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010056 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND.CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOk, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS WRTIGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the ?�Iortgagor Nvill pay the indebtedness as liereinbefore provided. <br />That die- Mortgagor is the owner.of said property in fee simple and has good right and Iawftil author'ity to.sell and <br />convey the sawe and that the same is free and clear of my lien or encumbrance; :and that Nlortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />tifle to said premises against the clainis of all persons whomsoever. <br />To pay injIllettiateIV N5,11ell due and payable all general taxes, special taxes, special assv.�.sinents, watercharges, sewerserv- <br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against said property, and all taxes levied oil the clubt. secured hereby, and to I'Lirnish tit( -- <br />I '\Iort, <br />-agee, tipon re(Inest, with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Nlortgagor agrees that therc sliall he added to <br />each nionthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt. secured liereby lit aniountestinialed by tit(! Nlorlgagee <br />to he sufficient to enable tile Nlortgagee to pay, as they become (file. all taxes, assessnients, and similarcharges upon the prem- <br />ises subject thereto; my deficienc*y because of tit(! insufficiency Of stich additionil paYments sliall be forthwith deposited by the <br />Alortgagor with'the INIortgagee upon deniand by tit(! Nlortgagee. Ally defatilt.-u*nder this paragraph shall he devnwd a default ill <br />payment of taxes, assessnients, or similar charges required hereunder. <br />The Nlorlgagor agrees that. there sliall also be added to vach monthly payment. of principal and intervst rvquirl�d liere- <br />under art amount estimated by tit(! Nlortgagee to be sufficient to enable the INIortgagee to pay, as it becomes dtw. the insoranev <br />premium oil any insurance policy delivered to the Nlortgagee. Any deficielle because of tit(- insufficiency of' stich additional-pay- <br />inents shall be forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with tit(, NlOrtgagee upon demand by tit(! Nlortgagev. Any default undvr this <br />paragraph sliall be deemed a defatilt, in the payment of insurance preimunis. If tit(- policy or policiesdupos ' ited are stich as honle- <br />owners or all risk policies, and the deposits are instifficient. to pay the entire premium, the Nlortgagev may apply the deposit I to <br />j),w wenlilinis ()it' risks required to be insured by this mortgage. <br />Pa , vilielik made by tile Nlortgagor 1111der tile 11I)OVC paragraphs may, at the option of the Nlortgagve, be hold bY it and <br />Commingled with other stich funds or its own funds for the payinent. of stich itVills, and until SO al)jflit'd, SUCh payments are livrebY <br />pledged as securitij for the unpaid balance of fill- mortgage indebti,diiess. <br />TO procure, deliver to, and maintain for tbe benefit. of tit(- ivlortgagee dOring fill, life of this mortgage original policies ;1nd <br />renewals thereof, delivered at least ton daYs before the expiration of any such policies, insuring agaillst. tire and other in.,mrahle <br />hazards, casualties, and. contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to. tile indebtedness secured by this <br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to tit(! Alortgagee, with loss payable clause in favor ofand in forni acceptable to the �Nlortga- <br />gee.'In the event. anY policy is riot, renewed oil or before ten days Of its expiration. the Nlortgagee may procnre instirance oil the <br />-improvements, pay tile premium therefor, and such stim shall hec:irne ininiediately (Ine and payable with infi-rest at tht' 1 -;It(' �Ut <br />forth in said note until paid in(] sliall be secured hY this mortgage.' Failtire oil the part. (if tit(! \Iortgagor to ftirnisli soch renewAs <br />;is ;ire herein required or failure to pay any surns advanced herewider sliall. at. tile option of tit(, Nlortgagve, cmistihito a dcfij�Plt <br />under the terms of this mortgage. The dt-livery of stich policies slmll: in tit(, evc;tit of default. collstitiltv an assignim-ni of the ill)- <br />varned prornitun. <br />Ali i v soins received by the %Iortgagee bY renson of loss or damage instired again�t ina.v be retainedbY the Nlortga,,.,ev <br />and applied toward fill, payment of tile debt livreh.v secured, or, at. the option of the iNlortgagve, stich sornseitlivrwhollY orin <br />part ma * v be paid over to the Nlortgagor to be tised to repair such b1lilding', Or to I)Llild'zlew Imildings in their place or