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To ilAvt9 ANn To iId n Um smue upto the Atort.OUPY, am lw§iti provided. to, <br />rind eove mi'Lm MIT, the A9ortgWws that Lie illortgagor harm I;ood`t•i1.•Itt UK001 and convey mnhl premises; , <br />Hutt, they are free rronrennrrrtbrance, except as hereinotlivrwise recited; that the Alortgagor will w:ir►•:Ut <br />�1, • and dei'ettd tltc same against the h6vI'll f claims of all (rotations \vItomsi►ever. Alorll:a};or herr.>Jy ► elinduishes <br />:dl rights oGhontestea d, all marital rights, either in law or in cduit.\;, and all oLh(!t• Contingent intin-est s of <br />the Mortgagor in and to I,he above described premises. <br />PKOvinhln MAVAYN, and these presents:u•c executed and dclkcred upon the I'ollowing conditions, to <br />wit: <br />AtorLl;al;'cn' agrees to pay to the Adortirag•ee, or order, the aforesaid prineipal stint with interest from date . <br />it the rate of eight and one-lialf• per centum, ( i3, fb) l)gr.,tt1nt nt on the unpaid bahmee Until paid. <br />The said principal and intereml, shall bo payable at the ollice of t.:t.l,,1 �. }'' a.l.: t:�.nt;:, :.utd. 1,oa.ut <br />►t oj: 1.�3.►tro'ln <br />in or at such other place: m. a �ut�colcl• elf the nolo arty drsilrIIate in <br />II � i ucoa_ n <br />writing' delivered or mailed to the 11o►•t.lragor, in monthly installments of Onc: ilundred FJA'ty-i:out.• ant. 1.8/.wi <br />Dollars ($ • 1 i .;t,3 ),•.i)II the first, day of t;elrt cmbea~ , 19 7y, and continuing; on <br />the first, day:of each month Lhemafwr Ulm! said note is fully paid, except that, if noL sn <br />ooer paid, the final <br />pnyn►ent of"princip:d and interest shall be,dme and payable on the first day of glut iu;1; 20011 ;all : <br />accordingto the terms of :t certain promissory nolo of even elate herewith executed by the said Alortgng-or, <br />'.Che 11orl.gagur I'urthdr alrrees: <br />1-. Ile will pity the indebtcdrtoss, as'loreinhol'orc providod. Privilege is reserved to prepay at, ally <br />Lime, without prentiurn or foe, the dntiro_ indobtodnoss or arty pa rf, unvof not loss than Oie anwW of cine ' <br />intadlniont,:or one htnulrml dollars (.;;1110.00), whMiever is'dem. 1?imymctit in full shall be credited on <br />Che date received. Partial prej),tynuont, itl,hor than on :ut installment dtu; date, need not be credited Until <br />(•ht' next hallowing dust: 11mmg clue date or thirty days after such prgmtynu:nL, whdchever is earlier. <br />2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of lirincipal and interest, liayaf)le under ; <br />the torous of t,ho note secured heroby, tllcirtg•ag'or will pay to llort.g'ag`oe, as trustor, (under iln' forms of (his' <br />trust as hereinafter state(l) on the first clay of eaeh month Until maid note is I'nlly paid: <br />(a.) l\ silin equal to the grround IvOsjf any, nwxt duo, plus t.he'•pronrituras that will next, hecimie due <br />aitd p;tynitlu ort policies of fire and other hazard insut dwo covering the lnortg'a}recd .property, <br />plus taxos and assossntoills in xt due on the ntortg•a}reel jit•oper•ty (all as osl intated by (he Mort; <br />gagve. and of which Cho lforigag;'or is n►t.ifio(l) loss :old sitars ah'oady paid therefor diviclod by <br />the ittitnbor o1' ntont.hs to elalise ho•foro done month prior -,to Ow. Al. to. whoa such g'rrnmd rents, <br />prontit►1118, taxes; and a s vssn(ints will her.oniu: clelinquout, such sinus to be held by Mort,g-agec <br />in t,ruslto pay said ),'round reals, prvinhints, laxer:ur<i special assrssnu:nts. <br />(b) Tho ngdgate of (Ito.:m <br />umnts payable purstinnt to subparag-raph (a.) .and Chose payable. on the <br />not(! socurdd hereby, shall he paid in a single paynWnL o:ibij numt.b, to be applied to the follow- <br />i1witems in l ho order st attod : <br />(t) g-rounl ronts, taxes, assossnumts,-fico nal oChor