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0 1 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE,. FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM.TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL �OTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE*HUNDRED TWENTY (1'20) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EkCEPT-FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY 13E MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indehtedhess as It erei n be fore provided. <br />That the Mortgagor is tl'e owner of said property in fee simple -and has good right .,and lawful atitl oritv to sell and <br />convey the same and that the sam�� is free and clear of my lien or encumbrance; and that. ivlortpgor will warratit and defend tile <br />title to said premises against the"laims of all persons whornso4lver. <br />To pay immediately Nvliei� due and payable all general taxes, special taxes, siwcial asses.qn1ents. water charges, sewer serv- <br />ico charges. and other taxes and charges against said property, ari(l all taxe.L; levied oil the debt s(,curerl hereby, and to furnish the <br />Alortgag(q�. upon request, with tlj�e original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agkos that there sliall be added to <br />each monthly payment required liereundvi- or under the evidence of debt secured hereby in anipunt, estimated by the Nlortgag6o, <br />to be sufficient to enable fit(. Nlo'Ctgagee to pay, as theY becom(, due, all taNOS, assessments, al�0 similar chargos upon fit(, prepi- <br />i.�es subject thereto; ;my deficielic because of fit(!. insufficiency of such additional payments sli..fll he forthwith ideposited by the <br />iMortgagor with the Nfortgagee tipon deniand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be dci�nivd a default ill <br />I)IlYlnent of taNeS,- aSSeSSllleJlt,;, Or similar charges reqUired heretinder. <br />Tile Mortgagor agrev, tl�; I t, there sliall also be added to each monthly payment of prillicipal ;In(] intel-6,st required here- <br />itilder in aniount estimated by fit(;, Xfortgagee to he StIffiCient to VI ' MbIV the Alortgagev, is it hevoines due, ill(! insurance <br />premium on'any insurance policy lielivered to the INIortgagee. Any deficielicY becailse of the hisilfficiencY of slic))'additiol.lal pai- <br />ments shall he forthwith deposited by file 'Mortgagor with the Alortgagee upon demand by the \�Iortgagev, Any ilefnuff under th . is, <br />paNigraph shall be, deenied a defallIt in tile payint-o-it. of insuranec- premiums. If fit(! policy or policies deposited ,,m? such is holne- <br />OWners or alt risk policies, and tilt! deposits are insufficient to pay the entire promium, the Nlortgagee Illay apply tilt' deposit to <br />pay premiums oil risks required to, be insured by this, niortage, i <br />I)avinents made by tilt- NIortgagor under the above. paragraphs may, at till! option of ill(' �Iortgagee, I�v <br />lield by it and <br />commingled with other such funds, or its own fillids for tile pavillent of such items, and until so applied. stich paynients are hereby <br />pledged as security for the tinpai(i balance of the mortgage indebtedness. <br />To procure, deliver to, and maintain for the henefit. of tho 'Nlortgaie ring the ]if(' of fit <br />e (Ill is mortgage original policios and <br />renewals thereof, delivered at lea.,t tell da,,s before.the expiration of any such policies, insuring, against fire and other insurable <br />liazar(E, casualties, and contingeiicies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amo I unt equal to tilt, indebtedness, .1ecured by this <br />Nlortgage, and in companies acceptable to ill(, Nlortgagee. with loss payable clause in favor ofand. in form acceptal)1v to tilt, Nlortg;i- <br />gev. fn the event, any policy is not. renewed oil or befort, ten days of its 'expiration. fit(- Nlortga,,(,o may proctin; ins'ni-ance oil the <br />improvements. pay fliv pronliuni therefor, and such surn shall becanit, immediately (Ille and pay;.1ble willi illiere i M ;it the rate Set <br />forth in said not(- until I)aid and shall he secured -by this mortgage. Failure oil thepart (if the Nlortgagor to fun I ish�stivli rvnew.ds <br />as.are herein required or failifre to pay any sunis advanced hereunder sliall. at the: option of the Nlortgagee. co'n'litiltv a default <br />under the terms of this mortgage.,Tlie deliverY of such policies sliall. in tile eveilll of defallit, constitute ;ill assig"lillent of Ille till- <br />varned preiiiiiiiii. <br />I)v the Nfortgagee- <br />Any stims received, hy the i'vlortgagev by reason of los�, or daninge insured against. nl�av be retained. <br />and applied towar( , I tile paynien( of the debt hereby svetired, o: , at tile option of the '.