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<br />200106695
<br />John R. Brownell, Attorney at Law, Personal Representative of the Robert M. Rockford
<br />Estate, being first duly and separately sworn each for himself, deposes and says:
<br />That he is the same party who is the Personal Representative of the Robert M. Rockford
<br />Estate, and made, executed and delivered a certain deed to Commercial Federal Mortgage
<br />Corporation, it's successors and assigns, as Grantee, dated - -u►-&- 2-2— 2001,
<br />conveying the following described property, to wit:
<br />Lot 9, Block 69, Wheeler and Bennetts Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />That the aforesaid deed was an absolute conveyance of the title to said premises of the
<br />grantee named therein in effect as well as in form, and was not and is not now intended as a deed
<br />of trust, trust conveyance, or security of any kind, and that possession of said premises has been
<br />surrendered to the said grantee; that the consideration in the aforesaid deed was and is payment to
<br />deponents of the sum of $1.00 and other valuable consideration by the grantee named therein,
<br />receipt for which is hereby acknowledged, together with the full cancellation of all debts,
<br />obligations, costs and charges heretofore existing under and by virtue of the terms of a certain
<br />deed of trust heretofore existing on the property therein and heretinbefore described, executed by
<br />Robert M. Rockford, a single person, as Truster, dated June 8, 1994 and fled as Instrument No.
<br />94- 104876, of the records of the Register of Deeds of Hail County, State of Nebraska; and the
<br />cancellation of record by said grantee of said Deed of Trust, and the delivery of this afftant of the
<br />Note or other evidence of debt secured by said Deed of Trust, duly canceled, receipt of which
<br />said canceled Note is hereby acknowledged.
<br />That the aforesaid deed and conveyance was made by these deponents as the result of
<br />their request that the Grantee accept such deed and was their free and voluntary act; that at the
<br />time of making said deed these deponents felt and still feel that the Deed of Trust indebtedness
<br />above mentioned represented a fair value of the property so deeded; that said deed was not given
<br />as a preference against any other creditors of the deponents or either of them, that at the time it
<br />was given there was no other person or persons, firms or corporations, other than the grantee
<br />therein named interested, either directly or indirectly, in said premises; that these deponents are
<br />Solvent and havello other creditors whose rights would be prejudiced by such conveyance, and
<br />that deponents are not obligated upon any bond or other mortgage whereby any lien has been
<br />created or exists against the premises described in said deed; and that deponents in offering to
<br />execute the aforesaid deed to the Grantee therein, and in executing same, were not acting under
<br />any misapprehension as to the effect thereof, nor any duress, undue influence or
<br />misrepresentation by the grantee or the agent or attorney of the Grantee in said deed, and that it
<br />was the intention of these deponents as Grantors in said deed to convey and by said deed these
<br />deponents did convey to the grantee therein all their right, title, and interest absolutely in and to
<br />the premises described in said deed.
<br />This affidavit is made for the protection and benefit of the aforesaid grantee in said decd,
<br />his successors and assigns, and all other parties hereafter dealing with or who may acquire an
<br />interest in the property described there, and particularly for the benefit of the Secretary of
<br />Veterans Affairs, and shall bind the respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the
<br />undersigned.
<br />Subscribed and sworn to me this
<br />GENERAL NOTARY -State at Nebraska
<br />NY Comm. Exp. Juiy 31,
<br />R. Brownell, Attorney at LAw, Personal
<br />sentative of the Robert M. Rockford Estate
<br />Jug
<br />y of# , 2001.
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