,–� _ ^ _� �
<br />�
<br /> __ . � 1
<br /> N�N•UNIF6RM COVENANTS.Borrower�nd Lender further covenant and egrec as fallows: vO�` �0�1�.+1
<br /> ' 1!. Aeeeknt�oa; Rea�edia. Le�dc� �!! �ite aottce to Bonawe� prlo� tu �cceltration tollowln� Bo�rowtr's
<br /> 6ra�i of uy co�ewt nr�eerent ia this Security ia�trumeat liut aot prlo�to accetentiap und�r puagr�phs 13 aad I?
<br /> twir�s aM1ta�N taw�rad�s at�wtu). T�e aotke�all�ecit�:(N tlie�efiwlk 1�) tUe�ction isqMtfs� to r�fe tlie
<br /> � dNarl�(e)a datt,not la�t�n 30 dsys ttwn tl�e d�tte the aotice is ai�en to Borro�,by which the dctaalt mvst bt cared;
<br /> t�l(�l?fla�t tMirr�to�re tY�iehdt oe or Qetoce the date specifled in the eohcc�aay reeult te�cceler�t�on af the swes
<br /> , �ee�r�1y tMb Secrrlty I��t au�d�ale ot tre Property.Tre noHce ahall f�rtber tniorn� 8amower of t6e ri�ht to
<br /> , ret�te aittr�ocekndos s�d tiie eyYt to bria�i conrt a�cHoe io wert tbe aon�saclsteace of�defauh or a�y ot6er
<br /> ' defea�e of Horrowa to�ccekntioa aad aie.If tl�e defa�it is Not c�red oa or before the d�te rpeciAed in the nattce,Lender
<br /> s't ib oltia��y nptre iMa�eiiat� p�est I� fill of all s� se�wred by tYb Securtty Iastrua�eat without furtlkr
<br /> ' ie�i a�i�i��olce tY��ot►er ot ak a�d ary otYer�penaitted by aMlkable law.I.ender�Adl be entitled to
<br /> cdlect vl ex�e�a t�cvrei i� �wrw�is� tlre renedi�a �o�ided ia thi� pars�rapb 19, iacludla�, but not Ilmtted to,
<br /> reMO�lt attoeweri'ha a�d ta�t of Htie�IiMCe.
<br /> � If tie pwu ot ssk b L�oked,'l�atee rlall�ecord�sotke of deh�lt in acl�co��ty In wMicti�ny put ot t6e
<br /> iPro�erty is located aNd sra11 wW co�ia ot a�ch aotic�1n t�e wauner prescdbed by�ppltcabte law to Bonower and to tl�e
<br /> � otl�er�tnoos pracdbed by s�lic�ble law.Aner tl�e tl�a�reqwired by appltcable law,Trwtee�hall gire publte notice of
<br /> ale to the pe�s ud ie the a�uaer preacdred by applicabla Isw.�ustee,wit6out demaed oa HoROwe�,shall aell the
<br /> i Pro�erty�t ln6Uc arctioa to tie ht�6est bldder at the time aed pl�ce a�i wider tl�e term�daignated te ti�e aoHce of sale in
<br /> : o�e or More Nr+ceb and in a�y orde�Trwtee detenetaa.Trwtee raay postpore sve ot all or auy parcel of the Property by
<br /> Iwblie a�o�a��ut�t t6e ti�ae and �l�oe of a�p�re�lonsly�c�e�hkd aaia Lcede�or iRs daigne�msy purchaa�e the
<br /> . �l�Y��•t�ak.
<br /> Up:���:zip� o:p��t oi'f�e peie�e�ii,�r�wtee s�3�ll deli7e� t��p�rch�� TTi�iee's tk�zd��.�ey�1a�t�e
<br /> � !'ro�erty.lLe recttw iA tMe Trustee'�dad s1u1!be pMma facle erideece of the trutA of the stateme�ts m�de theKin.
<br /> � 1�ratea�hall aDply the pcocesdi oi the sak in the folbwing order.(a)to dl expenses of the sa1e,includiag,Dat not ltmtted
<br /> • to,Trwhe'�fea�n pen�itted by appllqWe law a�i rwonabk attorneys'fee�(b)to all sums secnred by t6is Security
<br /> Iattnu�enh,aad(c)uy e:cas to tbe penon o�persom leg�lly eatltled to it.
<br /> � Z0. I.e�der te Poaasion. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of'the Property. Lender (in
<br /> � person,by agent or by judicislly appointed roceiver)shall be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the re;,eiver
<br /> shall be applied 8rst to p�yment of the costs of management of'the Proi+eRy and collection af rents. including, but not
<br /> limited to, raxiver's fas.premiums on receiver's bonds and raisonable attorneys' fees.and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstrumrnt.
