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THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME -TO TIME, SECURITY FOR,THE PAYMENT OF- SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS- OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE;MAY FROM 'TIME TO TIME IN- THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO -THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED 13Y THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES, THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE. SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COYENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the.Mortgagor will pay the indebt6chiess as livreinbefore provided. <br />,rhat I ivlortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple anti has good right and lawful authority to'sell and. <br />convey the sarolqn.rid that the same is frecand clear of any lien or encumbrance; anti that Nfortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />title to said prt�mises agamst, the claims of all persons whonisoever., <br />To pay illilliediately Nv*hell due and payable all gencral taxes, special taxes. special assessments, watercharges, sewerserv- <br />ice charges, and other taxes ;in(] charges against said propertY, and all taxes levied oil the debt. sectired hereby, and to furnish f . lie <br />INIortgagee. upori request, with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Nlortgagor agrees that. there shall be added to <br />each morithl * v payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secu'red livreby ,fit aniount, estimated by tile Nlorigagee <br />to be slifficient to enable the lNlortgagee to pay. as they becolliv due, all ta\es. -assessnients, in(] similar charges upon the prem- <br />ist's subject thereto; any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additio . nal payments sh*all be forthwith deposited by the <br />Nlortgagor with.t1w IMortgagee upon denland by tilt! 10ortgagee. ,%fly default under this paragraph shall be deerned ;I default ill <br />I)ayinent of taNVS. aSSV.;SIIIVnts. or similar charges rt�quired hereurider. <br />The Nlortgagor agrees that there shall also Ile added to each Illontilly payment of principal in(] interest required here- <br />under ;fit arnotint, estimated by the Nlortgagee to he sufficient to enahle the i'%Iortgagee to pay. as- it becomes due, , the insurance <br />prenlillill oil any insurance policy delivered to the Nlortgagee. Ali%. deficiencY becaus(� of fit(, insufficiency of such additional pay- <br />ments shall he forthwith delMsited by the. Mortgagor with the Nlirtgagee upoll dvilland by the Nlortgagov. Any default. under this <br />paragraph shall -be devined a default ill tile i'my'nient of insurance premiums. If the policy of- policiesdvposited aresuch as holn'V_ <br />owners or all risk policies. and the deposits ;ire insufficient the entire prerniurn. fit(, Nlortgageo inay apply ill(, deposit to <br />pay preillitillis (n! risks required to he insured by this mortgage. <br />Pa , villonts made by fit(. Nfortgagor under the above paragraphs may. at- the option of the IN'lortgagee. be held by it aild <br />commingled with other stich funds or its own funds for the payment of such itellis. and until ,o applied. such payments aro. hf,reb.% <br />lAvd9vd as sectirity for the impaid balance of the. mortgage indebtedness. <br />To proctire, deliver to. and maintain for tilt, bent -fit. of flit- Nfortgagee di.iring the ]if(- of this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals thereof, delivered at least tell daYs before tile. expiration of ,lily such policies. insuring against, fire in(] other insurable <br />hazards. casualties. and contingencies as the �Nlortgagec may require, in all alliollot e(illat to tile indebtedness secured hY this <br />Nlorigage. and in companies acceptable to the Nlortgagev, with loss payable clalls,v in favorofand in form acceptable to the iNlortga� <br />.gee. In the evelit ally policy is not. renewed oil or before ten days of its expiration. the Nlartgagee inay procure i <br />nsurance oil fit(! <br />improvements. p;iy fit(- premium thert'!for, anti such sum shall becoine, inimedia . iely dile anti payable with iniviest. at the rate set <br />forth in said note 'tinfil paid and shall be secured 6Y this mortgage. Failure of i -the part of the Nlortgagor to fn*rpish suvh renvwaIs <br />as are hervin required or failure to pay any sunis,advariced heretindtir sliall. af -the option of fit(' IvIortgagov, constifille a default <br />under fill, ternis.of this mortgage. 