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!Adik j <br />009011°� <br />RRST <br />OPEN END—INDIVIDUAL <br />CONVENTIONAL <br />FEDERAL 1 Loan Number A_�-L4 ___ : J._.__-_ 1T8.._ <br />LI��®LI`I DUE ON SALE _ arpncn Type <br />FORM No- t30 (Rev. 8.74) <br />M Q RTGAG E <br />IT <br />THIS MORTGAGE, matte and executed this .....lid f...(lay of -..... L( 9-u: 5�.,, ........ A. D :7.3........5., between- <br />. <br />Paul R. Empfieldanti Jo-Lene M. Empfield',,;husband and iwife, E3chi in his and her osm <br />..-... <br />................................................................................................................................................. ,..,...-..:................-................-..:......-.......... <br />individual right and as spouse of the other, jointly%dnd severally <br />...................... ......................... ........................ .............. .....:................ :.........-....... ..................... .... -.................. <br />of .....-....Grand..Isla.nd ..................IL., County of ..... hereinafter referred <br />.:..Hall..... ;..., state of ,: ,,Tiebraska :.,... <br />tows the Mortgagor, and FIRST•FEDERAL SAV LOAN ASSOCIATION' OI',)LINCOLN, Nebrasla,iits successors' <br />acid. assigns, hereinafter referred to;as Mortgagee, <br />NVITNI'SSETI-i: 'That the •said iIN-idrtt gor, for and in cimsiderali6ii of.OW uni of <br />SEVENTEEN --THOUSAND PIVE,HUNDRED AND N01100• --------=! l , 00.00 <br />..........................7 ,..:. -...:;:Ty ..... .5.-.............-. ....) Dollars, <br />paid by said Mortgagee, does hereby sell .and. convey unto FIRST FED"LRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LINCOLN, Nebraska, as Rlortgagi�e, its successors. and assigns, the following'de5c`ribcdi Real Estate, situated''iti the County -of <br />t <br />Hall ....................... Stale nf: Nebraska:..... ....:. to -wit: <br />............-........ -, <br />The Westerly Forty-four feet (LST .)+4') of Lot Three;;'(3): in <br />Block Eight (8),'jn H.' G. Clark's Addition to the City Of <br />Grand Isl'a�d, Hall County, Nebraska.. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises for the uses herein set folrill and to secure performance•gf the <br />obligations contained herein, toget}ier with all buildings, improvements, fixtures anile appurtenances and all casements thereunto <br />belonging, and it is mutually coveinanted and agreed by and .bRween the parties !heretojthat :all plumbing,�•'gas, electric and <br />mechanical fixtures, appliances, equipment, machinery and apparatus, floor coverings, storn windows and screens; and such other <br />goods and chattels and' personal pryperty as are.eycr! furnished by a landlord in letting or.operatitig an unfurnished building, simi- <br />lar to the one now or hereafter on said premises which are or shall be attached to,said building in any manner-ivhatsoever, are <br />and shall be deemed: to be fixtures and an accession to the freehold and a -part of the realty is between the parties hereto, their <br />heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, and all persons claiming by, througlv'or under them, and shall he deemed <br />to be a portion of the'security for,ille indebtedness herein mentioned and to be covered by jtliis titortgage. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS,,, these presents are executed and delivered upon the i following condilume, agreements and <br />obligations of the Mortgagors, to -wit: <br />g g 6 C) 6 6 1 1 <br />I'he •itfori a or agrees to; ,a to the i4fort �a gee, or order, the principal su <br />SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE <br />NUND ?..AND..w�100....----------------------.------ -( 1' 500.00 <br />....................................................:.. M .... '5 .....-.... .......:...:......) Dollars, <br />payable as provided"in'a' iiote evecbted and. delivered concurrently, herewith, the 41)ial payinent cif principal ifnot` sooner paid,' <br />On tlic:......lst ........ ...clay of .......Reptember.............. i�x..-2(7Q4 :.. <br />I <br />