<br />'I'll(- Nlort�agve may collect I "late cllarg(�" not to exceed FiVe Cents' (5c) for each dollar ($1.00) ot"each total "'()"tlllv
<br />payment niore.thal , 1 15 days in arrears to covvr lhi� extra expense ill�lolVfql ill Ilandling delill(1110111,aCCOLIT'ItS.
<br />All pz!�Imvnts made under Ill(- provisions of this inortgage or tile not(., li,erjeb.%, secured. which may he construed' as interest.
<br />shall ilot, in the �iggregate over the Ierrn thereof, ;Vxceed the . rate that may now he lawf.011y contracted for in writing.
<br />this mortgage. the INTortgagee, it.,; repr"entatives or assigns,
<br />Itjs further agreed that in cast- in% suiC is hegull.to fortclo." all
<br />shall at once be 'entitled to tile possession of said premises. and upon applica I tipn therefor, tile court in whi.cli such action gli,
<br />be brought or any . judge of suth court. vither in term time or vacation. is liereh,y authorized to appoint a receiver to take posseS.
<br />sion of said premises, or to collect the rents therefrom, and to (to and perform such other acts as may be required by tile order
<br />of the court niah-hig tile appointment; and said INI(hrtgagor hereby waives any notice of such aPPliVatioll. and c0nu:ellts to tile ap:
<br />pointnient of a receiver upon the production of this mortgage. without other evidence.
<br />The iklortgagec shall he subrogated to all of the rights, privileges. priorities. an([ equiti" of any lienholder who�;e.livn ma.%
<br />have heen dischiii-ged from the proceeds of tlii,4 loan, or hy any fluids lierehy paid or furnished by the INforigagee.
<br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED that if the 7%lortgagor sliall sell, convey or alienate said property, or any part thereof,
<br />or any interest therein, or sliall he divested of liis.titl(- or any interest. therein in any manner or way. whether voluntarily or
<br />involun'tarily, without written consent of the 1\1ortgagee being first had and obtained. NNIortgigee sliall have the right, at its option,
<br />to declare any indebtedness or obligations secured ' hereby, irrespective of the maturity date specified in any note evidencing tile
<br />same, immediately due and payable without notice, and said debt shall thereupon becoine ab�;olutv. if the ownership of the mort-
<br />gaged property becomes vested in a person other than tile N,Iortgagor, the 3%,lortgalev may, without notice to ill(, 7%lort.-agor, deal.
<br />with such successor or Successors in interest witli-reference to this mort.-age and the debt hereby secured as wit4i tile lvlort,gagor,
<br />and may forbear'tr') sue or may extend time for tile pa.yment of the debt hereby secured without discharging or in any way affecting
<br />the liabilitV of tile original 1%,lortgagor hereunder or upon the deht serured.
<br />In this instrument tile singular includes the plural and the masculine includes the feminine and the nouter and this in-
<br />struni.viit shall.he binding upon the undersigned. his heirs, persomil representati\;es, successors and assigns.
<br />INT WITNESS NVI-IEI?I--1OF, we have liertliinto set our hands and seal, the daY and year first. above written.
<br />In the presence of:
<br />As To David 14. W entzell:-M�)VL
<br />. ........... .......
<br />David M. Wentzell
<br />As to t1lin 1-1.'We-ntzell-.---
<br />inM.WAtzell
<br />Hall .................. Colultv,
<br />Oil this ........... ....... day of ... .. . ...... 19.75. INfore me. the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said
<br />David M. Wentzell MM; .. ... ....
<br />County, personally:canie .... ........... . .......... .......... ..... . ................ ........ ....... - ................ ......... — ..................... .................... .
<br />personally known to me to be the identical I)ersons whose names are affixed to tile above and foregoing instrument. as ill . ortgago:rs.
<br />and each ck-nowledged said instrument to be his or lier N,oluntar�y act and deed.
<br />a
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />Wiiness'rr�N- hand and notarial seal at ................ ... .... .......... ..................... ......................... ......... .. .... ...... ........
<br />tile (late last above written.
<br />"0A E
<br />... ........
<br />.... ..... . ...... . .
<br />?IOTAKT.. . ...... Notary Public.
<br />CojAVAISS101'
<br />CS
<br />.... MIR
<br />My commission expires ...... ......
<br />01
<br />'IZ (1)
<br />OF
<br />HIND Co.. Nr,�ULM' MINN
<br />. ......... ---- - -----------------
<br />n4i hi
<br />of..� ........... Y.9 ...........................
<br />ember7 ........... 1. D. before 7)2,6,
<br />.....................
<br />On'this .............. �:q ..........
<br />.................... day of --------- �Pt
<br />a Notary Public ....................... within a7td for said
<br />..... ........... tz
<br />Elf
<br />County &7Ld 9tatc, personally appeared .................................................. I ... . ..................... .........................................
<br />to Me k7101V7b to be the same persM
<br />described 7 in'. a71d who executed the forc.doind btStrU71167tt, a74 ack7lowled6ed that s he executed
<br />the same as ...... ......... free act an.d deed. A
<br />IN 0
<br />"* y
<br />9M jt'�91 198,
<br />MY Cammhslian bq*% June 9, 1981
<br />7 ....
<br />one
<br />L-(T-A'tky.= .... -------------------
<br />.Votary Public ...... k�aPdiy.qhi ------ .................... C071,7bty, —Ai gp�tq .......
<br />.Xy COMPTiSSIOn- expires -------------------------------------------------- 19
<br />Fho-n-e-'762-2160 Phone 384-4433
<br />