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<br /> 90--104 09�
<br /> � 16. Mi�c�M Pn►vMfom.
<br /> {a) �arowM Nol RN�a�d.Extenai�n o1 ths tlme tor payment or modHication of amortizatlon of the suma eecured by Mis
<br /> Oe�c!ot Trust�:aM�d by{.enifar to�ny sucGessor In ir�teroaf ot Barrowar shall not operate to reieass,in any mannai,the liabflity
<br /> • of fhe arf�inal Borrower and Boirower'�succsssors in interest.lender ahall not be requlred to commencs procesd3nps apainst
<br /> , tuCA suCC�ssor ot rNuM lo extend Ume tpr payment or pt�erwfse mndity amortzation of tho suma aecured by thi�Qeed ot Yrt+st
<br /> by roa�on of eny dere���ds made by fhe ori�inal dorrower and Borrowerb successore In Interest
<br /> (b) L�ndM'�PowKS. Without sflectlnp the UabiNry of any other persnn Hable for the payment of any obligation herein
<br /> msnNoned,+�nd without�ftectinp the tien or charpe ot thia Deed of Trust upon any portion o1 ths P�openyr not then or the�etofore
<br /> ` . �Me�wd a�securfy fo�ths iull amount of atl unpaid obtlpations,Lender may,irom time to time and w(thout notice(1)�elet►ee any
<br /> person so liable,(U)extsnd Me maturity or aiter t�ny ot tAe terma of a�y such obUpatio�s,(iii)p�ant oMer indut�ence�.(iv)release
<br /> � or reconvey.or cause to bs retseaed or rsconveyed at any time et Lender's option any parcel,portion ar all of the Property,
<br /> (v)t�ke a relw�s any other or additional securiry tor any obligation herein mentioned,o►(vi) make compositlon�or other
<br /> arrae�ementa with debtors in retatlon Mereto.
<br /> . (c) ForbNr�nc�br L�ndN Not�WNwr. Any iorbearance by Lender in exerci�iny any right or�emedy hereunder,or
<br /> � oMerwise sftorded by appllcable law,shall not be a waiver ot or prectude tha exercise ot a�y such riyht or�emedy.The
<br /> f procu�sment oi inturance or the payment of taxes or athar tiens or charpes by Lender shall not be a waiver ot Lender's Nght to
<br /> , eccelerde the maturlty oi the indebtedness aecu�ed by this Deed of Trus�
<br /> � (d) SueeNSas and As�m eound;Jolnl and 3w�1 LIablNty;C�ptlona.The covenants gnc! agreements herein con-
<br /> , , teii�ied shall bind,and the riphts he►eunder shall inu�e to,the respective successors and assigrts ef Lende�and Trustor.All
<br /> covenant�and�yrssments of Trustar aha11 be Joint and asveral.The captio�s end hegdinfls oi the para�rephs of th19 Oeed of
<br /> . Trust are tor tonvent�nce onty and ara nat to be usecl to #nte+pret or deflne!he�+rovisiens hercal.
<br />- ! ' (e) ltpwst tor NolkN.The pa►ties hereby�equeat that a copy of any notice ot defauU hereunder and a copy of any notice
<br /> 01 sale hereunder be mailed to each party to thi�De3ed o1 Trust at the address set toRh abava in the manner preacribed by
<br /> � applicabte law.Except tor any other�otice requlred u�de�applicaDte law to be given in another manner,any notice provided
<br /> � for in Mis Deed o1 Truat shatl be piven by mailing auch notice by certtied mail addressed to the other partiea,at the eddres�set
<br /> ; forth sbove.Any notice provided tor in thia Oeed of Trust shall be eftective upon mailin�in the manner desi�nated herein. If
<br /> Trustor is mors M�n one peraon,notice sent to the address set torth above shall be rtotice to all such peraons.
