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()10020 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME. TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY- AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN: THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE -OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS -MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY'ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE ATORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That th� tvlortgagor will pay the indebt edness as hereinhefore provided. <br />That the-, 'Nlortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple anti has good right and lawful audioritv to sell and <br />convey the sarie and that the same is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance: and that Nlortgagor Nvill Nvarrant. ,in(] defend 1114�­ <br />title to said premises against the claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />To pay* ininiediately when due and payable all general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water.charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges, and,oilier taxes aild charges against said property, in([ all taxes levied oil the debt. secured hereby :.and to fUrnish tile <br />i0ortgagee. uport request, Nvith the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Alortgagor agrees that. there shall he -added to <br />each monthly payrpent required hereunder or under tit(- evidence of debt sectired hereby ,fit amount estimated by the Nlortgagef, <br />to be sufficiplit. to enable the IN'lortgagee to pay, as they become (life, all taxes. assessments. in(] similar charges upon tliv'preni- <br />ises subject thereto; any deficiencY because of the insufficiency of such additionRl payments shall he forthwith deposited by the <br />Nlortg*agor with the Mortgagee upon deniand 1) ' v the Nlortgagee. Any default. litider this paragraph shall Iw deemed a default in <br />payllient of taxes,. asses.ginents, or similar charges required hereunder. <br />The Nlortgagor agrees that there sliall zilso be added to vach monthly payment of principal and interest required here- <br />under fit aniount..0stiniated bY the Nlortgagee to he sufficient to enable ill(, IN'Tortgagee to pay. is it becomes I due. tit(! insurance <br />premium oil any' i0surance policY delivered to the"NIortgagee. Any deficiency because, of ill(! instifficiencY of such additional pay- <br />nients sliallbe forthwith deposited 1) * v tile N'lortgagor with the Nlortgagee, upon demand by the iNlortgagee. Any defanit under this <br />paragraph shall' lid deemed a default in tit(, payment of insurance prenininis. jf ilie polic ' y or policies deposited, are such as hoine- <br />owners or all risk -policies, and ill(-, deposits are iiisuflicient to pay ill(, entire pronliurn, tile Nlortgagve may -apply the deposit to <br />I )ny prenliums 6�o'.risks required to he insured 1)), t -his mortgage. <br />11,11Yflient s made by t1w Nlortgagor und (;r- Ow above paragraphs may. I t the option of tilt, Nlortgagee ' ho livid bY it and <br />commingled witir other such fund� or it.,; own fiftids for ill(, payment. of such itenis. and until so applied. site]) paynienk are <br />pledged as security for OW 1,1111),lid balance of tile, mortgage indebtedness. <br />To prisqure, deliver to, and maintain for. the benefit of the Mortgagee during t1w life of this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals thereof, delivered at least tell days befo <br />�i� the expiration of any sue'li, policies, insuring against fire in(] other insurzible <br />bazards, casualties, and contingencies as the TY16rtgagee may require, in in amount equal to the indebtedness securNI by this <br />1%lortgage, and in companies acceptable to tile Nl(irtgagee, with loss payable Clallse in favor of and ill form acceptable to t1w <br />gee. -In the event any policy is not, renewed oil o r before ten days of its expiration. tit(- Nfortgagee may procure insuranve on the <br />improvements, pay tit(! premium therefor, and such suni shall beenniv inimediatel-, (Ille and p;iyable with interest at ill(- rate Set <br />forth in said note -until paid and shall be, secured 1) 1 y this mortgage. Failure on.the part. (if tilt, Nlortgagor to fuhlish such rvilewals <br />as, are herein requi red or failure to pay any sunis advanced hereunder shall, at ill(' option of tile 1%lortgaget" constitute a default <br />under the ternis of this mortgage. The deliver.y of such policies Shall. ill ill(- event of defallit. constitute all assignment (if tilt' I , in - <br />earned proniiiiiii. <br />Any surns recek;ed bY the '\Iortgagee by reason of loss or daniage insured ;u;ainst, inav he retailic(l h%, t1w NIor1;g;1;1(.