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"4 <br />- — - - — - cause to be relead v?FC< 011.6,5 - - - - — - -- - - -- <br />(d) release or re- convey or c <br />conveyed a,. any time at Beneficiary's option, any parcel, portion <br />or all.of tP,e property; <br />V <br />(e) Bake or release any other or additional security for <br />any obligGllion'herein mentioned; or <br />(f). make compositions or other arrangemtnts with dettors <br />in relation thereto. <br />18. Govr?rnino; ;Law. This Deed of Trust shall be govsmed by the laws of the <br />State of Nebraska and, in the event any one or more of the provisions contaihed in <br />this Deed of Trust;••or the note or any other security instrument given iniconnection <br />with this transac:14,1, shall be for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal: or: unen- <br />forceable in any ropect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability, shall not <br />affect any other provisions of this Deed of Trust, but the Deed of Trust shall be <br />construed as if srtch invalid, illegal or enforceable provision had never. been con- <br />tained herein or thiBrein. <br />19. Effect.of Forbearance. Any forbbaarance by Beneficiary or Trustee in exer- <br />cising any, right or remedy rereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall <br />not be a w vex of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. hereunder. <br />Lieu'' tttaiu•er by Beefl.riary or Trustae of any default of the Trustor under <br />t1-%s Deed of Trusu shall not' deemed- to ire.. =. "naive: cf any outer or similar default <br />subsequently occurring. <br />20. Re- conveyance by a stee. Upon written request of the Beneficiary, stating <br />that all sums secured hereby nave bepn.paid, and upon. surrender of this Deed �of Trust <br />and the note to the Trustee for cancel paymen <br />ation and retention and upon t by Trustor <br />of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall re= aonvey to Trustor: or the pers31 or persons le- <br />7 <br />gally entitled thereto, c :t`ost warranty, any portion of the ;property then.held here- <br />under. Res_itels in such re- onveyance of ay matters or fads. shall be concl��sive <br />proof of t9le ttuthfulness t; =_rep=s urantees in the re- conveyance may be detcribed <br />as "the perscr, or persons le•;a_ly entitled thereto." <br />21. Acceptance /by Trr =ssee. Trustee accepts this trust when this Deed of Trust, <br />duly executed and acknow.lea_yed, is made a public record as provided by law. <br />IN W.IV45S U -:': P' s Trustor has executed this Cs d of Trust a the date first <br />noted above. <br />erome Goc <br />Caroline Goo <br />STATE OF wRE'RASKA § <br />CDuw l Y OF HALL <br />L <br />Or, this 7r7 4a! of , 19 _a, before me, the undersigned, <br />a Notary public du?y con,issioned and qualified for said County, personally came <br />?.) , to rrte known to be the identical <br />pe :scr :,s ' whose nG�e are sub 31 a to t e foregvincl instrument and acknowledged <br />the execution thereof to betha;- voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, NE in said County, <br />the date aforesaid. <br />t9y Commission expires: <br />J-6,GENEML N,1IMTY t6.c V C. 1, <br />LOS41EAN REDMA.N (Jot ry Pub��' c <br />w cow E. wy a 1990 <br />Y <br />fE <br />, <br />ML <br />IF <br />er. <br />