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9 r% I <br />4/ <br />011.1 <br />ixeal Estate Mortgage <br />By This instrument <br />Roger D. Lat4ver and Sylvia Ann Laiqver, husband and �,7ife, each in his <br />and her own right and -as spouse of the othei, <br />of 'the, County of Hall Nebraska <br />-and State of <br />heieinafter called party. of the first part, in consideration *of �32633.24 <br />jhree Thousand Six Hundred Thirty'.Three and -24/100-- DOLLARS, <br />in hand <br />paid, do hereby grant,. bargain, sell and convey.unto the Grand Island Trust <br />Company of Grand Island, Nebraska, -and. its successors and assigns, the following real <br />estate, situatedin Hall County, State of— Nebraska towit: <br />Lot Eight (8) in Block Forty-Sdven (47) in Russel Wheeler's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, 1�ebraska., <br />70gether with all the appp�`tenances thereunto belonging, and all covenants in all 'the <br />'title deeds running with said real estate, and all thel!,r;ents, issues and profits �ri ing <br />is <br />therefrom after default in performance of any covenant . or condition herein contained; <br />and warrants the title ther��to perfect and:clear exceptfor this mortgage. <br />During the time this'm'6rtgage is in force the mortgagors agree: <br />First. To pay all taxes and special assessments levied against said premises, in, <br />I cluding all taxes and assessments levied upon this mortgage, or the :debt secured by <br />this mortgage. <br />Second. To keep all buildings thereon insured against loss by fire, lightning and <br />tornado in some corripany,.�o be approved by the said Grand Island Trust Company <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, in the sum of $ insurable value , for the ben�fit of <br />-the said Trust Company, and its successors or assigns; and to deposit said policie: with <br />s <br />said Trust Company, and shall not commi . t or suffer any waste on said premises, and <br />jshall put and keep said real estate, buildings and improvements in good order. <br />J.t <br />V <br />