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THIS MORT6AGE IS ALSO TO 13F AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT. OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY -FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE �UTURE ADVANCE TO -THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED 'BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNbkD TWENTY ('120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORfGAGE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That ill(-, Mortgagor Nvill pay the liereirthefore provided.. <br />That. the '1%�ortgagor is the owner of Said property in fee simple and bi�s right and lawful authin-ity to Sell aild <br />convey tile ,auto and'that the sarne is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance; 'i <br />nd'fhat, Xfortgagor Nvill warrant ;in(] defend ill(, - <br />title to said premises against the claillis of aII persons whomsoever. <br />To pay ininiediatelv- when (lit(, and payable all general taxes, special taxvs.'special assessments, water charges, Sewer ser : v- <br />ice charges, and oth6r taxes in(] charges against �;a * ill". property, an([ all taxes levied on the debt, s'ectlred hereby. and to furni.,di ill(, <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or duplicite, receipts lherefor. The Mortgagor agrees that. flier(, ,hall he added *to <br />each monthly payrnedt required hereunder or under the evidence of deht, secured. , hereby an amount estimated by flit. Niortgagee <br />to bo sufficient to onable the Mortgagee to pay,� as 1liev become due, all taxes, assessillents, and Similar charge.; upon flit, preni- <br /> �ubject thereto; aity deficiency becaljse� of fit' insufficiency of such additional pa6lients -;hall he forthwith deposited by ille <br />0 <br />Nfortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand 1)3�­ the Xlortgage;,. Ali\, default. under th'is parngiaph shall be devilled a defalill in <br />payment of taxes, issessnients, or similar charges required hereunder. <br />The Nlorigagor agrees that there shall tilso he added to vach monthly payment of principal and interPst rcquired hvr(:_ <br />under ;in amount esti'mated 1) , y the Mortgagee to he sufficient to e;mble tile Nlortgagee to , pay, as it beconles due. ill(' <br />premium oil any insurance policy delivered to th(I Nlortgagee. �ny deficielicy becallse of ill(. inscifficiellev of such-additio <br />nal Jim- <br />nients shall be fortlf\vitli deposited by the Nlortg,,igor with the INIortgagee upon deniand bY the %lortgagee. Any (](,fault under this <br />paragraph shall be devaned a default in the pavillent 6f insuraiic�. premiums. . If I lie. . poliev or policies. dopo.�itvd art, sin -11 llolw­ <br />all risk pt' <br />owners or : )Iici(,s, and fliv deposits are insufficient. fo paj, t1w vritire premium, ill(, Nlorfgng(�(- may appl.% the deposit to <br />w pay prennums oil risks required to be insured by illis niortgnge. <br />15avilients made by flit- Mortgagor midei' the above paragraphs may, at ill(' optioll of' the Moltgagee, be J11,41 I)v it alill <br />commingled With otlier suCh I'Lluds or its ov.,n funds for the pavim',iii of such Herns, ;ind until so anplied, such pay <br />I me.rits horeb.\ <br />pledged ,is security for the unpaid. halauc(, of tlli� mortgage indebtedliess. <br />To procurc�-.lieliver to, and maintain -for! (lie benefit of t Ill- Nlortgagev dm�ii I ill(- life (if this mortgago original policies 'Ilid <br />renewals thereof, deliYered at 1,�ast tell daYs bol'o,ore ill(- expiration of all,.. such pohci(�s, insur'ing against fire mid.other insurable <br />hazards, casualties, a., n d contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in in aino , unt equal to t , lie indebtediws.,; s("C.ured I)v this <br />Mortgage. and in companies accvp�ahle to tho Mdrtgagev, with *Ios�4 payable clallsv-i'I'l favor of and in form acceptahlv�t'o ill(, N' <br />gee, III the event. any policy is not ronewed (in o7r bofore ton dnYS of its expiration,.the Nlorigageo may prorwre instir;mCf-foll the <br />improvenients, pay the premium therefor. and sudi Sulu <br />Shall bec:�1110 itillnediatel", d�lv and payable with interest at ill(- rate set <br />forth in Said note unid paid and ";hall lit, secured' by; this mortga1ire. Failury oil thWI), <br />Irt of the Mortgagor to furniSh such <br />as are herein required (;I- failure to IMY ally herelli%ler -;hall, at fh,�'-ophoji of ill(! Nlortgngee. cmisl'iulto a defall . It <br />under the ternis of this'niortgage. The delivero, of such policies sliall, ill ille event (if defaull, constitute all assi"llment (it Ow 1111- <br />varned pri-inium. <br />Ali i v sunis recoivcd by the Nlorfgagee ItY ntlilisoji of loss or danlag(- ill.,;drud -agairI4 111,1Y he refailled bY if]# - <br />and applied toward , Hot- payment (of ill(- debt he'reby, �ccurvd. or, at the option f.the Nlort!'agi,e, such stillis either wh,dly or in <br />part. Ina * v be paid over to t1w INIorigagor it) 1)(1, ii,�(-d to repair