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EXHIBIT A Attached to Mortgage given by Turner Grain Co., Inc. <br />11 0 Life Insurance " Company, dated August 24, 1975. <br />to Metropolitl <br />Y <br />t. <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Tract 1: The Northeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 12 North, Range 11 T -lest of- the Sixth <br />Principal Meridian. <br />Tract 2: The Northeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 12 North, Range'11 West of the Sixth <br />Principal Meridian. <br />Tract 3: The Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 12 North,. Range 12 Test of `the Sixth . <br />Principal Meridian, excepting that part thereof conveyed to the state of Nebraska by warranty <br />deed recorded in Book 77, Page 641 of the Deed Records of Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />.All that part of the .Northwest Quarter of Section -14, Township 12 North, Range 12: Tlest of the <br />Sixth Principal Meridian that lies South of,the-Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad right- <br />of-way - - August 14, 1952 at 9:00 A.M. <br />The East Half of Section 14, Township 12.N6rth, Range 12 West of the Sixth Principal;Meridian, <br />.that lies South of the center of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company's right- <br />of-way excepting those parts conveyed to.the state of Nebraska, by warranty deed recorded in . <br />Book. 77, Page 642, in'the office of the Register of Deeds, ll. FaCounty, Nebraska -- subsequent <br />to July 31, 1955 at 5:00 P.M., also excepting therefrom a tract of land comprising.a part of <br />the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, .Township 12 North, Range 12 T•7est of the Sixth .Principal <br />Meridian, in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:- Beginning'at a point <br />on the East line of said Section 14, said point being 33.0 feet North of the Southeast corner of <br />said Section 14, also .being a point on the Northerly right-of-way of Highway No. 2: thence <br />Westerly parallel to the South line of said Section 14 and along said Highway right -of :'•ray line, <br />a distance of 575.1 feet: thence deflecting right 900 421 3011 and running Northerly along.said <br />right-of-way line a distance of 10.4 feet, to a point 43.4 feet North of the South line of said <br />Section 14: thence.deflecting left 900 001 and running Westerly:along.said right -;of -way line, a <br />distance of 335.5 feet to a point 47.5 feet North,.of the South line of said Section 1/+: thence <br />deflecting left 360 411 and running Southwesterly along said right-of-way line, adistance of <br />25:0 feet to a point 33.1 feet North of the South line of said Section 14: thence, -deflecting <br />right 360 461 and running Westerly along said right-of-way line, a distance of 265.64 feet to a <br />point 36.59 feet North of the South line. of said Section 14: thence deflecting right.890 011 and <br />running northerly, a distance of 395.01 feet: thence deflecting right 940 001.3011'and running <br />southeasterly a distance of 288.85 feet: thence -deflecting left 56 261 and running Northeasterly <br />a distance of 231.81 feet: thence deflecting right 200 531 4011 and running northeasterly, a <br />distance of 295.63 feet: thence deflecting left -380 361 and running northeasterly, a distance of <br />92.03 feet: thence deflecting left 190 111 2011 and running northerly a distance of 180.9 feet:' <br />thence deflecting right 880 301 2011 and running Easterly, a distance of.478.43 feet to the East <br />line of said Section 14: thence Southerly along the East line of said Section 14: a distance,of <br />995.9 feet to the place of beginning and containing 19.232 acres, •moreor less. <br />Tract 4: The Southeast Quarter; the Southwest Quarter; the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast <br />Quarter; and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, ALL in Section 6,.Township 12 North, <br />Range 12 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in'Hal1 County, Nebraska containing' approximately <br />388 acres, more or less, according to government survey. <br />SHMIAN-& VALLEY COUNTIES,NEBRASKA: <br />Tract 5: All of 5action_4; A11. of Section 5; all in Township 16 North,. Range 13 West of the <br />Sixth Principal Meridian in Sherman County, Nebraska. <br />The South Half•of Section 33,and a part of the Northeast Quarter of.Section 33 described as <br />follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter and running thence North <br />along the Section line 44 rods, thence West about 32 rods to center of public higliway, then in <br />a Southern direction along .center of public highway until it turns 20 degrees or more to the <br />East, thence South to the half section -line., thence East along the half section line .to place of <br />beginning, supposed to contain about 10 acres, all in Township.17 North, Range 13 West of the <br />Sixth Principal MeridAm in - Valley County, Nebraska. <br />