52%2—SECOND REAL ESTATE; MORTGAGE—With Tax Clause The',Huffmnn General Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br />THAT I Or WE, Larry M. Merritt and B-arbara J. Merritt, Husband.and. Wife
<br />of Hall County and State of' Nebraska si cor:sideration of: the sum of
<br />r ..
<br />--Six Thousand and No/'100------($6, 000. 00)-
<br />------ DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SEL4 and CONVEY ffrtto
<br />George M. Merritt and Vera M. Merritt; ,'(mortgagee),
<br />of County, attd State of , the following described premises
<br />situated inHall County, and State of Nebraska to zuit:'r
<br />Easterly Forty Four Feet (441) of Lot Three (3.) ;4n Block"A" of Boehrr .'s
<br />Subdivision, being a part. of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Town-
<br />ship 11 North; Range 9 West of the'. 6th P. M. i
<br />:The intention 'behig to cottvq hereby an absolute title ilt fee simple includi;tg all the rights of homestead and dower,
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all:. the appurtenances thereunto° helortging unto
<br />the said mortgagee or attortgagees and to his, .her or their heirs and assigns,, forever, '.provided always, and these Pres-
<br />ents are upon the express co?ulitiou that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors; his, her or their heirs, executors, admin;=
<br />istrators or assigns shall pay o'r cause to be paid to the said �ittortgagee or mortgagees and-to his, her oe their heirs, ex-
<br />ecutors, administrators or assigns, the sunt of
<br />i
<br />--------- Six Thousand and No./100-- -----------
<br />-- Dollars, payable as follows, to-wit:
<br />Due $123. 84 on September 7, 1975,.and $123, 84 due. on the seventh day of
<br />each and every month thereafter until Note is paid in full.'
<br />The full amount of36, 000. 00 is due August 25,' 198'0.
<br />monthly
<br />with interest tl:ereor: at $ 31per cent per aitnunt, payable $123. 84axat according to the tenor acid . effect of
<br />the promissory note with interest coupons attached of said Mortgagors,; bearing evert date with, these pies- j
<br />ends, and shall pay all taxes and any interest on, or maturing ittstallmettts of principal, dire on any prion ittortgage and
<br />assessments'levied upoit said real estate and all other taxes, levies and assessineuts levied upon this tiuortgage or the
<br />note which this' mortgage is, given to secure,. before the :sante -becosrtes• delinquent acid keep the buildings ort said
<br />premises insured for the surtt'430, 000. , loss, if any, payable to such first mortgagees or this mortgagee, or both,
<br />then these presents be void, gtherwise'to be.aitd remain i;i full force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (r) That if the said viortgagor shall fail; to pay. such taxes and such, interest on,
<br />or ntaturiitg installments of principal, due wt arty prior mortgage aitd procure such' istsuraiice, then this mortgagee ?nay
<br />gay Steck taxes and such interest on, or attaturiiig installments of principal, dice wi such',' prior mortgage° .and procure
<br />: such.ittsurattce; acid the sum:`so advanced with interest aV nine per cent shall be paid by:said mortgagor,;atjd this mort
<br />gage shall stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay aay of;said viotiey, either principal:or interest on
<br />this or atsy prior mortgage, when the sante becomes due or a failure to comply with any of the foregoiiig agreements, '.
<br />, shall cause the whole :sum of money herein secured to become due and collectable at once at the optioi;-of the mort-
<br />gagec.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said mortgagee, pending foreclosure of'this ;mortgage and:afte.r decree and i
<br />pending stay thereon or appeal therefrom acrd pending sale° of premises mortgaged,may pay such taxes."aild maturing
<br />f interest ' or maturing installiii'ents . of principal, on prior mortgages, procure' 'such` insurance and sucli, sicros shall be i
<br />added to the antotatt due onidecree and upon confirmation of sale by the court ordered taken out of proceeds of sale;
<br />or if redeented during stay,
<br />'hppeal or sale, such amounts shall be collected the sante'as though it were:a part. of such
<br />decree. i
<br />Signed this.
<br />.: day of �w�L`""F zq ?s'
<br />In Presence of G
<br />_......�P .....-G,F>
<br />. .. .r..._....M
<br />i..
<br />...... ...... . ............................ .. •.
<br />Bar ra
<br />- 36
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