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THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITYTOR ' THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE -MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE.MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDE13TEDNESS SECURED 13Y THIS MORTGAGE SHALL 'NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENTOF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY'ADVANCES THAT MAY BE- MADE <br />.TO PROTECT -THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Nlortgagor will pay tile indehtedness I.,; herehibefore provided. <br />,riiat: tire Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell mid <br />convey tile same and that the sarne is free ,in(] clear of any lien or encti mbra rice; and that Nlortgagor will warrant and defend tile <br />title to said premises against, file clainis of all persons whomsoever. <br />To pay'ininiediateIy when due mid payable all general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, watereliarges, sewerserv- <br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against' said propert * v, all([ all taxes levied oil the debt. secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />gagee, upon 'request, with the original or duplicate <br />lvlortg, receipts therefor. The Nlortgagor agrees that there shall he added to <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of deht secured hereby in aniountestiniated by tile 'NIortgagee <br />to be , enable the Nlortgagee to pay, as flieV becoille (tile, all taxes. assessments, and similar charges upon the prem- <br />ises subject thvr*eto; ally deficiency because of the insufficiency. of such additional payments sliall lie forthwith deposited by . the <br />Nlortgagor with thv Nlortgagee upon demand 1) , v the Nlortga-gev. Any default under this paragraph shall lie devined I default in <br />PaYll'Out of assessnients. or similar charges required hereunder. <br />'I'll(, Mortgagor agrees that there shall also lie added to each nionth1v payment of principal in(] interest required here- <br />under an aniount, estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Nlortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium oil ;lily insurance policy delivered to the Nfortgagee. Any defiCielICV I)PCIIIISO Of ill(, insufficiency Of .4LIC11 additional imy- <br />nivnts shall be forthwith deposited by the Nlortgagor with the Mortgagee upon (jeniand I)v the Nfortgagee. Anv default. under this <br />paragraph shall, be deellied a default in tile payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposit . ed are such is home- <br />ownors or all risk policies, and tile deposits are insufficient. to pay the entire premium, the Nfortgagee may apply the (loposit to <br />pay premiums On risks required to lie insur(ql by 'this mortgage. <br />Ila ' yments made by the Nlortgagor under. the above paragraphs may, ;at fliv option of the Nlortgagev, be held I)v it. 'and <br />commingled w.ith other such funds or its Own funds for the paymelit of such items, and until so applied, such payments Ire hereby <br />pledged as securitv for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness. <br />To procure, deliver to, and maintain for.the benefit of the NIorIgag(;(, during the life (if this mortgage.original policies -and <br />renewals thereof, delivered at least tell daYs befo ' re the expiration of anv such' policies, insuring against. fire and other insurable <br />liazilirds. ca-malties, and contingencies as the INTortgagee may require. in ,in anIOUlit, e(JU-11 to tile indebtedness secured by this <br />Nl(;rtgage, and incompariies acceptable to tile Mortgagee, with loss payable clause in favor of and ill forni acceptable to tile Alortga- <br />gee. Ill the event Illy policy is not renewed Oil or before tell days of its expiration. the INjortgagee may procure insurance oiv flip <br />improvements, pay the premium therefor. and such ,;run shall beconle inlruediatCIN, dile nild payable with interest at the rate set <br />forth in said note until paid and Shall be secured by this mortgage. Failure oil the part of the Nlortgagor to furnish such renewals <br />as are hvr(�hi required or failure to pay any surns advanced heroun(ler sliall, at the option Of the 1%,jortgagee, colislitute a default <br />under t1w terms of this mortgage. The deliverY of such policie.,; shall, in fit(, event of defallit, constitute an assignment of themn- <br />varried premium. <br />Any sunis Jeceived by tile Nlortgagee bY reason of loss or dalliage inlmred against. , may be retain(,(] 1) , \1 tile 'Mortgagee <br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or.. at tile option of the Nlortgagee. ,;rich sunis eitherwholly or in <br />part. Ina ' v I)v