(. <br />and applied toward ill(, payment of tile debt hereby. secured, or, at. the optiiiii of the Nlortgage(,, orin <br />part ina ' v Iw paid over to ill(., Nlortgagor if) be used to repair such buildings of- to build'new buildings in their place or for a7w, <br />other purpose or object satisfactor ' v to the Nlortgagee, without affecting ill(' lien oil tilt' mortgage to[- ill(- full aniount sccured here. <br />I)v before such payment ever took place. <br />To promptly repair, restore of- rebuild anY building -s or iniprovenient-,� now or hereafter oil the pronlises which nia ' v - he - <br />come, daninged o . r destroYvd: to keep said preniisv� in good condition and repair and free from anY nlec) in it ic's lien orother lien or <br />chaini of lien not expressly subordinated to (lie lien hereof: not to stiffer or perinif any unlawful use of or anv nuisance t-) exist'oll <br />said property nor to permit waste oil said Premises, not- to (to in\, other ,let. whereby the property hereby con'veved shall become <br />les'. v�jljl, <br />abl -aluu, bN any let or omission to act: to conip1%, with all requirements of law with respect <br />e. nor to diminish or inipair its %. <br />to the niortgage(f prernises and the use thereof. <br />That should the 1) * reinises or ;ill.\- part thereof be taken of- daniaged by 'reason of anY public improvement or condrinnaiion <br />proceeding, or under tilt- right of enlinent domain, or in any other manner. tit(- Nfortgagee shall he entitled to."111 colllpensatioll.�, <br />awards, and any -other payment or relief therefor, and shall be entitled, at. its, oI)tioll, to conlillence. appear in and-prosectile in its <br />own name tiny action or proceeding. or it) make 11111Y compromise or settlement. in connection With such taking or dainage. ,%If such <br />compensation, awards, daniages. right of actioli �ind proceeds Lre hereby a.,�signcrl to the 1%lortgague. who nia.y. after deducling <br />therefrom all it.�, expenses, release any moneys so 'received by it. or apply the -.�aflle oil ;Illv initehiednes.,z secured here1w. The NI o'rt- <br />gagor agrees to' executo such forther assignmeli I ts"of any compensation. and rights of action and proveods as 'file <br />Nlortgagev may',require. <br />That in,case of Tailure to perforin any of tit(, covenants herein. the Nlortgagee may do oil ille %Iorfgagor*s behalf everYthing <br />so covenanted;'that the Nlortgagve may also do -any act it. may deeni necessarY it) protect, ill(! lien thereof; that the Nlortgagor will <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed bY tit(- Nfortgagve for -any of the above purposes, and such inoneYs togetherwith <br />interest thereon at the rate provided in said not(� shall become so much additional indebted ness liereh ' v secured ;tit(] may he I ill- <br />chicled in an * v decree foreclosing this mortgage be paid otit of 111v rents of- *proceeds of sale of said premises if not otherwise. <br />paid; that it sliall not be obligator�' LlI)011 tile Nlortgagee to inquire into ill(- ValiditV of liull. encumbrances. or claim ill ad- <br />vancing monevs as above authorized, but nothing herein contained -;flat] be construed is requiring the <br />Alortgagee to advanct, ally <br />moneys for any such purpose not- to do any ,let, hereunder; all(] that Nlortgagee, shall not incur anY personal liabilit.v.hec­all��,(, ofall.v- <br />filing it. may (to or ornit to do hereunder. <br />Ill tile event of tile default I)v IN'lortgagor in the payment of in), installment, as' required bY the INNote secured hereby. of - <br />in the performance of tile obli-gation in this mortgage, or in tilt, note secured thereby, tile Nlortgagee shall lie VotitIC(l to declare (he <br />debt secured hereby due and payable without notice, and ill(- Nlortgagee sliall be entitled at its OPtion, Without notice. either by itself <br />or by a receiver to be appointed by the court thereof. and without regard to tile acle(Itlacy of any securit ' N, for the indebtedness se- <br />CUred hereby, to enter upon and take possession of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive the refits, issues and profits <br />thereof, in([ apply tit(- same, less costs of operation all(] collection, upon the indebtedness secured by this n)ortgage; said rents, <br />isL,;ues and profts, being hereby assigned to tile INIortgagee as further securitY for tile payinent of all indebtedness secured herebv. <br />The iNfortgagee shall have tile power to appoint, any agent or agents it may desire for the inirpose of repairing said prein- <br />ises: renting the same; collecting ill(! rents. reventies and income, and it May pay olit. of said income all expenses , incurred in rent- <br />ing in(] managing *the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if any. sliall he applied toward thp <br />discharge off the mortgage indebtedncs�4. This assignment is to terminate and beconle mill and void upon release of thismortgage. <br />