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0.09804. <br />THE,MORTGAIGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That' tile Mort-,agor will pay the indebtedness as heroillbefore providid. <br />'I'llat. fit(!' Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and hit.,; good right and kiwful authority to sell and <br />:collveY thv, Same and that the sanie is free and clear of all), fien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor Nvill warrant and defend the <br />title to said premises against fit(! claims of all 'pers'ons whomsoever. <br />TO 1jay immediately whell due and payable all general taxes. special faxes, special assessments, water charges, sv%ver serv- <br />ice charges, ej)d other taxes and charges again, ;t Said property, and all taxes levied oil tile debt. sectired hereby. ;ill(] to furnish fit( - <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or'duplicate receipts therefor. The INfortgagor agrees that there ,;hall he added to <br />(-.tell monthly. 1mynient required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured herehy in arnount. "tirnated by the Mort, igee* <br />to he sufficient to enable tho 1%,lortgagee to 1)ay, as they become due, all taxes. assessnients, and similar charges upon ill(' preln- <br />ises subject. thereto; ally deficielic - v becaltse of tile instifficiency of such additional payments shall be forthwith deposited by fit(- <br />'iMortgagor wit.1i the 11\4ortgagee I <br />upon demand hN 'the IMortgagee. Any defaidt. under this paragraph shall he deemed a default in <br />payllient of tax(*,S: assessinents. or Similar charges required herelinder. <br />The Mortgagor wrevs that. there sliall also be added to each lllollth]N� payment of lYrincipal and interest rcquired here- <br />under ;in aniount estimated 1) ' v the Mortgagee to he sufficient to vnahl(� the Nlortgagef� tq pay'! -is it hecolues (Ille. ill(, insuralic(", <br />prenlitini oil ,lily insurance policy delivered to ill(! Mortgagee. Ali,., deficiencY because of fit(' ii1sufficiency of such additional paN- <br />1110lits shall he forthwith deposited by the N-1ortgagor xvidi the Mortgagee upon demand bY the iMortgagee. Any default, under this <br />paragraph ,;hall he devilled a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policY or policiesdeposited arestich ashollie- <br />owners or all risk imlicies. and the deposits are insufficient to pay tile entire preinitim. the ',%Iortgagev may ;wr)ly� the dei -silt to <br />pay preiniuniS oil risks required to be iii.�urod by this niortgae. <br />Pa , villeills Illade by fit(' Mortgagor under fit(- allow paragraphs may. at the option of the INfort gapee, be held by it and <br />C0111111ingled with other Such funds or its own funds for the payment Of Such items, and until so applied, such payment., are horvbY <br />pled�ed as security for the unpaid balance of the <br />To yrt;curo, deliver to, and maintain for tile hellefit of. fit(- Alortgagee during tile life of this illortgage original policivs and <br />renewal., thereof, delivered at least tell daY" before tile expiration of ally Such policies, inSUrin, against fixe and other insurable <br />hazards. c;v.dalties, and confingencies as tile 10ortgagee illay require. ill all alliount equal to tile indebtedness secured by this <br />,Mortgago. :plil in companies acceptable to the Mortgagee, with loss payable clause in favor ofand in form acc6ptahle to,the Nlortga- <br />gee. Ill ill(' ('"ont any policy i, not renewed oil Or before fell days of its expiration. ill(, Morl,,a,,ve may procure insuranceon fit(! <br />iniprovenlents.' pay ill(- prenihini ffierefo�. atid such stun Shall become iinniedllatelV f1110 and jKlyable With illffl�r(!St, all the rate sot <br />forth ill sai( ' Filot(- until paid art(] Shall be se�ured 1) * v this mortgage. Failurvoil fit(! part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals <br />it., itre herein �equired or failure to pay any Stijus adviinced her"under Shall, a -t the option of the I%Jortgagev, Constitute a default <br />under fit(- tei- 16,; of this niort.,age. The deliverY of Such policies sliall. ill fit(' e.vellt Of default, constitute all assiglillient of the::1111- <br />.ent-nud preplillip. <br />A i,y ,46rns r,veivod toy the Nlortgave 1) , v rva.�oji of lo.w.q Pr diima'9'e insured against. IllaY ll(� wtaint-d It.%, flit, Mort!_,a�,,ve <br />and applied. toward file payluent of tile debt. herebY Secured, or: at the y0fion of the Mortgagee, such stillis either wholl,v or in <br />I)art nia ' v be, Imid over to fit(- Mort._­agor to be uSed to repair Such or to build new buildins in their place or for'any <br />other purpo.