<br /> • (n IMp�clbn.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabte entries upon and inspectiona ot the Property,provided
<br /> that I.ender shall give Trustor no4ice priar to any such inspection specitying reasonable cause theretor retated to Lender's
<br /> ; interast in the Property.
<br /> (�) R�conwyane�.Upon payment of all sum�secured by thls Deed of Trust,Lender shall request T�ustee to raconvey the
<br /> � Property and shall aurre�der this Qeed of Trust and all notes evidencmg indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee. ,
<br /> � T�ust6e shell reconvey the PropeRy wlthout warrenry and without charge to the person or persons fegally entitled thereto.
<br /> ` Trustor ahail pay ail co�ts of recordation,ii any.
<br /> —: �lZl Rwhwwsl O�_��Cw������eMeRM1 bn aA�/ifinn3l ara���riti(n� j,hs��A�/f10f1f At th0�IA?O� Tq;ntnr haro�h��j1rnM - .:.
<br /> � Lender under the Nebraska Unito�m Comn�erciat Code e secur�ty�nterest�n atl 1�xtures,equipm�nt,and other persanal property �'—
<br /> � used in cnnnection with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part o} �
<br /> the real eatete aeCUred hereby.This instrument sAall be construed as a Securiry Agreement under said Code,and the Lender f -`
<br /> shall have e!I the riphts and remedles o1 a secured parfy under said CoOe in addition to the rights and remedies created under -
<br /> 8nd eCCOrdEd the Lender pursuant to this Deed o}Trust;provided that Lender's rights and remedies under ihis paragraph shall -
<br /> be CumulaNve with,and in no way a limitation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other securiry agreement signed by
<br /> Bonower or Trustor. -.
<br /> (i) LNns and Encumbqne�s.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no detault under 4he provisions of any _
<br /> • mortgaye,deed o!trust,lease or�urchase contract descnbing all or any pert o1 the Property,or other contract,instrument or
<br /> � � aflreement constituting a Uen or encumbrance against all or any pan of the Proper4y icoltectivety,"Liens"),existing as o}the
<br /> dete o1 this Deed of T�usL and that any and all exist�ng L�ens rema�n unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> written disclosure of Ilens and encumbrances prov�ded for hErein. T�ustor shall timely pe►form all of Trustor's obligatiorts. �
<br /> � covenants,representations and warranties under any and al�exisitmg and future l�ens.shall promptly torward to Lender cop�es
<br /> , o}aU notices of detault sent in cor.nection with any and all existmg or future Liens,and shall not without Lender's prior written �
<br /> consen!in eny manner modify the provisions of or allow any future advances under any existing or future Llena
<br /> (j) AppNcation ol Paym�nb.Unless otherwise requireti by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,including without I�mitation �
<br /> payments oi princlpal and interest,insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and protits,shall be applied by ,�
<br /> Lertder to the amounts due and owing irom Trustor and Borrower m such order as Lender in its sole discretion deems desirable.
<br /> : (k) S�v�nbility. It any pro�ision ot this Deed of Trust confl�cts with applicable law or is declared invalid or otherwise �:
<br /> unenfnrceable,such conflict ur invelidity shall not atfect the other provisons of thrs Deed of Trust or the Note which cxn be
<br /> given efteCt without the conflicting provision,and to th�s end the provisions o1 th�s Qeed ot Trust and the Note are declared to be ,
<br /> severable.
<br /> (I) TKms.The terms"T�astor"end"Bor�orve+"shall�ncl�de both smgulai and plural,and when the T�ustor and Borcower
<br /> are the same person{s),those terms as used in this Deed oi Trust shall be �nterchangeable.
<br /> (m) Gov�rriin�Law.This beed ot Trust sha11 be governed by the laws of the State ot Nebraska.
<br /> Truslor hes executed this Deed of Truat es ot the date written ab ve. �
<br /> �ark Ga�r�ens �Iopm ��c.
<br /> . By= �.-L���-��
<br /> Trustor
<br /> Trustor
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<br /> L ��
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