<br />LEGEND
<br />• - IaAire /es %r'Pon Pipe Fesed Us /ess 0/1errise Noted
<br />-/ediceles Vi Vroo Pipe Pleced Uo /ess Otherrise opted
<br />A - /od /co /es 4MML Dis/eoce
<br />R � /oAlce /erRfCORDEDOislsece
<br />P - lodieo /es PRORATED Disloece
<br />Clerk
<br />�Xf.. Cer. Lo/ wit \it
<br />o I°
<br />B/rr/yMi E$ttl"
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<br />N, Y. Cot. Blt. l3, Pleose11
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<br />Hole Sob / /r /siao
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<br />®fir/ /ctrl/
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<br />Le? P, lot!
<br />d f t !
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<br />LEGEND
<br />• - IaAire /es %r'Pon Pipe Fesed Us /ess 0/1errise Noted
<br />-/ediceles Vi Vroo Pipe Pleced Uo /ess Otherrise opted
<br />A - /od /co /es 4MML Dis/eoce
<br />R � /oAlce /erRfCORDEDOislsece
<br />P - lodieo /es PRORATED Disloece
<br />Clerk
<br />�Xf.. Cer. Lo/ wit \it
<br />o I°
<br />B/rr/yMi E$ttl"
<br />SeI.
<br />IF
<br />Bed SeMieii %.
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<br />Lo/ f
<br />Lott
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<br />S. w. Cot. B /r. JJ, P /.oral
<br />Hole Sob / /r /siao
<br />• ,° r
<br />®fir/ /ctrl/
<br />�S.f Co.
<br />Le? P, lot!
<br />d f t !
<br />ey
<br />Sehoo/ 41/111os '
<br />LEGEND
<br />• - IaAire /es %r'Pon Pipe Fesed Us /ess 0/1errise Noted
<br />-/ediceles Vi Vroo Pipe Pleced Uo /ess Otherrise opted
<br />A - /od /co /es 4MML Dis/eoce
<br />R � /oAlce /erRfCORDEDOislsece
<br />P - lodieo /es PRORATED Disloece
<br />S f. Cei. Le/ 1,
<br />NW SeWNW4a
<br />i
<br />-S. F. CO. 1d Z,
<br />eel SWIMAoo
<br />I hereby certify !h#1 oo June 27, 2000, 1 completed on occurate survey of 'PLEASANT
<br />HOME SECOND SUBD /VISION; in the City of Grood /s /ond, Nebraska, as shown oo the
<br />accompe,gMg p /at thereof,- that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons
<br />and a /her grounds as contoined in said subdivision os shown on The accompanying plot
<br />/hereof ore re /l ond occara /e /y slaked off ond matied,- that iron markers wore.ploced of
<br />all lot corners; that the dimensions of each /o/ are as shown on the p/ol; that each /a/
<br />bears its ore number; end that said survey was mode with reference to mown and
<br />recorded monuments.
<br />`S' a49 Ro Roc�Rig. -L ond Surveyor No. 349
<br />ygeO suave
<br />. aoc
<br />Approved ond ocrepled by the Regioao /P /ono %g Commission of Holl County, Grood /stead,
<br />0vod River cod the Villages of A %de, Coiro ond Dop/phoo, Nebrosko.
<br />e W Ama& g,
<br />Chairman —v Data
<br />Approved and accepted by the City of Grand /slant, Nebfeska, /h!s— _day of-
<br />0�
<br />Moy
<br />OF GRAND1
<br />/Seal/ � e�„De4�4a
<br />A'0
<br />HEBRASYr
<br />City
<br />Clerk
<br />a
<br />AA car. 10 4
<br />Bed SeMieii %.
<br />-
<br />-
<br />h
<br />Lott
<br />o
<br />0
<br />i
<br />Z.
<br />v
<br />Loll
<br />ey
<br />S f. Cei. Le/ 1,
<br />NW SeWNW4a
<br />i
<br />-S. F. CO. 1d Z,
<br />eel SWIMAoo
<br />I hereby certify !h#1 oo June 27, 2000, 1 completed on occurate survey of 'PLEASANT
<br />HOME SECOND SUBD /VISION; in the City of Grood /s /ond, Nebraska, as shown oo the
<br />accompe,gMg p /at thereof,- that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons
<br />and a /her grounds as contoined in said subdivision os shown on The accompanying plot
<br />/hereof ore re /l ond occara /e /y slaked off ond matied,- that iron markers wore.ploced of
<br />all lot corners; that the dimensions of each /o/ are as shown on the p/ol; that each /a/
<br />bears its ore number; end that said survey was mode with reference to mown and
<br />recorded monuments.
