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52Y2---�SECOND REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—With:Tax Clause (Revised) The Huffman General. Supply House, 3jincoln, Nebr. <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TBESE PRESENTS: <br />THAT I or TIVE, Bradley E. Morris and Mary.A. Morris,hu sband�and wife, <br />of Hall Cowit atid State ol., Nebraska bt coitsideratioi� 911he sio)t of. <br />y <br />DOLLARS� <br />-------- Eighteen Thousand Five- Hundred and no/ 100 ------- <br />i)i paid, do hereby SELL:aitd CONVEY- wito Glen V. Morris <br />J <br />(vtortgagee), <br />of Dawson Cowity, a)zd State of Nebraska the follozui;zg des� I ribed prei)a . ses - <br />sitifated i;z Hall Cotoitil, a;td State Nebraska to -wit,:. - <br />Lot Ei ht (8),except,:the' Easterly Three Feet (31) thereof, in Block Three!0), <br />9 <br />in Cunningham's Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The i;ztc;itio)i bebig to couvey:hcreby aii absolvtc title i)i fee shitpIc iiicludhig all the rights of hoi; Mid dowcr.- <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prc;iziscs above described, with all the appurtoiaitces therezoito beloitgbig itido, <br />the said iitortgagee or vzortgagees aiid to his, her or their fieirs a7id assig;is, forever, provided always, qiid these pres- <br />eWs are upoit the express coiiditioi; that if the said viortgagpi- or vzortgagors, his, her or their heirs, execittors, adiiiiii- <br />istrators or assigiis shall pay or: cause to be paid to the said iiiortgagec or viortgagees aizd to his, her oi- ilicir heirs, ex- <br />ecittors, advibiistrators-or assigits, the si(w of <br />- - - - - - - - Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred �and no/ 100 - - - - - - Dollars, payable as follows, to -wit: <br />with iiito-est therewi at 9 �er mit per aiimoit, payable aiiiiiially, accordhig to the teiiqr aiid effect of <br />the pro))zissory iiota. with iWerest coupoiis attached of said J11ortgagors, bearbig eve)i date with these pres- <br />ciits, aiid shall pay all ta.rcs wid aity iWerest o2z, or viatio-big; i)istalh)zc;zts of prbicipal, ditd oii aity prior vzortgage aiid <br />assessi)ioits levied i(poit said re:al estate a)id all other taxes,' levies a)id assessiiieWs -levied itpoit this vzorigqge or the <br />iio�te which this viortgage is give)i to secitre, before the sai;zc becoiiies deli?ipeW a)id keep the buildbigs oil said <br />Preiiiises iiisured for the szoit loss, if oily, paydble to sitch first viortgagecs or this viortgagee, or both, <br />the;; these preseWs be void, otherwise to be a)id re))iaiii ht -fidl force. i ' I - <br />IT IS FURTHLER AGR.�ED (i) That if the said vibrtgagor shall fail to pay sitich taxes aild sdch iWerest wi, <br />or viatio-hig iiistalbiteWs of priPcipal, di(c oil aiiy prior vzortgage aiid procure such'iiisuraiice, theit this Mortgagre viay <br />pay such taxes wid such bitereit oil, or i;zatitrbig bistallvictits of pi-bicip6l, dife o;i such . prior vzortgagb and procure <br />si(ch bisifra;ice; wid the szwt so adva)tced with iiiterest. at iiiiie per ce;it shall be paid by Mid vzortgagor,-: aiid this vzort- <br />gage the savie. (2) That a failitre to pay oily of said vtoitey, cither prillcipal or hiterest oil <br />Vie sai;zc beco;)zes di(e or -a faili(re to co);tply with aity of the foregoijig agrec);lcllts, <br />shall c4ilse the m.hvlv,.,1sum�.oj�1vzohey herebt secitred to beco)iie dite aiid collectable at oiicr at the optiol; of the vlort- <br />gagee. <br />IT _IS"_PU!ZTR�ER`_2'dkYt�D' That said lizortgagee,�pe)idi�ig-fo�-eclositre of this viortgage aild after decree aild <br />pciidbig stay thercoit or apped therefroiji wid peiidhig sale of prei)zisrs vtortgaged, vtay pay such taxes,! Pid lilatilrilig <br />iWerest or viatitrittg iiistalli;te?its of priiicipal, o;t prior vzortgages, proci(re. such hisuraixe aizd such ;sz(vis shall be <br />added to the ai)zowit duc wt decree-aijd itpowcoitfiri)tatio?t of sale by the court ordered take)t oiff of prpceeds of sale; <br />or if redee;)zed dia-big stai ap c cted the sa)ite as though it zvcrc:a part of such <br />Y, peal or sale, si(ch ai)ioiints shall be olle <br />d <br />COW. <br />Sigijed this i day of iq� <br />In Prese-�)l,c of <br />................... <br />J .......... <br />............... <br />........ . .............................. ... .... .......................... <br />14; <br />