�e or.object, salifactory to the' %M'or(gagve without affecting tht-Jit-11 oil the mortga'go for.the full! ainount Secured herc- <br />by before su(-li paymew ever took place. <br />T(k promptly repair, resto-re or rohuil( I all v buildill"s mr inwrovem : ents now or her(-aller oil dw preniisv� which may bo - <br />come dania--6-ft or destroved: to keep Said premises ill good condition ;jnd relmir in(] free from any inechanic's lien or other lien or <br />claim of lien not expressly suhordinated to tile lien livreof: not to suffer or perinit anY unlay.,ful it,,(- of or an - v nuisance to exist oti <br />said property nor to permit waste oil Said preinises, nor to do any o1her act-whi-reby the, property hereby colivi-Yed ;hall becolne <br />less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by ally let or oplision to act: to coini)lY with zill requirements of law with respect <br />to the niortgagvtl preinises and ill(, its(, thereof. <br />That s hould fit(, premises or in.\, part thereof be taken or dan1a,,,ed'bY re.*iz,,oji of anY improvement or condern nil't ion <br />proceeding. or under the right of eminent dornain, or in in\, other nialiner. the Mortgagoo shall he entitled to all compensations, <br />awards, and an.y.othor payment or relief therefor. and sliall he entitled. at its option. to commence, am)ear in and prosecute iii its <br />()'\Vll name any -,,let ion or proceeding, or to make any coniprornise or set tlell:lellt in connection with such laking or dalliage. All �llch <br />com pelisa t ion. awo ' rds, dainages. right of ae tion and 1)roceeds are hereby assigned to fit(, 'Mortgagee, who nilly. after dedlic tifir, <br />therefrom all its expenses, release any moneys so received fi.v it or appl.v the samo, oil ;lily i n(lel)t ett ness Secured herebY.The IM ' ort- <br />­avor arees to executt, �iicli further assignments of nny conii)ensntion. awards, (Inniages, it (I rights if action an'd prccveds ns-ihu <br />it I <br />Mortgagee may re(JUire. <br />.flat in case of failure to perforni any of the covenants herein, tile, IN,Tortgagee may (to on tile Mortgagor's behalf ev,;,�rY. <br />thing'so covenanted; that the 'IMortgagee may also (to my act it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereof; that the IVIOrf- <br />gagor will repay upon demand illy moneys paid or disbursed , by the Mortgagee for any of the above litirposes, and quell money.,; <br />together with interest thereon at the rate provided in said note shalt become so much additional indebtedness hereby secured and <br />may he included in illy decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of the rents or proceeds of sale of said prcrnises-if:liot <br />otherwise paid; and that Mortgagee shall'not incur any personal liabili.tY because of anything it may do or:oniit todobereullf,ler. <br />Ill tile evv�llt of fit(. default. 1) <br />.N. Mortgagor in the payment of in-, installment. as required by fhV.'.N0tL' sectired hereby, or <br />in the performance of,ille obligalion in this mortgage or ill fit(, nott, secure(I thereby. -the �Mortgagee shall-be.vrifiti,d to dvclare�fhe <br />debt. sectired herel) ' v (tile in(] payable without ' notice, and the 'Mortgaigee shall he entitled at its option, without notice, vi , ther by itself . <br />or by it recei�,er to be appointed by the court. thereof, ;in(] witholl t. rvgard to* the adequacy (if any Security for .1he i lidebt edness se - <br />Cured hereby. to enter upon in([ take J)OSSCSSi011 Of flIC Mortgaged J)renlises,-alld to collect and receive tile i-elits, issu(�s and profits <br />thereof, and apply the Same, less costs of operation and collection, upon t - It(- indebtedness Secured by I this mortgage; Said rents. <br />issues and profits being lierel)v assigned to tilt! Mortgagee as, further security for the paynient of all hjdvhtu(hj(�ss sectired hervbv. <br />The iMortgagee ,;hall have tile power to appoint, ;lily agent, or it may desire for the purpose of repairing Said preiri- <br />ises� renting flie same: collecting the rents , revenue.,; and income, and it may pay out of said income all exp6nses inctirred in rent- <br />ing and Managing tile same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining. if any, sliall be applied toward the <br />discharge. Of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to terrilinate and 1jecome null and void upon release of this mo -it <br />ge <br />The Mortgagee may collect a "late charge- not to exceed Five (;ents (.5c) for each dollar ($1.00)- of each total monthly <br />PaYnIent -niore than 15 days in arrears lo cover flit- extra experise involved in handling d0lill(IL)011t aCCOUlItS. <br />