for ;in * v <br />other purpose or object satisfactory to tile Nlorhgagee without affecting, tit(, li(�n oil the mort,-age for the fill[ arnoont sectired herv- <br />by hefore stich payment ever took place. <br />'I'o promptly repair. restore or reboild �Ilny btfilding� or imprOvenients now Or hereafter oil tit(, preniisv� which ina N. ho - <br />collie daillaged or'. (lest ro.ved: to keep said premises in goorl con(tifion and repair and free from any nivehanic's fien or other lien or <br />claim of lien not pxpressly stibordinated to the lien hereof� not to suffer or permit any unlawl'til use of or anY noisance t(') Vxist on <br />said property nor. to permit waste oil said premises. nor to do any other act \�,Iiereby the property hereby conveyed shall become <br />less valuable, nor ' to diminish or impair its %,,title by any act or ornission to act: to vomplY with oll requirements (if law v.-ith respect <br />to the mortgaged premisesand fit(! use thervol'. <br />That Should the premises or an.N. part thereof be faken or damaged by reason of in.\, public improvement or condt�nination <br />proceeding, or under the right. of enihient domain, or in any other manner, (it(, Mortgagee shall he entiflud to all coin pensa tions. <br />awards, and illy other payment or relief tberefor, and sliall he entitled, at. its option. to cornme <br />-rice, appear ill mid*prosectite it) its <br />own name any Jetion or proceeding, or to make any compromise or settlement in connection willi stich taking or damage. All such <br />ct�)mpensation, awards. damages. right. of action and proceeds are hereby <br />ned to the Nlortgagee, who lilay. after dedticting <br />therefrom all it -s expenses, release any moneys so received 1) ' v it or apply the sarne Oil ally indebtedness secured hereby. 'I'lle '\IorI- <br />gagor agrees to execute stich further assiginnents of any compensation, awards, damages, and rights (if action and prov(-vds is the <br />Mortgagv(- may iequire. <br />']'flat in ca , se of failure to perform any of the covenants herein. tile. 'NIortgagee may (to oil the iMortgagor's behalf ever.,.1thing <br />SO COV011arited; that the Mortgagee may also do in.\, act it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereof: that th(,�Nfortgagor will <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed hY the Nfortgagev for my (if t,he above purpo,,;", and such frioneys together with <br />interest thereon at the rate provided in said note shall ])(!Come So milch additional indebtedness herel)v secured and rilav he in- <br />cluded in tiny decree foreclosing this mortgage and Ill! paid out. of tht, rents or proceeds of �ale of said preniis(�s if riot Otherwise <br />paid; that it, shall not. he obligatory upon tit(! Nlortgagee to in(Inire into tile. validit , v of anv lien. encumbrances. 'Or claim ill ill- <br />vancing money.,; as above authorized. but nothing herein Contained shall be construed is requiring the i'Oortgagev to advance 1111Y <br />moneys for ,lily such ptirpose nor to do any let hertaunder; and that Nlortgage(� shall not incur nny personal liabilit,,. hucallsoof anv- <br />thing it may do or omit to do hereunder. <br />Ill ill(! event of tile default by, Nlortgagor in tile payment of any installment, is re(joired by the Note secured hereby, or <br />in the performance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the riot(! secured thereby, t1w Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare tile <br />debt secured hereby dite and payable without notice. and the Nlortgagee shall be entitled at, itS OI)tion. Nvitholit notice. either by itself <br />or by a receiver to be appointed by tit(! court thereof. and without regard to the adequacy of ;my sectiritv for the illdvbtedn(,�ss se- <br />cured hereby. to enter upon and take possession of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive tile rents, issues and profits <br />thereof, and apply the same, less costs of operation and collection. uport the indebtedness secured by this mortgage: said rents, <br />issues and profits being hereby assigned to t.he INIortgagee as further security for flie paynient of all indebtedness- sectired bervbN. <br />The Mortgagee sliall )tax-(! the power to appoint ;my agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said preni- <br />ises; renting tile same; collecting the rents, reventies and income, and it may pay out of said,inconie all expenses incurred ill rent- <br />ing in(] managing the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The 1;alance remaining. if any. shall he applied toward the <br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness' This assigntricrit is to terminate and bVeolue 11,111 and \'oil] upon release of this mortgage. <br />