paid over to the 10ortgagor to he used to repair such buildings or to build new buil(lings in their place or for illy <br />other purpose or ohiect satisfactory to the N-lortgagev without affecting the lien oil the mortgage for fit(, full aniount sectired li(-r(-- <br />bY before such p'aynient ever took place. <br />TO promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements no\\, or hereafter oil the promises which IllaV'hp- <br />coniv damaged or flestroYed; to keep said prernis�,s in good'vondition and repair and free from ally mechanic's lien orother li*vil Or <br />claini of lien not v.xpressl.v subordinated to the lien livreof: not to stiffer or peril-l'it any unlawful list, of or any nuisance to exist on <br />said property nor to permit waste oil said premises, nor to (to ;in\, other aet whereby fit(, property hereby conve'ved ,;hall become <br />less valuable. no� to diminish or impair its value by ally aet Or onlissioll to let:. to complY with all requirements of I.,j\v with 'respect <br />to the mortgaged premises and the lisp thereof, <br />That should the premises or air\, part thereof he taken or damaged by -reason of ,in.\ public iniprovenit : �nt or condenination <br />pro-eeding. or under the right of eminent domain, or in ;lily other manner, the Mortgagee shall he entilled to all corn pe nsa t ions. <br />awar(ls, and lily other payment or relief therefor, and shall be entitled, at. its"optioll, to coninience, appear in and prosecute ill its <br />nallie any � lie -eeding. or to make illy compromise or settivinplit in connection with such taking'or damage. All such <br />QWTI . tion or 1)ro( <br />compensation, awards, damages, right of action and proceeds are hervb3' as;signed to the Nlortgagee, who may. after dedt'icting <br />therefrom all its expenses, release any moneys so rece ived bY it or apply the sapie oil any indebtedness secured hereby. The Nlort- <br />gagor agrees to execute such further assignments of arly compensation. awards. (Amnages. and rights ofaction Mid proceedsasAlle <br />Nlortgagee may requirt'. <br />That in case of failure to perform any of the covenants herein, fit(' IN'lortgaget, may (to oil fit(' Nlortgagor's behalf everYthing <br />so coverianted: that the Nlortgagee may also (to lily ,let. it may deeni necessary to protect the lien thereof: that the Nlortgagor will <br />repay upon demand any nioncys paid or dishursod by the NI ortgagee for any of the ahove purposes. aw I such moneys together %k1ith <br />interest. thereon at the rate provided in said note sliall beCO'lle So 11111C), lidditional indebtedness hvrebY secured and may be in- <br />cluded in any decree, foreclosing this mortgage and lie paid out. of ill(, rents or' proceeds of sale of sai(I premises if not Otherwise <br />paid: that, it shall not he obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validitv of aliv lien, encurnbrane's. or clailil'in a(l- <br />e <br />vancing moneys asabove authorized. but nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring. the Nlortgagev to advance any <br />nioneys for any such purpose nor to do any let hereunder; and (hat. Mortgagee shall not incur any personal lillbility hecauseofany- <br />thing it may (to or ornit to do hereunder. <br />. In tile 'event of the default by Mortgagor in the payment of any installment, as required by the Not(, secured hereby. or <br />in the performance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the note secured thereby, tile ivIortgagee shall be entitled to declare the <br />debt secured hereby (ill(- and payable without notice, in(] the 'Nlortgagee shall lie entitle(I at, its Option, Nvithout notice, either by* itself <br />or by I receivLr to Ire appointed by the court thereof, in(] without regard to tile adequacy of any security for the indebtednessse- <br />cured hereby. to enter upon all(] take po.1;sessioll of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive the rents, issues and profits <br />thereof, and_apply the sarne, less costs of operation and collection. upoll the indebtedness secure(] by this mortgage: said rents, <br />issues and pirofits being hereby assigned to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of all illdeble(juess secured ll(!rel)v. <br />The Nlortgagee sliall have' the power to appoint any agent, 'or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said prem- <br />ises: rerifing fit(- same: collecting the rents. revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent- <br />ing and managing the same and of co�llecting the rentals therefroni. The balance remaining, if ;lily, shall lie al)plied toward tile <br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to terminate and become null and void upon rel(�.i,;i-oftlii.,;niortgige.. <br />