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t <br />MOR1GAU AUOENUUM <br />The following are addenda to the Mortgage, Please check the � 101144: <br />applicable addendua. The addendum checked shall be incorpbrated into, <br />and recorded with, the Mortgage. TAe tern "Mortgage" shall be deemed to <br />Include •Deed of Trust.' if applicable, <br />X FHA ADDENDUM <br />As long as the Mortgage is outstanding, the Lender may declare 411 <br />sums secured by the Mortgage to be.iamediately due and payable if: <br />(a) all or part of the property 1s sold or otherwise <br />transferred (other than by devise, 4escent or operation of iaw) by <br />Borrower to a purchaser or other tfansferaes ' <br />(1) who cannot reasonably be expected to occupy the <br />property as a principai residence within a reasonable time <br />after the sale or transfer, all as provided in Section 143(c) <br />and 143(1)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as <br />amended; or <br />01) who has had a present ownership interest in a <br />:,::rfnI,e1 residence during any part of the three year period <br />.on the date of the sale or transfer, all as provided in <br />3ie: " -icH 143(4) and 143(1)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code <br />f�rceot that the langua1e "100 percent" shall be substituted <br />for. "Cr percent or move where the latter appears in Section <br />I43(dltll); or <br />(iii) •at an acquisition cost which is greater than, <br />90% of the Average area --•+; chase price (greater than TICS for, <br />targeted area residences). act as provided in. Seetian:.143(e) <br />and 143(1)(2) of the internal Revenue Code; or. <br />(iv) who has an income in excess- afthiitt established <br />by the Nebraska Investment Finance Authcrtti uluki�r .tt;s <br />applicable regulations or program guidelifrs,•. -f *. effi rt on the <br />• date of the sale or transfer; or <br />(b) Borrower falls to occupy the property described do the <br />Mortgage without Lender's prior written consent; or <br />(c) Borrower emits or misrepresents a material fact in an <br />application for the Mortgage. <br />References are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect on tt'e date <br />of execution of the mortgage and are deemed to include the implementing <br />regulations. <br />} •YA MORTGAdE ADDENDUM <br />If, so long as the Mortgage is outstanding, all mr .z- y.t�D.rt of the <br />property is sold or transferred by Borrower without tegder's ;ricr <br />written consent, other than a transfer by devise, d+"Cent or 01* <br />operation of law, the Lender nay, at Lender's option, declare all the <br />sums secured by the Mortgage to be iamediateiy due and payable. <br />j 3 -6 -89 <br />It ate <br />7rot J f f1rey L.. l;wao t <br />Borrower <br />State of Nebraska <br />Cslnty of Hall ss. <br />' The foregoing instrument was ack-07 ged bet re ne this -6th day <br />of �. 19nP by Jeffr a L. Ewcat: A S`! tigle Person <br />1 Hess any hen and Hofer a sea a 5 n Bounty. <br />! the dsto aforesaid. <br />M o1i1992 Notary Publit <br />L <br />W <br />,4 <br />t" � <br />