<br />21. Nslicee. f xcept for oq notkes, dersortds, requests, or other conmunkations required udder appNcable kfw to be given in another man-
<br />ner, whenever flerrefkiary or trusts gives or serves any notice (Including. without limitation, Mike of default and notice of sale), demands re-
<br />quests or other communication with respect to this Deed of Trust, each suchnotki, demand, request or other communication shall be in writing
<br />and shall be effective.onlirif the same is delivered by personal service orma'kd 6y tertified mail, postop pnpoid, return receipt requested, ad-
<br />dressed to the address as set forth of the beghnirp of this Deed of Trust. Trustor hereby requests that p copy of any notice of default, any
<br />notice of sale, required or permitted to be given the Trustor hereunder, be mailed to it of fl* address set fortis of the begif hq of this Deed of
<br />Trust. Any party may of any time dhonge its address for such notices by delivering or mailing to the other parties hereto, as oforesoid, a notice
<br />of such change. Any notice hereuctdws•6afl be dieented to have been given to Trustor br Beneficiary. when give in the mo ner designated herein.
<br />22. ieverniw 1enr. This Deed Qitr=t shall be governed by the taws of the Stole of Nebraska.
<br />23,1,6 i veers and Accra. This ftW of Trust and all teams, canditlacrs oral obligations herein opply to and inure to the benefit of and bind
<br />traeto. their heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representatives, successors and assrgns. The term "Beneficiary" stall mean the
<br />M artAf folder of the Note, whether or not maned as Berreficri" W*-
<br />2 .',t elist eat Seferel 1111di ty. All convwxrnts ad ogreernt4w !,* for shall be joint and several.
<br />M the event any one or more of tin prov �i toined in this %Teed. of trust, or the Note or any outer security instrument
<br />Overt fir'. "Fry nxtection with this transaction shall for any reasonirrci it tr t?� fre Invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, sucit invaiirfity; if-
<br />kyolit %.'for umsertforteability shall, at the option of Beneficiary, noGv f ii ii
<br />".,provision rovision of this Deed of Trust, but this Deed of Trust- sftait be con -
<br />strm4, such involid, illegal, or unenforceable provision b eeis+. rtlaned herein or therein. if the Ken of this Deed of Tft ,"!s invalid
<br />or, a **Noble as to any port of the debt, or if the iien is invalid or unefft- eabte as to any part of the Property, the unsecured or partially
<br />sea 4"' Ion of /M debt shoo bs completely paid prior fa the payment a time ;to= ning and secured or partially secured portiai%bf the debt,
<br />i 1poyntectis mode on the debt, whetfxsf raluar bky or under forecfog"'ar other enforcement action or procedure, strait b�edjssxfered to
<br />`! first paid on and applied to tile, felt' payrinant of that portion offfk4ebt which is not secure or tai fufly tecurttd t lien of this
<br />� :; aenMer ecni liennie►t Gptiens. VYhenevoc irS a ttdra=y% tit$ singular" � otter sftuii ir�dude tfie piuol. the p{uitd ttiy��l' .„
<br />r3uSdr, and the ii.
<br />f; tatWjaider shall be applicable to all genders, of this Deed of Trutt irie.iirtftiecscc only arrf
<br />or+rrr.J to be used to interpret or define the pravisitfns lrarecT. ;;, 1'
<br />jAecoplasm by Trestee. Truslee accgst thj Trust.when this Deed of Trust,-duly 0i*cuted.pnd ac6wiedgdl, l c!iode p. ;ic record as, .
<br />petsvfifi!tilfay low.
<br />if 1tVli ifSS WHEREOF, Trus /arliag erucvted111iSVeed of: Trust as of the day and year fir+�t s °d+rftten. ,J
<br />X RirrL Koe_p Wz
<br />STATE "fft 1,48RASKA ) r st A: oepp'"
<br />ss.
<br />COUNTY OF HALL ) t"
<br />On this.
<br />day of /�'i/i;1QGi�f- , 19 89 , before me, the urdersi;m6, a Notary Public duty commissioned and qualified for
<br />"Mcaywy, persone.,gy cams Kral M. Koepp and Kristi A. Koepp, r.-sband and wife
<br />to me ktsown to be ft identical persons whose cranes are subscribed to the f ;_Kegoirp instfe mvnl or admiriviedpd the execution thereof to be
<br />their voluntary act orxt deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial sea) at A.A XVJ & in said county a dot aforesaid _
<br />My comrtr st" ,:" ex; xes! mid 10MA�1
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