'I'll(, d(diverY of-.sijt-li policies shall, in Ille ('%.'elit of default. constitute all assignment of tilt' ull- <br />varned prernitini. <br />Anv sums I I <br />received I)% fit(, iNlortgaget, I?Y reason of loss or damage ipsured against. ina" be retained by the Nlortgagve <br />and applied toN%,,ard the payment of ' the debt hereby ,wctired. of-. at the option of the Nlortgagee, such sunis vither wholk, or in <br />part maY he paid 'over to the INIortgagor to be used to repair such buildings or to build new buildings in their place or for ally <br />otht-r purpose or object satisfactory to the Nlortgagve without affecting the lien oil the mortgage foi- fit(, fill] amount sectired here- <br />hv hefore such payment ever took- place. <br />To promptly repair, restore or rebuild all ' N' buildings ill- iniprovenivrits no\%* or liereafler oil the prernises which Ina ' v be- <br />conle dalliagvd or destroYed: to keep said promises in good'condition ;fit([ repair and free from ,lily mechanic's lien or otil-,-r lien or <br />claim of lien not (,.\I)r(,ssl ' v subordinated to the lien hervol'; not to suffer or perinit all\. tullawful Its(' of or all.N. Inlis"Ince to exist oil <br />said property nor to perlilit wastv oil said premises, nor to (to any other act wheroby the properfY hereby volive ' ved shall hpco;Ilv <br />less valuable. nor to dinlinish or impair it., \,;fill(, by any act (or omission to Net: to comply with all requirements of law with rpsp, <br />ect. <br />to the mortgaged premisos and tile use thereof. <br />That should t1w premises or anY part thereof be taken or darnaged 1) * v reason of in ' v public iniproveni(,lif or condellillati,on <br />proceeding, or under flit, right of eminent domain, or in ;Illy other manner, the Nlortgagve shall be entitled to all- collipelisatiolls, <br />awards, ,in(] any other payment or relief therefor. and shall be entitled, at, its option, to commence. appear in and prosectite ill its <br />own name any action or proceeding, or to make lily compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or damage. All such <br />c6nipensation, awards, daniages. right of actioll ;In(] proceeds art, herehy as.-�ignvcl to the Alortgagee. who mav, after deducting <br />therefrom all its expenses, release any money., so received bY it or apply the sarne oil ;illy indebtedness secured liereby.The Nlort- <br />gagor agrees to execute such further assignments of any compensation. awards. damages. and rightsofaction ,Illfl proceedsas the <br />1%lortgaget- may require.. <br />That in case of failure to perform any of the covenants herein, flit, Alortgagee may do oil the iklortgagor's behalf everYthing <br />1;0 C"venalited; that the lNlortgagee may also do lily ;let, it, may dvern necessary to protect the livi thereof; that fliv Nlortgagor %%',ill <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or dishursed bY the Nlortgagee for ;illy of fill, above purposes. ;in(] such moneys together with <br />interest. thereon at the rate provided in said note shall hecome so much additional indeh1vdne.,;s hereby secured and may he in- <br />cluded in illy decree foreclosing this mortgage and Ile paid out, of Ow rents or proceeds of sale of said premises if not otherwise <br />paid; that it, shall. not he Phligatory upon the Nlortgagep to inquire into the validity of in ' v liell. eliclimbrances. or clailli ill ad- <br />valicing Illoneys :is above authorized, but nothing hervin contained ,;hall he construed ;is requiring.the ivIortgagev to advance ally <br />moneys for any such purpose nor to do any let hereunder: and that IN'lortgagee shall not inctir ;in.\. personal liabilitY 1weatuseofall.v- <br />thin, it may do or oinit to do hereunder. <br />III flit-. event of the-dofault by iNfortgagor ' in the payment of any installment. as rt-quired by fill- Note secured hereby, or <br />in the performance of the obligation in this mortg,�gv or in the note secured theroby, tho Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare tile <br />debt secured hereby due and payable without notice, and the Nlortgagee shall b'': <br />' e entitled at its OPtion. Without notice, vither by -itself <br />or by I rvceivc� to he appointed by the court thereof, and without regard to the'adequacy of ,lily security for tile ill(lehtedliess se - <br />clued hereby. to enter upon and take possession bf the mortgaged prenlis", anti to collect and receive the I'Vilts . , issues and profits <br />thereof, and ap'Ply ' fit(! same, less costs of operation and collcctioll, upoll the indebt.edness secured by this mortgage: said rents, <br />issues and profits being herehy assigned to the MortgagOe'aS fl-irther security for - tile PaYmOnt of all i fill ebt ed secured hereby. <br />The Nlo'rtgagve shall have ill(! power to appoint, any agent. or agent.,; it.'rilay desire for tile purpose of repairing said prem- <br />ises: rentill" tile same: collecting the rents. revenues and incOnle, and it may Pay 0'It, of Slid income all exi)ellses incurred ill rent- <br />ing and managing the same. and of collecting t.lie rentals therefrom. The halance remaining. if ally, shall he applied toward the <br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment. is to terminate and become null and void upon release of this mortgage. <br />