-\Iortga,� -e, SLICII sunis either \k,lloll\, or in <br />part niaY be paid over to fit(! M(j ' rtgagor to be tised to repair stij-1i buildings or to build'new 1) uildings in their ; place or for ,my <br />other purpose or object satisfactory to tilt- Nlortgaget, without affecting tile liell oil the illort..'agt's for tilt- 1*1111 alliti-lint secured here- <br />ook: <br />y before such payment ever t place. <br />To promptly repair. restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements no\%, or lieteafter oil the premi.,Jes which niny be- <br />conle damaged or destroyed; to l6bep said premises in good condi�iozi and repair allot free from a'py niechnnic's liki I vor other lien or <br />claim of lien not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof: not to stiffer or permit any unlawful Ose of or anY niiisance to exist ()It <br />said property nor to perinit wast"11 oil said premises, nor to (to ill\, other act.when,by the prop(I'l-ty hereby convOyed sliall become <br />les., valuable <br />, nor to diminish or ii�,ipair its value by any act or onli�sioll to act: to colliplY with all% requirements of -law with respect <br />to fit(- mortgaged promises and the use thereof. <br />That should the prvniisv.,.;� or any part thereof be taken o;r damaged by reason of any public improvenielil or (pndenination <br />p'roceeding, or Under the right of eminent. domain, or in any other manner. ill(- Mortgagee sliall: he entitled to p1l, compensations., <br />wards, and any other payment or relief therefor, and shall be ellPtled. at. its option. to coinjneiii�e. appear in ,ill ' (I prosecule in ib; <br />own name ,my action or proceeding, or to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking of damage. %It such <br />c'Ornpensation, awards. damages. right of action and proceeds are hereby assigne(i to fit(, iNfortgagee, 'who inay,-after deducting <br />therefrom all ib; expenses, releaseany moneys so received by it or apply the saniv oil any iiidebtednes.-; secured I,ivreby. The Mort- <br />gagor agrees to execute such furflio�r assignments, of awards, dantages. and rights of action ayd proceeds as tile: <br />Nfortgagev may require. <br />That in case of failure to . perforni any of file covenants li('-rein. the Mortgagee may (to ou':tlie. b( <br />-half evcr.�tlling <br />sb covenanted; that fit(, lvlodgage('� inay also (to ally act, it, may de'eni necessary to protect the lien thereof: that t) -w Nlortgagor will <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed 1) * v the Ivlortgagee for my of the aho.vo purposes. ;in(] such moneys together with <br />interest. diereon at file rate provided in said nole shall beconie so much additional indebtednes,, herobY.sectireh and inav be in- <br />cluded in tiny decree foreclosing diis mortgage and he paid out. of fit(- rents or proceeds of sal(: of said premis(�� if not o,therwise <br />paidi that it, shall not be obligatory upon tile. NNIortgagee to inquire into the validity of in\ lien. enctimbrances.. or claim in ad- <br />varicing moneys as above authoriz"ed, but nothing liervin containe d shall be consti6ed as requiring, the Nlortgagt,e to advance any <br />*for ,my such purpose nor to (to any act hereunder; and that NTort gagev shall not incur ill:, personal liability because of any - <br />moneys <br />filing it. may (to or omit to (to liev'ninder. <br />In the event of the defatilt bY Nlortgagor in fit(-, payineiit, of any installment, as requir6d I)v the Note secured herehy, or <br />in the performance of the obligatii)n in this mortgage or in the ii(;t(- secured thereby, the �N.Tortgagee shall he entillvd to declare the <br />(I , ebt secured hereby due and pay�ble without notice, and tile Nlortgag*ev shall he entitled at. its oil , tioll, without notlice,,either by itself <br />0�r by a receiver to be appointed iiy fit(! court thereof, and without regard to th.e adequacy of any'securit , v for th,e indebtedness se- <br />enred hereby. to enter upon an(L'-take possession of the mortgaged premises, and to collect. alld �eceive the rents" issues and profits <br />thoireof, and apply the saine, less�'costs, of operation and collection, upon the indebtedness secll6cl by this mortgage; said rents, <br />issues and profits being hereby assigned to tile Mortgagee as furtli6r security for the payment of ill in (lebtedness sqc1qed hereby. <br />'I'liv Nlortgagee� sliall havp tile power to appoint my agent' or agen I ts it may desire.for tll:e purpose of nj").,jiring said prem- <br />ises: renting the same; collecting. file rents, revernies and income, and it mav pay out of said ind-ome all expense.4 incurred in rent- <br />ijig and managing the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. Tile balance remaining. il� any—sliall 11 V a,pplied toward the <br />I <br />(iischarge of the.,mortgage indelliedness. This, assignment is to terminate and become mill and yoid upon.relvase of this mortgage. <br />