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ME <br />MKS Home Equity Access <br />Lame Rider <br />THE WEST WILF (W11) OF LOT ONE (1), AND THE WEST, HALF (W!' )) OF THE NORTH THIRTY SEVEN <br />AND. ONE HALF (37 4), )FEET OF LOT THREE (3) IN BLOCK TWELVE . (J-7)'!,. IN : U NIvERSITY. FIACE, AN <br />ADDITt:ION: Tit THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA'.. <br />(Open endcredit with F, fixed rate OYZ. variable rate interest) <br />71116:Hame.-Equity &C <br />. ss Line Rider is dated i <br />and is an amendment to the <br />Mbdgetgu or Deed of Yrust ( "Mortgage ") of the same date given by the undersigned 4, Borro%,er') to secure Borrower's Home <br />f{tiity ccass.,tilF� Agreement with' t;', : c10''. f ;:. i f - ` ' , .. , _ `.,, ; : i : I )'; •.. i <br />Oft& :s,aina.ditta covering the properly described in the Mortgage and located at: <br />i�KrlY BU2'Ms <br />In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Mortgage Barrawar and .Lender,farther cr x-nant and agree as fot.'o'rrs: <br />% 7hD owd `°Note;' as used in the Mortgage and this Rider, raters to the Home Egr{riry Access Lire Agreement. <br />2_ The. Note evidences an open end revolving line of credit agreement beriveen Borrowenand Lender The amount stated in the <br />Mortgage as the principal sum of the indebtedness is the creditArnir for the line of -credit. Ali advances made at any time tre. .. <br />Lender in accordance with the terms of the Note, and all interest on the advances, shall be secured by the Mortgage <br />Hang: at no time shall the principal amount of the indebtedness secured by. the Mortgage, not including sums advancer I)f <br />aco✓rdarrx, -lo fl? the mortgage to protect the security of the f fvrtgage; ,excesd the stated credi'.t..nit for the line of credit. <br />3 Tha <br />13 a fixed r of interest expressed as a da,i,•' rni iJc r. e,. ,tY of' olo. Th ;s corresponds to an annual percentage <br />rate of i oo. <br />a variable rate of interest expressed as a periodic rata equal to 11365 of an annual rata of i % plus <br />the "Index Rate" <br />Th9•daily periodic rate may increase it __ %► r 1't. ''t•..• ! <br />(the `Index Rate') :,ice9ases_: The initial daily periodic rata is This canesaonds to an annual <br />percentage rate of - " 6' oio. The annual percentago rat9 will never be mora than .�. %. The daily periodic <br />W9 wilf bo adjusted on the last: ltusiness day of every month, .using the Index Rete in e`'ect that day. An increase in the <br />dai�y periodic rate may increase.the monthly payment due. <br />LJ• AIO-.eZ <br />purmr sate of ewaw <br />Ni CO,% IISS I014 EXPIRES: /Z <br />111 ' <br />y•. '1 r7B !RG .G r.:..'f "' }< +r Y :•o 5 [ r' <br />A <br />I <br />trs c <br />I <br />