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<br /> ACKN�WLEDOEMENT OF DEE� OF TRUST 90_„_1 d 409 2
<br /> ._ � TrtM!�r und�nbintlt Ilu�t t!»dxum�nt d:ett Trustar t��aut ts�a�cacute ia�Qaed nt Tru�f eu�d t�ot n martpapa end thal the p,swir
<br /> ol�at�pravld�d foe!n!M OMd af Trutt prcricNs�uOaVnUalry difhr�nl ri�ha dnd oblipstian�to T�u�M�Man a moh�in tM w�nt
<br /> �! of a dM�wB a b�ch of obllp�tion unt'�r th�peed of Tru�t,inctu�in�,bul not Ilmited to,ths Lander's Nsht to Aav�th� roperly�oF�
<br /> � br M�TrwiM wNhout�ny Judiot�i procMdinp,T�wror np�e�enss�nd Yvar►�nts thit 4htalo know ed�rt���ent sx�cuted by
<br /> � Tn�lor bMor�tM px�CUlion�f 1M OMd of 7�u�t ParK Gsr eya ae
<br /> r
<br /> Hy =
<br /> : ;
<br /> ` • Truato►
<br /> � TrusMv .
<br /> i
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made as a1 tfis 1Qh day o1 July ,19��,by snd aman�
<br /> th�Tru�. Park G�rdens Developa�ent, Inc.
<br /> 7 �
<br /> who�malNrp add�aa la 211 W. 4th StreeY, Grand Island, NE 68801 �herein"T�usto�;'whetn�one or mor�),
<br /> i �T��, Willias G. Blackburn. A Member of the NeD�aska State Ba Aasociation .
<br /> �
<br /> � whot�rt�INnp sdd�ess is P-O. HoY Z�� �And ipland, NF 68802 __ (hereln"Truatee"►,and
<br /> ��p��ry. Five Pointe Bank ,
<br /> � who�maHin�address is P•0. Box 1507� Grand Island, NE 688Q2 (herein"lender'7.
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATtON,includinp Lender's extension ot cred�t�dentified herein to park Gardens Development,
<br /> j lAC. (herein"Bonower",whdther one or more)and the trust herein creete0. : r
<br /> ths racelpt of which is hereby acknowledged. Trustor hereby ��revocab�y gran;s,t�anstera,conveys and assigns to Trustee,�N ,,;
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,to►Ms benefit and security of Lender,under and subject to the te�ms and cond�tlo�s herelna!ter set �
<br /> �
<br /> toRh.the ranl p�operly.described as taltawa: • .--
<br /> , ILOt- 5eY8t1t�lii (17j iri BiOCk Fout (4j OIdE Mill 5ubdivisioA. City of ------ --
<br /> � Grand Iela�nd, Nnll County, Nebraska
<br /> I
<br /> � .
<br /> ; To�eM�r with ell buildlnps,Improvemenb,fixtu�es,streets, atleys,paasaQeways,easeme�ts,�ig�ts,privilepe�and appurte- .
<br /> nanCe!lacabd tf►ereon Or in anywlse pertaiNn�thereto,8nd the rent9,�ssues and profds, reversions and remainders thereaf,and
<br /> , such personal p�op�rty Mat Is attached to the improveme�ts eo as to con�titute a tixture.�ncludinq,l�ut not I�mited to,heatin�and
<br />� � Coolin�equipmen�end.to�tther with the homestead or marital interests,if any,which interesU are herehy released and waived;afl
<br /> � of which,i�ctudin�resrtacement�and addttions thereto,ls hereby declared to be e pan of tre real estate secured ry the Uen of thls
<br /> Deed of Trust and a11 of the toreyoinfl being reterred to herein as the"Properry".
<br /> ' ` Thie Deed of Trust sha�l secure(v)the payment o1 the�rincipal sum and interest ev�denced by a promissary noto or c�edit
<br /> aflreemant dated July 10, 1990 ,having a matunty date o}_ OCtober 9, 1990 _.
<br /> ` in the orfginal princip8i amount oi S $O,OOU.00 ,and any and al� mod�f�cat�ons.extens�ons and renewals
<br /> - ; thereof Or thsreto and any and all future advances and reudvances to Borrower(or any ot them �t more than c+ne) herounder �
<br /> 1 punuam to one or more promissory notes or cred�t apreements{herem calterl°Note").(b)ihe payment ot ot�er surns advanced by
<br /> � l.ender t0 protect the securiry of the Note;(c)the pertormance ot all covenants and agreements of Trustor set forth here�n:ar►d(d)ell ,
<br /> . present and futura�rtdebtedness and obl�pat�ons ot 8orrower(or any ot ti�ern�1 more tha� one)to Lender wnelher dlrect,md�rect. -
<br /> absolute or cont!rtger,t and whether arising by nate,guaranty,overdr�fi or ctnerw�se The Note.this Deed o!Trust and any and elt
<br /> other docubnb thatseGUre the Npte or otherwise executed�n connect,on tt�ecew�th.�nc��d:ng v��tnout I�m�tation guarantees,securiry
<br /> agreements and assignmenb oi teases and rents,snall be reterre�to nare�n as tt�e°toan�nstruments" °
<br /> t Trustor covenants and a9rees with Lender a9 fullows ,
<br /> , 1. P�y11Nf11 M If1d�bMdnMi.All indebtedneSS seCUred h@reby shall re paid when due.
<br /> Z. Titit.TluSlQt ISc lhti O�rf]St Ot th8 PtQjT�t2�. he9 llt� :��h? sr:d aut:�::r:ty to�c,n,ey :t��Pr(J�d/E�,&�'!;} Yrd=t3nt°,Sh3t ShS lseE!