<br />`S' a49 Ro Roc�Rig. -L ond Surveyor No. 349
<br />ygeO suave
<br />. aoc
<br />Approved ond ocrepled by the Regioao /P /ono %g Commission of Holl County, Grood /stead,
<br />0vod River cod the Villages of A %de, Coiro ond Dop/phoo, Nebrosko.
<br />e W Ama& g,
<br />Chairman —v Data
<br />Approved and accepted by the City of Grand /slant, Nebfeska, /h!s— _day of-
<br />0�
<br />Moy
<br />OF GRAND1
<br />/Seal/ � e�„De4�4a
<br />A'0
<br />HEBRASYr
<br />City
<br />Clerk
<br />A tract of land comprising alt of the South Half 1SVPI of the Wes! lloif fMA of
<br />Block Thirleen 1131, Pleasant Nome Suddlvision, lathe City of Grand is /and,
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning of the southwest corner of so /d Black Thirteen /131; thence running
<br />Inorlherly along /he west line of said Block Thirleen 1131, and the easier /y right of
<br />Nay line of (lope Streel, a distance of Oos N ##died far /y and Thirleen Huodied/hs
<br />1140.13/ feel; thence deflect /ng rlght 9O'.4B l7 'ood runaing easterly a distance of
<br />One Nundred Forty One ondflffy Six Nunorod /hs 1141.561 /eel, to the northresl
<br />corner o/Lo10ne 1//, ®ob SadAlvslon; lbarnaee drllecJ/og r/ghf BB'24'3 / "and
<br />running southerly #too# the oesisrip /doe ofich S007YISIo0, o distance o /One
<br />Hundred Forty end Th /ity One Hundredths 114O. d1/ tool, la the southwest corner of
<br />Lot Two MA Bob Subdivision, end /o a pelpf so the south line v1 said Block .Thirleen
<br />1131; thence deflecting right 91'29'34"aad rano %g westerly along the south line of
<br />said Block Thirteen 113/, a distance of One Hundred Early Too and Sixty Seven
<br />Huadredrhs 1142.4'7/ feet, to Jhe polo! ofheginn/og and cooloining 0.457 acres
<br />more or less.
<br />Nebraska Corporation, he/ng the owner of the land described hereon, has caused
<br />some to be sarreyed, subdivided, platted cod desigoofed os PLEASANT HOME
<br />SECOND SUED /VfS/0N', In the Cily ofGr##d /stand, Nebraska, as shown on the
<br />nccompanying / dot / hereof, and do hereby dedicole the oesemen /s, 11 ony, as shown
<br />!hereon tot the location, constructtoo ond main /enonce of public service alilil /es
<br />forever Together with the right of ingress slid egress thereto, and hereby proh/bllh
<br />tho ploolleg of /toes, bushes ond shrubs, or p/oc /NJ other obs/rac11017s upon, over,
<br />#I00 Of onderneafh the surface of s #ch eosomenls; ood that the foregoing
<br />subdlvisie•o os more particularly described in the descr/pllon hereon as appears on
<br />Misr p/a/is mode Nllh the free consent ond in accordance with the `desltes of the
<br />undersigood owner oodpropriefor.
<br />IN WITNESS W REOF, 1 hore affixed my signature_ hotel# ol_i0MeMA
<br />Nebraska, Ihls�duy o/ qA& 1000.
<br />BETHPHAGE, I#C a No #DProfit Nebrosko Corporelioo
<br />Dr. Dur /d ✓ocox, Presidool
<br />Slate OfNebresko ss
<br />County Ot as
<br />On lhe� —day of JUA4' 2000, before me, LED F Rows, - -
<br />o Notary Publlc within on for said County, personally oppeered DR. DAVID ✓ACOA
<br />Presideof of BETHPHAGE, INC., o Non Prof /1 Nebrosko Carporelloo, la me
<br />personally known /o be the identical person whose s/gnalure is affixed hereto,. and
<br />that he did acknowledge the execution thereof to be his vo /un/ory act and deed, and
<br />Jhe vo /ao /ory ac/ end deed of sold Corporation, and that he was empowered to make
<br />the shove dedication as appears hereon for end to behalf of sold Corporation.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove here#ot# suhscribed my name ood affixed my #ff/r /a
<br />soul at OMAM , Nebraska, so the dale /as/ above wrlJtee.
<br />My Comm /ss /on expires ;E ®rfAWz f .c�v ZOOO.
<br />Q
<br />/Seal/
<br />Notary Public
<br />_ Gf11EWlIgIAAKSYYMRektl�
<br />W Dra W Sgt14700e
<br />c a
<br />0 0
<br />N T
<br />p m O
<br />clo
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