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FIRSTOPEN END—INDIVIDUAL <br />CONVENTIONAL <br />FEDERAL Loan :Number. -__2806i_- <br />LINCOLN DUE ON SALE or. d, Type <br />FORM No. 530 Ipev. 9.74) <br />M O R T G A G E <br />27/t✓ ..1..1 u.o l A. I)•, lt)..75... htlwecn <br />THIS MORTGAGE. made and executed this ..............�.d:q of ........ <br />Bob I. Smith and Linda K. Smith,.husband and wife,...each in his and her own individual <br />.right spouse of the other, jointly and severally <br />of ....._Grand...Tsland.:...: ....... ... . County of .:Hall.................... Slate, of....... Nebraska......................... he rein cfliri referred <br />to as the mortgagor, and FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF I,(NCO1,N; Nehraska; its.succ•essnrs <br />and assigns, hereinnfter referred to as Mortgagee, <br />WITNESSETH; That the said Mortgngor. for and in considtralinn of Iht sum of <br />FORTY... THO.USAND..AND..NO/loo -.- - -•------------ ----.--.t� tl0 000.00 ) I)nllar3: <br />, <br />paid by said \lortgagee, does *hereby sell snit convev unto FIRST FIaI,RAI. ,SAVINGS AND 1,0AN ASSOCIA•1•fON OI, <br />LINCOLN. 'Nebraska, as mortgagee. its suc•c•essorq and assigns. the fnllowhu- described Real ):slate, siluali•rl in` Ilu• C'ounly of, <br />...............................Hall...................................... State of, .............Nebraska ...................... tn.wil: <br />Lot Twenty-three (23) Le Heights Third Subdivision, gait of <br />the East . Half of the Northwest' Quarter (R2Ni•i-) of Section <br />Maren.(11), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) <br />West of.the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ahove described premises for the uses herein set forth and to secure performance of flit <br />ohligalions contained herein, together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures .and, appurtenances and all easements thereunto <br />helonging, and it is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that all plumbing, gas, electric and <br />mechanical fixtures, appliances, equipment, machinery and apparatus, floor coverings, storm windows and screens, and such other <br />goods and chattels and personal �property as are ever furnisher) by a landlord in or operating an unfurnisheil building. Simi= <br />lnr to the one now or hereafter on said premises, which are or shall be attached to said building in any manner whatsoever, are <br />and shall he deemed to be fixtures and an accession to the freeholil anda part of the realty as hetweeit the parties hereto, their <br />heirs, 'executors, '.administrators. successors or assigns, and all persons claiming by, through or under them, and shall he rltemed1 r• <br />to be a portion of the security for the iridebtedness'herein mentiimed and to he covered by this mortgage. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. -and these presents are executed and deliverer) upon the following conditions, agri•eintnls and <br />Ohligalionti of M6 Mortgagors. lo•wil: <br />FORTY THOUSAND IGTD-.No/100-- <br />The mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee. or.order, the principal suns of ... .......: ..:... _ <br />-,-- -------=—=-------. -- --- --- is 4 �nl <br />'... ..:. ........ _ ...... ._ 0,000..00 .:...........:..) I Inrs; <br /> pivivicded in a nine executed and delivered coneurrenlly herewilh,, the final payment of principal, if nrit sinner paid; <br />on the...:....; 1St......:.. day oG:.. <br />. . <br />April ...... ....... X <br />2004 <br />