<br />F E R -Z fi, if CONVENTIONAL 'l 18'
<br />DUE ON SALE Loan Number-Z847;�-- -
<br />6— n c h Type
<br />LIZICC 0 ["1
<br />D 1 '4 f I FoRm No� 530 (F?(!v. 8-7-41
<br />M 0 R T G G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. livide and executed J -his 17tk'la, of Oc, to, b e- r
<br />A. D.,
<br />James F. Buckner ..and 'Mar A. Buckner, huband and wife,'each in his and her &m
<br />Y.- . . .... ...... - ........ ....... .... ...... .............. - ......... ....... .........
<br />individual'right and'as spouse of -the otheri, jointly and severally
<br />. ............... ... ...... .... - - ........ ...... ......... ..............
<br />of' .. ...... Grand Island Nebrask'
<br />................. County of ..... HPU- ..... .... * State of .... .......... ............ 1� .......... .......... hereinafter I-elk,rr(-(l
<br />to ' is the Mortgagor, and FIRSTIFEIDERAL �SAVINGS AND 1,OA.,*\,' ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN. Nehrasika, its successors
<br />alt�l nssigiis, hervinafter referred'to as Xiort—igee.'
<br />WI That f1w :�;iid Alorigagor. for mid ill ('(111'�id('ratioli of ill(' "ilill of
<br />'B-TENTY-SIX THOUSAND O�IE HUNDRED 'AND N01100-.�; -------
<br />----------- 26,100.00
<br />....... - ....... ..... . I ..... ....... ...... — .. ...... . � .... I.-.1 .... - .. (.1,15. 1 � .............. . ........... ........ Dollars.
<br />paid by said Mortgagee, doc.; lierehv sell and convev unto FIRST SAVINGS AIND LOAN A�9SOCIATION 01.1
<br />I.IN('01,N. Nebraska, a� Mort;,,�ive. its suc6-s�;or,; and assigns, ill(' follo%villg described Roal Est;lte- sitllafvfl� ill fill, Coulltv of
<br />Hall �;tato of ..... ......... Rebraska
<br />.................................. .......... ...... ........... ..... .... ..
<br />Lot
<br />Fourteen (14)
<br />in Block Six
<br />(6) in -Morris,
<br />Third,Addition to I
<br />the
<br />City o.f Grand
<br />Island, Hall
<br />County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />11, 0 HAVE AND TO 1-10.1-D the above described premises for tile uses liereinsk forth mid tosecure pi . �i o cc o 1,
<br />.7f � f 0 (
<br />oliligations colitailled liercin.'tol-ether with all buildings, improveiiients, fixtures and appurtenances and all easbi-rients theretinto
<br />belmiging, and it is mutually coverianted and agreed hv and 1�6twecrl the parties, lieroto that- all plumbi ' -
<br />ng,. Las, electric and -
<br />mechanical fixtures. appliances, equipment, lilachinerY all(] apparatus, floor coverings, storm windows and screeiis . , and such otllel�
<br />gog(Is and chattels and personal pr'operty as are evLrJurilished by' a landlord ill letting, or operatin-,an unfurnisHed buildhig, sioli-
<br />lar to the one now or hereafter on,said promises, which are or sliall be attached to said building ill ally nianne� w liatsoever, are
<br />and shall he deerned to Ile fixturcs and aii-accession to tile freeliold and it ])art of tile realty as betwv('�ll tile pai-tiv�;Iiereto, their
<br />heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assignis, and all persolis claiming hy, through or under thern, and! sdiall be de"111-1
<br />'to be a portion of th(� securitv for tile indebtedness herein mentione(I 111(l to 1w covvre(l hy t1iis mortgage.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these1nesents are executed and (1clivpreci upoil tile following conditions agreenivids and
<br />oblig'ation, of the Morfga'ors, to-N�.it:
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to lm�' to the IN,Iortgagee, or order tile principal suill of ..... TWEWT.YrnSIX.. THOUSAND ONE,
<br />............
<br />--- AND ... NO/IQQmr.7:- 77.-= -:7!7� ....... --------------------- lO'O.O0
<br />............... I ....... .... — ........... - .................. ........ I .......... ... ..... ....... Dollars,
<br />pa�lablv Is provided ill a note executed alid delivered coneurrenth
<br />herewith, tile fillal paynient of principal, if 1n6t sooner paid.
<br />tll( ............ 1pt ................. day of ... ........... November
<br />....... . ...................... ......................... I I�x .. ?oo4'
<br />. . .........
<br />