 15, Capital Heights -5th '(fifth) addition., Hall County, Nebraska <br />to gether with all the tenements, hereditaments a=d �ppurenances to the same and all thle estate, title, dower . -right of homestead, <br />claLmi and demands whatioever of thesaid party of the firs: par-, of, in or to i2id p.-!:@:ies or any'part, thereof- -nd of the Ifirst <br />part does hereby covenant, that said par-ty of the first part L'3 la—­*ully sei:ed o.-- said premises, thai said premi3es'are free' from Lc=braace <br />e rst m ty <br />--and that said par of the first part will <br />warrant and defend the title to said premizzes against the lawful claims and deman-iS, of all per3o= whomioever--- <br />PROVIDED. ALWAYS, and these presents are upon the-ze conditions: k <br />WHEREAS, said party of the first part has execuled and delivered to "he zaid party or the , second part.. --- <br />in the alifount of Sevren <br />pr6miasury note ne hddre =Y_-_aaX =-d_62/_10D_dQ2.lar_a_ - <br />to be rppqjd in 6-0--amthly _aM01Ujt__Qf 1; :158 a8,md_ I (1 1 f;8 77 <br />n is <br />imIuding -interest at the rate of 1% per nionth on the n id �balance wldc'i <br />22% per the first pg=eht to become due on thp 15th d�L _qf_ qLqhqr and <br />a like a -mount on the 15th of every month: thereafter untdl� the principal plus <br />interest has been p . aid in full. <br />=d whereas, the part-. ot the nrit par; nm agreed to keep the b0dinip, if any, upon said pre-_L-e� ! , insured in some corppan.y or co=pizues <br />approved by said �arty of the second a:', for the sum not le --3 tEn.balance on lst & 2hd <br />and deliver to eaid party ofthe secon Tpart the policy. or po.x.les col.itaining a cla-_­L with the lo�3 -�_-yable to 2aid party� of the second part, <br />craszi,-n5, and has --cree-d to pay all and a-ziesimen-.3 a;amit said remise3 befo-e lhe saLe, b,�law, become delinq�ent, and has a;reed <br />that if'said part%- of th,� first part docs not provide iuch inAurance, or fail? <br />to pay all tsx.!'s as aEorei.,�.d, then said party of' the second part, or <br />bolder hcreo', n;av pay such Ln�urance and taxes, or cit ther c-' them, and all n:�iounts so paid bysa Id party of the se,;oL a part -hall be-, r in-- <br />terest at the rate 6' rni:ie per cent per annuni f rom the daze ofpay:nent, and th-i-4 mort za;eshall stand as se�urity therefor�, and Zaid sum ms-. <br />be added to the amfount of the mortgace debt, and the Same recovered as a part thireof. _Nw�,, if the said par'tv of the firs" part 5�all well <br />t;. <br />and trul v pay or cause I o be paid the said -zum nf monev L- ia' d note.:_ men tiaacd, ;Lith inte res t ereanaccor�in; to the tezor and effect <br />oUsaid r�cte ........ and shall keep said buildin;i izIEUred n5aforezaid, and shall keep all taxes and a3zeiscoent3 paid, and shall duly keep, and <br />pe formall the other coverants.and rn_n!_-Li_-t47 1hr2 ihe,5c preRan'to bezull a-_�d void. But if said S=' of money or a . ny <br />PZ-m if �Ltid builldin�;s -shall not belkept irsurcd-asl afore�aid, or ir the <br />t t ereof, or any interest <br />taxes and aS_-es::njnts against said prcmists are not paid a' or before the t;---- the Same become by law d0inquent, or if. said party of the <br />first part shall faU to keep ard perform any covenants herela contained, the holder he.-cor shall ba--�j the option to declare th,! whole of said <br />indebtcdnc�s due and payaMe at any tim� after such failure or default, and may maint-ain an acti6a at law or equity t: 0 recover the same, <br />and the commencement �f such action shall'�e the oal-.- notice of the exercise of said option required. <br />A -D IT IS FURTHFrt PROVIDFD AND AGREED, That the said'%fortga.-or sliall and will pay all ta es leyied upon this mort- <br />N <br />gage or the debt *Secured thereby, together -.% ith any other taxts or assqssmeats which may be levi-id under th L �'Nvs' f Neb'raska, azainst the <br />amid Mort,-a.,ee or the legal holder.of the said principal note.— or account of I this indebtedness.:' <br />hereunto set han the a above written. <br />IN PRESENCE OF <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />as - <br />County of Douglts, On this.--. day of —A. D �VZL <br />before me, aX Public in and for t' e ��id County perso�p�lly came theabove narned_'... <br />16f_ <br />T(� <br />C, <br />h ally.known to me <br />------ o_ _-persod <br />EXPI�ciob the identical person,'92�� <br />_affixed to the above ins trument <br />19,78 <br />antor n d. ncknowlcd�cd said instrument to bc.._._.__._voluntary <br />act and de -2d. <br />WIT -NESS mv hand and X6qarial Seal the da)��t aforesaid. <br />.... ............... <br />Not . Pu�lis <br />commkAon expire3 on the.. of_. —A D <br />4"� <br />--- I-IUU in d9oi <br />-'er o Deeds <br />e isp U <br />J an is' ei,, ile- <br />is -f <br />Ha a <br />. 4 County,� ska <br />