hazard insurance premiums; <br />(11) ilit eromtoil Ilie, not eseen rod hereby; and <br />(111) :nuortizaCion of the principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the anumi nt of any such ng-grog-ato• ntoitl.hly pnynnonf; shall, unless rltnde good <br />by Lilo, llorigag-or prior to t.hi: duo date of* the next such payntdnl, constitute an event; of default. <br />under this ntortg'ago. At ll'ortgagvo's option, lloxtgng•orwill pay a "IaLt' charge" not exceo.d- <br />ing foie• por conLunl (I ;',) of any install anent, when pnicttrurry I•han fil'1oo•n ( 1 5) days after the <br />clue• date thoroof• to cover the extra rxpenso involved in h:uullinl; ddlinifucni: paynionts, but. such <br />k <br />'We cher w" shall not he payahle out, of The procoods of :airy sale nrado to satisfy the: indebted - <br />imess seCm•eel bombs, nnlc!ss Bitch procoeils :u o Nulfidicnt to'( ischarg-o the entire indebtedness and <br />all proper costs and expenses s!x:Urod t wroby. <br />1. if the total of the. payment's mado by the llortgngor Under'• (a.) of p;u alrraph 2 preceding shall <br />dxccod ill(! anlitnnt of payluents actually made: by the Alorl.g'agoo., as trustee, for ground rents, taxes :utd <br />assessments or:innnmuce premiums, as the caro nmy bo, Nuclt exre:es shall be credited by the 1•i•orf.gagev <br />I on sUbsegttcnl.•;p;tynuntrw to be made by t.dic Mortgagor for such itcntti or, at Mortgagee's option, as trustor., <br />I shall be refueled to Mortgagor. If, however, such monthly paymOON shall not be sufficient, lei p iy such <br />i <br />i items when the mama Nhall become due, and payable, thea the Mortgagor shall pay to the 1lorCg•agc0, as <br />trustee, any amount n ecssary to malts Up the delicio.ncy wit.hitt thirty (30) day;; al'Lor wril,tcn uoticr from <br />the ldortgal;ce ahtting the amount of the deficiency, which notice ntay be given by mail. if al trty Chile <br />the Mortgagor shall tender to the lfortragce, in accordance' 1.110 provisions of the node Socurod <br />hereby, full payment, of the entire indebtedness repiwented t.helvby, Cho Mort.grago.e, as trusted, shall, <br />in computing the amount of such indebtedness, credit t.o the necounf:.of. the BMrtgapw any creed(, balance <br />accumul:tt:o.d under the provisions of (a.) 'of paragraph. 2 he:reol'. Cf there) shall be a default haler a ny <br />or the provisions of this inm1gage resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, 'or if f.hc <br />Mortgagee acquires the property otherwise after dol':rtlt, the, 11ort.jraigoo, as trustee, shall apply, :d; the <br />time of the connndncdntent of such proceedings, or at, the tame the, pt op wLy in otherwise acquired, the <br />aniount then reinain% to credit; the Mortgagor Under (a,) of pma}ftaph 2 prdrecldng, as a credit, on the <br />interest accrued and unpaid and the, balance to the principal then remaining unpaid not MAI note.. <br />9• 'Clic lion of thin instrument shall remain in full force and'ech thwing any pos4wnentegt or exten- <br />Sion of tilt' thine of paynunit of the indebtedness m any p:r•t, thereof secured hereby. <br />5. ile will pay all ground rents, taxes, assessments, wetter rates, :ind other ivermnental or nnmici- <br />pal charges, fines, or impgsitiorrs, levied upon said pret»ises :rod that hi: will pay ak'll taxes levied upon this <br />mortgage, or the debt secured thereby, together with any other taxes sir assessments which may be levied <br />ruder the laws of lVt'br:tslc:t against the htortgageo, or the legal holder of said principal note, on account• of <br />this indebtedness, except when payment fur all such items has theretofore been made under (a,) of. para- <br />graph 2 hereof, and he will promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the ltortga}ree• Tri derault <br />thereof tilt' Mortgagee maty pay the manic. <br />I <br />