<br /> ' created hereby is a Tirsf end prior�ien on the Property,e�ceRt tar i�ens and encumbrances set to�th by Trustor �n Nrit�ng and
<br /> , det►vered to Lendgr before execution of thin Qeed of Trust,and;he execut�on and del�uery ot th�s Deed ot Trus2 does not woiate any
<br /> GOntract or other obliy�tion to which Trustor �s subject
<br /> 3. TaxN,AsNS��nb.To pay before detinquency a!!taxes.spec�a�assessmen;s ar.�ail ather char�ea aga�nst the Pr�perry
<br /> nOw or h�reefter levied.
<br /> 4. InwrN�c�.To keep the Praperty msured aga�nst damage by I,re.�azaros mc�uded w�thm tne term°extended c�verage",and
<br /> s�Ch Othe►�eierd3 es Lender may re�wre,«amounts and w�th compan�es acceptabie to Lender.nam�ng Lenaer a��n add�t�ona►
<br /> named insu��ed,with lOSS payable to tt�e lender. In c:ase ot 4oss ur.der such p�;�c�es�.tne tei�do� �s au!ho��zed to ao�ust.coUect and
<br /> eomprom�se,au cia�ms thereunder and shau nave tna�pt�o�+ot app�y•�~g���o�C�rt o'lhC��S��dn.^e�;�ocefrc7s;�;W a��y�ndetited��ess
<br /> SeCUred h8reb�and+n suCh orde�as Lende►may determ�n�,(u�to:nQ trustar to Ue used fo*tne repa�r or restorat�an ot tne P►operty �_ "—""-
<br /> or(�ii)tor any aiher Rurposg or ob�ect sat�slactor�to�.ender w�thout afteci,r.�tne��eR ot tn,s QtErf ot Trust for ch�r„!�amount serurecf '
<br /> hefeby betore Such pdymeM evE�r took p1aCe Any�ppl�cai�on of p�ocee�s to �naeGtedness sna'� �ot extend or p�stpo�e tne due
<br /> date 01 8ny payments underthe Note,or cure any defauit there�nder or rte�e.�rde'
<br /> 5. E�tsOW.Upc�n wntten demand by Lentier.Trustor shai�pay to Lende* ��s�C�m�l^rer as�en�ler may tles.g�ate suft:c�ent
<br /> sumsto ent�bfe Leirder to C�y as thoy becorne duoon�or mo�o ot t�c fo�a����a i�;a�i taxes assessrnents anII ot�e�charyes aga.nst
<br /> the Propertv.(u)the premiums on ihe prQperry �n;urancu �e�u�te�he,e��der a��4�� �tne p�em��ms on any n•Grt3:�ge�n;�r�-�nCB
<br /> requited by Lsn�er.
<br /> � 6. IMslnt��ancs.R�pala �nd Comp{i�nc�wfth L�ws, r�ustor S^3�: kE:Ep !Re �rppE*ty ,• go�� cor:!:r o•, and rE'Qd3:�. Shd�:
<br /> premptly sepa�r, or repface any �mprovement �nrh:ch m�y be da��+a���� o� desr.oyed s�•�; r ot C`o'nrn; p• pCnr..t a��/ Nas�s o*
<br /> de'.enOr�!: n ol the Pro ° . $�dIS� 1! 7T7 g ra,• �n ,�,�t t •n n�� • p••• h �
<br /> o p rry o e a�e. �err��•sn �• s�b ta��t:a y ;s�.,:. << , �•e -^p o.e e c�� �°e _c�•t; 5 3 � n0 6
<br /> C.^..`Y`.r!1:�SL`}tn!fJ!'^.°i!ri:!ER�9G����Y�C�e.��.���.,en`�P.�r�.r�:'1 v�:�e.���t�..� ��:'.:. ;f f�M�,.o �.{�y�.�. ��. 3nd��n��:M.���� fl�
<br /> prt�mptiy d�scharqe at Trustor S COSt UnC)expC^50 A!�(�Pn:� enCumL•'��r;,E'.°i�l'":��"1�3L'S•E'. C�`'n'�GS�'� i:7 :iSSL'SSC�3971 t'S'. 1�'t �
<br /> P�operry or dny ���rt trtercot ���
<br /> 7 Emin�nt Damatn.Lenoe- �s nr�c5i ass��'Ct� 8'�CO'npc:r9ftt: ' Ji�d'�S: �.:".7_jC'is�., 3�:'•l,• L•a�••C.• • 1� •t, t••.r t"f'� 1".Cr ..
<br /> PtOLQB$S f m C4"�n2GI.U�r:�!'t LOnJE"r^.a'.p��;,•pt^L'l:lk..,a�f t^�F�i.... S�:. ;..i� '� •t•. .:'. _. .t.�a• . . • E• , � . . :e'� 'a
<br /> t:drt �C'�QC"S!%�'�Dt3 E?�td'E'�flt 15 GU��, t.)�O'* rv,C•,C8 It�:.P.1' ' .t' _ t' • . .'i• .. . c . . l. � t E : .
<br /> .i�
<br /> 5h�f����u�E�t•f�e�S�n,.iae<3'l� (�'^'L'C'�+i CS .. ..'r����i• .1 ' � . . .. ' ' � 'i' . ' . t•., Y . t . .
<br /> �RS:.S¢5� 4 r.,,� ... a U�•• rr,• e�.; - ..`..�
<br /> 'J.,J�:J :'OJ'1 � ` .-..P� l'�'.t`.p. ilt. . i � . l' -Ji•
<br />