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USDA -FHA • Position 6 • <br />Form FHA 427-1 NB h!1CR0FILMED <br />(Rev. 7-1 3 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA <br />db9200.0 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY: THESE PRESENTS, Dated ................. _August.22,...19.7.5....._.._.._................ ...:...._......_... <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned ...... C.,..D ARYL..BAXTER-and.BALLIED...:,BAX.T.FR_,..hlLSb?dnd_912L: i fey___-. <br />�h:.ixi.:h S.4111d..her. own. right .and as' spouse_o f the other, <br />residing in ....:.....:_....:...._....�............_...._...._......_ .,._.:_ .._..... (�51�.(._ ..:.: County, Nebraska, whose post office address <br />Route 1 Box 305A Grand Island <br />.r....._..........................,Nebraska „68801 _ <br />herein called "Borrower," are (is) justly indebted to the United States. of -America, acting through the Farmers Home'Ad-' <br />.,ministration, United States Department of Agriculture, herein called the "Government," ,as evidenced by one or more certain <br />promissory note(s) or assumption agreement(s), herein called "note" (if more. than one note is described_ below, the word <br />"note" as -used herein shall' be construed as referring to each note singly or all notes collectively, as the context may <br />require), said note being executed by Borrower, being payable to, the order of the Government in installments as specified <br />therein, authorizing acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the option - of the Government upon any default by Borrower, <br />and being further described as follows: <br />Annual Rate Due ,Date of Final <br />Date of Instrument Principal Amount of.lnterest Installment <br />August 22, 1975. $82,500.00 50 August 22, 2015. <br />And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note and insure the payment <br />thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Faun and Rural Development Act, orTitle'V of the of the Housing Act of 1949; <br />And it is the purpose and intent of this instrument that, amoung other things, at all times when the note is held by.the <br />Government, . or in the event the Government should assign this instrument without insurance of the note,. this instrument <br />shall secure, payment of the note; but when the note is held by an insured holder, this instrument shall not secure payment <br />of the note or attach to the debt evidenced thereby, but as to the note and such debt shall constitute an indemnity mortgage <br />to secure the.Government against loss under its insurance contract by reason of any default by Borrower. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the loan(s) and (a) at all times when the note is held by the Government, or in,the <br />event the Government should assign t}iis instrument without insurance of the payment of the note, to secure prompt payment <br />of the note and any renewals and extensions thereof and any agreements contained therein, including any provision for'the <br />payment of an insurance or other charge,, (b) at all times when the note is held by an insured holder, to secure performance of <br />Borrower's agreement herein to indemnify and save harmless the Government against loss under its insurance contract by <br />reason of 'any default by Borrower, and (c) in any event, and at all times to secure the'prompt payment of all advances and <br />expenditures- made by the Government, with interest, as hereinafter described, and the performance of every covenant and <br />agreement 'of Borrower contained herein or in any supplementary agreement, Borrower does:hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey <br />and assign, with general warranty, unto the Government the following property situated in the State of Nebraska, County(ies) of <br />Hall_.:.___.._...._....___.....__...:.._.__._..:.__..__...__.._..__.._...:__.._.............:_.._ .._.._.._.._ <br />The Northwest Quarter (NW-) of Section Three (3) , Township Eleven (11) <br />'North, Range Ten (10) , West of the 6th P.M., EXCEPTING, a tract of land <br />comprising the Westerly 187 feet of the Northerly 465.88 feet of the No <br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWNWQ) of said Section 3, contain- <br />ing acres, ;more: or Tess; and EXCEPTING, ALSO,, 'a, tract, described in deed <br />recorded in Book 151 ;at page 110,ofthe, Deed. Records of Hall County, Nebr- <br />aska, and <br />The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (NMEi) of Section Four (4) Town - <br />FHA 427-1 NB (Rev. 7-1-73) <br />