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r <br />8g--- t n� 1 4 <br />IS. Upon payment of alt sums secured by this instrument. Lender 17. Borrower requests that copies of the-notices of default and <br />shall request Trustee to recorrvey the Property and shalt surrender sale W sent to Borrowees address which is the Property Addrew <br />this instrument and all rotes evidencing debt secured by this <br />instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without 18. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded <br />warrant,, and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled together with this instrument. the covenants and agreements of each <br />to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation cogs. such rider shall be iawtpotated into and shall amend sad <br />supplement the covenants and agreeme its of titif irotrtttnprt as if the <br />Ib. header. as is option. may from tims to time remove Trustee riders) were a part of this instrurent. <br />and appoint a sxooeasar Trtratee to any Trustee appointed hemnder <br />by an insuument recorded in the cououty in whicb this instrument is 19. The covenants herein contained shale extcutdes, <br />recorded. Without eoaveyaarx: of the Property. the sunxszor trustee and advantages s,TZtarik tom, tthe r for the parries hereto. <br />s%n succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon administrators,: <br />Trustee fiereln and apptiabk Uw. VVRenesa� ; r3h:_siagulac aw -i!3xr shall include the plural, the <br />Plural the ae» lid the use!, - SM-Y n�er.shall include all <br />genders. <br />By signing below lht'•- wcf accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contain n+htasis Security Instrumaat any riders) <br />executed by BorraVk and recorded with it. < ... . <br />ka <br />-' <br />[Sed] <br />TPYA LWO10T.; <br />Page 4 of 5 HUD•92143DT•1 <br />u <br />l_ J <br />-i- <br />