it 3 t 4 4S•fL J
<br />a• .. .: in $-poli' /�D �.�
<br />can i.
<br />Fisher, Re ster of Deeds,;.
<br />A �. t Hah County, Nebraska -
<br />��„Ea :
<br />Itibtrrture, Made and Executed this 23rd dsy!of Jay '1975
<br />by and between Ronald B. and Eunice"= E.- Alexander
<br />1136 North ;Broadtirell -St., '-Grand Island, Nebraska party of the first part,`
<br />an•dRoberts Dairy i]nployees Federal 'Credit Union-
<br />2901
<br />nion 2901 Curring 'St:`, Omaha, Nebraska pgrty. ot,the second part.
<br />WITNE;ZSET3,•that the said party of the firsVpart, for and in consideration of i a loan In the amount., of _
<br />'i'a�Pnty.-�i x h11nr1rP8 fc rtv-si aht, and 1,5/100 - - — = — - — '—DOLLARS, paid by said' party of :she
<br />second partthe receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has _t•aated, bargai :ed; sold and cony a ed, and by these pteseats,'does grant, bar-
<br />gain, sell and convey, unto said party or the second part, the.foiloaing described real property situate in the County of Douglas 'sad State
<br />of -Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />Lot Six ' Cbl -- Re—subdivision of Lot 2?Island -Acres #9
<br />. 'in Hall County, :-knotim as • 1136 North Broad:•rell Street, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenement', hereditaments and appartena: ces to the same b"eloc..^g, and altt�e estate, title, dower right of homestead,
<br />claims and demands whatsoever of the said parr: of tae first part of, in or to _aid premises or any; part, thereof; and said prty of th : first
<br />part does hereby covenant, that said party of the first part is lawfully seised of said premises, th`st said premises are free: from incu.•abraace
<br />except first mortgage and that said party of the first part will
<br />warrant and defend the title to said premis=es against the Iawful claims and demands of all persors;ivhomsoever,_
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS,and these presents are upon the_e conditions:
<br />WHEREAS, said party of the first part has executed and delivered to the said party of the second part...._
<br />promissory note in. the amount of Two thousand six "hundred orty-eigh ''andILVI L LU rs'
<br />to be repaid f in 130 bis—weekly payments as follotirs : 129' i'payrrientsat X26.81 avid
<br />1 payment of $26.71 including interest. at 12% per annum; j be_ginii ng on the 8th' day _
<br />of August, 1975,_and 'continuing 'Ath a -aunt on the Friday of every other
<br />until the full amount�ofof the note -plus interest has beeriipaidiin fall.
<br />and whereas the party of the first part has agreed to keep the buildings, if any, upon said premises, insured in some company, or companies
<br />approved by said party of the second part, for the si= rot less than:" Thi r�v thszusa nd_ ar rj -nn 140L = = DOLLAP.S,
<br />and deliver to said party of thelserond part the policy or po:icies containing a c,at_e with the loss payable to said party,of the second part, .
<br />or asci^ns, and has a_reed to pa:. all taxes and csses_me ns a;a:rs: said premises before the same, by law, become de.enquent; and has agreed
<br />that it said party of the first part docs not prov:d^ such insu::amce, or fails to pay all tssea asiaforesaid then said party- of `tbe second part, or•
<br />holder hereof, may pay' such i : urance. and taxes, or either of them, and all a.^.o=U so paid by said'party of the sword part shall bear in
<br />terest at the rate of nt.•te per cent per annum from the date of payzrgnt; and this mort;a;e shall stanii as -security therefor, and said sum may
<br />be added to the artotLit of the "mort;lge debt, and the samr reco vered as a ps.t thereof! Now if the said party of the First part shall welt
<br />and truly pay or cause to be paid the staid sum nf•monev in sa:d note.._..: mentioned, -xith interest the con according to:the tenor.and effect
<br />of said note...__ anis shall kcep,sald buildin;i i nsurcd as aforesaid, and shall keep all tries and a: cssments paid, and shall duly keep, and �
<br />perform all the other covenants and a,reements herein contained, then these presents to be nuWrihd void. But if said stun'. of money or any
<br />part thereof, or any itterest thereon, is not paid when the same is due, or if said building's shall not be kept itsurcd as;aforesaid, or if the
<br />taxes and ass'es.;ments'a,; :irist said premises are not paid at or before the time the samelecome by. law 61Lnquent, orif said party of the
<br />first part shall fail to keep and perform any covenants here:'; contained, the holder hereof shall have the option to declare the whole of said ,
<br />indebtedness due and payable at any time after such failure .or default, and may maintain as action at law or equity- to recover the same,
<br />and the commencement of such action shall be the only not:ce of the exercise of said option required:
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the said \fortpgor'sTtall and will pay all taxes levied upon thi3mort- I
<br />gsge.or the debt secured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments which may. be levied,under the Laws of'\ebraska, against .the
<br />card ;\Iortglgee or the legal holder of the said principal note.—_ on account of this indebfedness.'.
<br />IS
<br />Ii � e�itii'IIII't� �reDi, We hereunto s t— o — ands the date. above written.
<br />STATE OF 11�SFi3,
<br />a ss
<br />County of$mi�dxa oa:this 'day. of _
<br />before me, -a Notary Public in and for the said. County personally came above above named.—...__
<br />_Renal d 'R. and 7)mi c_R. i A I Pxnnrler._. -
<br />-- — —
<br />CAROL L: DAVIS•..who— are—_personally known tome
<br />State of Nebraska to be the identical person S whose name- S are affixed to the above instrument
<br />_ I*� My commission Expiresas grantor S and. they_._._..:.—�ac6o'wledged said instrumentto be 11%LKvo1untary
<br />�'- February 26, 1979. act and deed.
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notari Seal the'date Ins f resaid.
<br />. •' 41
<br />` . y � �Irotsrp FubIic.—
<br />M �commLs--ion a spires o :the.— --•— _-� day of _�_ _. — _A'. D_ ,I M..
<br />