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♦ 1 <br />swft of Nebraska Deed of Trust <br />89-10113() ' <br />M& Dnd of Tnw fnt;ntment" is made on <br />('�°�► ) march fsttm , <br />19 89 - The trustor is Kirk 0. Weber and Diare M. Weber, Husband and Wife <br />( "Borrows : "). The trustee is Commercial Federal Savings " and <br />Loan Association ( "fret -ta "l 'tee beneficiary is <br />Home federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island , which isarlphed aced existing <br />under the iawa of Nebraska . and whose address is 221 South Locust <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />WiMtaaNlc That the Bonower in considcatim of the debt and trust hereinafter described and created, and the sum of One Dollar (S0, to <br />him in hand paid by the Trustee the receipt of which is hereby admowkdged, does by these presents giant. bargain and sell. convey and <br />confirm, untaatyrustee in trust, with power of sale, forever, all of the following described real estate. situated lying and being in the Coumy of <br />HH , and State of Nebraska. to wit: <br />'Let Four. <br />(4) in.3auaes Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County; Nebraska <br />which Utthe address af 220 South Oak (arm) Grand Island calym�. <br />lVebritka 68(�,1Code) ( "property'A`iitilrss"). ' , <br />Tolitasi! 4 Tu ffold the premises above descnbe4 with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging Wrf including all heating. plumbing and <br />fighting fixawa and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estnto unto the Trustm and to its successors <br />and assigax: s, t .'The Borrower represents to, and convenants with. the Trustee. that the Bannwrr has good right to sell and convey said <br />premiwK that dwy- arc free from encumbrance, and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the same *inst the lawful claims of all persons <br />whotowever. fads ile said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead. and all marital rights, eiiitar in law or in equity, and all other <br />oontingeat iateres of the Borrower in and to the abovodescribed premises, and intention being to convey. hereby an absolute title. in fee simple. <br />inclu ftad rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />Pl+oviisi Alwalw,> aced these presents are executed and delivered unto the Trustm in trust: tiawz%�X, hir ft following purposes: <br />Whereas. the Barmwer on the 6th , day of march ;19; :59 . borrowed from the Lender <br />the sum of Thirty Seven Thousand Five Hundred and no/ 100 -__- -- ----- -- - --- -- <br />------------------------------- lyoilars (S 37,500.00 y, far which <br />suet tk Borrower Us executed and delivered Bono rs promissory note of even date, bearinir: <br />ialetru of the rate of Eight & Eighty � zf t hs 8.88 %) W dm imn on dw jw�a9 balame until paid. <br />71re said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of Home Federal Savings Grd •'moan Association of <br />Grand Island, 221 South Locust <br />is Grand Island, Nebraska , or at suA,* other place as the holder of the note <br />may designate in wrding, in monthly insWlmenw of Two Hundred Ninety Eight and 5(3/100 ------------------- <br />---------- Dollars (S 298.50 ). commencing on the first day of May <br />19 69 ,. awl on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid. except that the final payment of principal <br />led imtlterCmt, d not sooner paid• shall be due and payable on the. fiat day of April <br />2019:' <br />This fat, m,io used in connection with mortgages insured under the ore- to four- farnHy programs of the National Housing Act (including <br />Sacocria 2133(b) and (ip which require a One-Time Mortgage insurance Premium payhteal in accordance with the rcgutations for those . <br />programs. <br />form HW3kII2114311i%1 L $. edits m) <br />Page t of 5 24 CFR 2gt.V(aj -0 <br />U <br />R <br />r <br />