such huilding., or 1,, hilild, new buildings in their plact., or f'or aliv <br />other purpose or object satisfactory to flit, Nlort �'for th- fill] aniount ��(-ctired h( -r(' <br />-ithout affi�ctio.,_, the lien oil flit- morigat,,(, <br />hy Iwfore such payment 4-vor took plac'.. <br />To protnj�tl.y repair, restort, or robuild anY btjiltlin,�- or improvements woiv or hereafter oil the prorni�4(,; <br />come damaged or destro i ved: to keep Said promises in ood condition ind relmir..'ind fr(,(, frorn an , v mccimnie's lien to r o, I i, - . r lien ,,i- <br />clailli of lien not expressly subordinated to flit, Iien livreof: not to �nlfvr or p(;rinit lit\, unlawful m,(! (of )r ;,,I\. to x" <br />1.,;t <br />said property nor to permit wa.;fv oil said prenii.11Ws. nor to .(to anY ofher act when -by . flie propertY hereby cmivvYt!(I sjj;jlI lit�(,olue <br />less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value bY any act. or onlis , "iml to act: to comply with all requil-cini'llt., of' law with rcspe�,t <br />to -the mortgaged pwrnist,s and ill(, its(, thereof. <br />ThaL should tho f)reinises or ;in%- part thereof be t I o. damaged hy reason (if ativ public improveim.-ii <br />j ak( I I t or cond(-11111"Ition <br />proceeding, or under tile right (if villinelit donlaill, or. ill illy other llialult.r. ill(- Nlorigagvo shall he entilk-d to ;dI corllpellsatiolI4 <br />aw�,rds, and any other payment. or relief tlwrvfor.�and shall ho ent : ifled, it, its option.,'to' vornnionce. appear ill :ijl(l pro,�ecutv in its <br />own narne any action- or provec(ling, or to I'll"Ike �an.v compromjs(� (it. settlement in connection with Such talJ11", or damago. -\If su�.h <br />compensation, awards, damages. right of action and proceeds :iro hereby ;.-;sign(-(] ' to- ill(, w1p, Ina v, alier (h,ductilig <br />therefrom all its expenses, release anY moneys so received hY it or apply fit(! saille oil -ally iTldebtwIllc�;.-; socured hert-11Y.T1w Nlorlt- <br />gagor agrees to exectite such further a.L;,;ignments�of illy compensation. awards. darmigeS. and of action and pr(weed's m, ill(- <br />Mortgagi,e may require. <br />That in case of failure to perform lily (if ill(, covenants herein. the \,Iortgagee' may do ()it the %lortgagor's 1whalf t!%,er\ltllijlg <br />so c(Alenalited: that tll(� Mortgagee may also do only act it, may decin necessary to prolvet, ill(- liell thereof: that ill(- Alortga""or will <br />repay upon demand al9r. oloneys paid ()I- disbtirsed by ill(, Allortgagec for any of the nhove purpos",., and such n)oo(,%:.-; together with <br />interest thereon at ill(, rate provided in said notel shall IVC01110 SO, 111LICII additional in(jebt(lilliess horelm, sectired :i'lid nmv be in- <br />cluded in III,., decree foreclosing this,mortgage and he paid out of ill(- rents or proe'Veds (if Sale of Said prernises if not olherwise <br />paid; that it. ,;hall not'ho obligatory upon tile wfortgagee to inquire into ill(, valiclitY of all\� 14-11, oncurnbratic(,s. or'd.jim in <br />V, <br />alu!in, <br />JllolIc3,S 'IS al)( Ve aujjloriy�e(l, hilt ained shall be construed as requiring the N,Iorfg;ig(.(- it) -advallco- Illy <br />not i Ig <br />11 1 � hereiii'cont. <br />moneys for any such purpose not- to do ;in.%, act. hereunder; and that �Nlorfgagee ,;hall not incur ;in.%, personal finkilitY hccall<e of all.v- <br />thing it may do or omi do hereunder. <br />In the event of 'tile defatilt hY Mortgagor in the payment of ;ill ' v installment- as required bY ill(' Nolte seell'I't-d hercbv. or <br />in the, performance of. the obligation in this mortgage orin fliv note SCCLlrod thereby.. ill(, Mortgagev Shall ho entitled* to declart, the <br />debt; secured hereby d6v'and payable without noti(�Ie. and the Nlortgagev shall be ejltitll�d at it, OPtion, -itholit notice. either by ikell <br />or by a receiver to be appointed by fit(! court thercol". andwithout regard to the ado5quacy of any securitY for f1w indol)tedu(Iss Se- <br />cured lierebv. to enter'u'imn and take possession 6f. t fie. mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive the r(�nts; is ties , I I <br />' . s . al ( profits <br />thereof, and apply ill(,' sarne, less cost,; of operation and collection, upon the indebtedness secured bY this rnortgagc�: said rents. <br />issues and profits heing.11&reby assigned to the Nlortgagee as further securitY for tile. payment of all jildebterhiess svclir(�d here1w. <br />'I'll(- INTortgagee ,;hall have. the power to aj�Jipoin Cany agent..or agent.,; it may (I ' esire for the purpose of repairing said orem- <br />ises; renting the same; collecting the rents, revenues and inconle, and it may paY out, of Said income all expenses incurred in'rent- <br />ing and managing the same and of collecting th�- rentals therefrum. The balance remaining, if any. -,;hall he applic(I toward the <br />discharge (if the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to terminate and become null and void upon release (of thi., niortg. <br />a <br />1p <br />