<br /> 21.Recaa�ey�ce.Upon payment of all surns secured by this Security tnstrument, i.ender shaU request Trustee to 5
<br /> reconvey tne?roperty snd shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by thes Secu�ity
<br /> _-= �nttn�..�nugt�,t,i TntatM T�wlw a �11:'r"r'^BS...._� p.�.......�.�..�•s'�as:i a. b......�..�� --
<br /> •� L v�w. �� 'i �� wdiiwTi�i oii�wtt�viit�.tts���,av• ��niavFt vi�.iatiub �
<br /> tegaily entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. ;.;,;�
<br /> 22.SMb�titrte T�tee.Lender,at its option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee . .
<br /> to any Trustx sppointed her�under 6y an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. � �
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property.the suoas.wr trustee shall succad to all the title,power and duties conferred upon
<br /> . Trustee herein and by�pplicable law. -
<br /> • 23. Reqrest tor Nodea.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> � address which is the Propeny Address. —
<br /> 24.RWen to t�b Securlty Instrumen�lf one or more riders are eaxuted by Bonower and recorded together with
<br /> this Security Instrument,the covcnsnts and agreements of each such rider shal)be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> , supplement the covenants and agrxments of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> � � lnswmrnt.(Check applicable box(es))
<br /> _ � Adjusiable Rate Rider Q Condominium Rider [] 2� Family Rider _
<br /> ❑ Gnduated Paymtnt Rider � Planned Unit Develapment Rider
<br /> � Othet(s) [spocifyj Acknowledgement :"�'
<br /> � BY $1GN1NG BELOw, Borrower accepts and agras to the terms and caven contained in this Security
<br /> , InsUVment and in any rider(s)eaecutod by Borrower and recor with'
<br /> J
<br /> ........................................................................................ .� .Tohn C. Whitaker..................................�►,�,�1)
<br /> ........................................................................................ �. .,�..:�'.�:1 .h'.��..�:�--....................... .�s��)
<br /> ... . ...... ...
<br /> . � � Mary . Whi taker —eor►ower
<br /> STATE OF NEDRA5KA. HA1.L County ss:
<br /> On this 17th day of July ��q 90, neforc me, thc iinder�igned, a Nfltary Public
<br /> dc�[y commissioned and qu3lified for said county, �ersonally came John C. Whitaker and :�lary R. Whf taker,
<br /> husband and wife , tc�mc icnoun ao be thc �
<br /> identical pevson(s) whc�se name(s) are subscribed to the fc.eFoing in�trununt and a�kno�Ltedged thc r�ec���on
<br /> thereof to be their , ��olnr.tary act Anri decc�.
<br /> Witness my hand and t�otariai scal at �rand Is2and ::�aid c��unty, �hc
<br /> date aforesaiJ.
<br /> ` �t
<br /> L My Commission cxpirrs: 7-2-92 ��} � ���w`.- // ���;�tT" �
<br /> s._a� �
<br /> �Ch�IJ`d!_�TAFsi•S[ate oi k�9rasl� � ... .. . ... ...�.'. `�
<br /> . . . . . . . . .. . . .
<br /> �' MARGAHET M DIlLON ♦���.+r� I':i����, �
<br /> ��—� Myibmm.ErR.July2.ly''i2 ��-�?L�Lti7 F()Fi �t =('(3NL'11'1�VC F• Y�t
<br /> `fc� ,. FF:
<br /> ���r
<br /> Theundeni�;:ud �� Ihe h�,ider c,t the ni�te �:� nn1c. �crurcd hy liu� I)•,��i n� Ir��•i ti.n,f u�,t� �,� u„t�-. '��k•�it,:��
<br /> aith a!1 othct�ndchlcdn�,�se�i�rc�i h� thiti !)ccc���t I�u,�. li.itc hrrn rai�1 :n :asll 1��u eir l�c��I•. �iirc�r;�i t�� ..,�i�,cl •.u�l
<br /> nt�tc t+r n��[c� ttiid Ihi� f)ecd nf Iru�t. «ht.h ,n� �1rh�ci.�1 h�rcl•�. ,in�� i„ •c.��n��,, ���r���,,�� ..,i��,�nt.. •�li th� �.•�.��c
<br /> (1(�R 11C�C� h� �<�U UtlL�it 1�11� �)CCI� uS ��11+f f1� Ifll- (�liv�ll ��I ��ii��.it� �: �',I�I� ;niil:li� 'ht �:i��
<br /> �).til' �
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