<br />i
<br />8�- f� #�f087
<br />S. Twee, Aeeeeeenente, Solid Ckwell. Trustor 0101!1 pay ail Faxes, assessments and other churges. I eluding, without limitation, fhhes (11111 inr-
<br />posil(otss attributable to lh* Property, and (easthotd poymn"ss or ground rents. if any. before the some become delinquent. Truster shall protttp-
<br />fly furnish to briefkiory ail notices of omm"11 dM w 4v iWs paragraph. and in the event Trustor &hail make payment directly, Truster Shull
<br />Fimptiy furnish to Beneficiary receipts evideincirsgp such pgytrenis. Trustor shalt pay all taxes and assessments which may be levied up^
<br />Mnelkiory's interest herein or upon this Deed of Trust wuje�jf regard to any law that may be enacted imposing. payment of the whole or os�;
<br />part thereof upon the BSnefWary,
<br />6. AdMhoe1 Uses will Ptrdeetfuw of IenefkloWs 4SCerily. Trustor shall make all payments of interest and principal and payments of city
<br />other charges, fees and expenses controcted to tie paid toorny existing lienholders or prior benefiraries under any prior deed of trust or ntor-
<br />tape before the date they are delinquent and promptft poT and discharge any and oil other liens, claims or charges which may jeopardize the
<br />Security proofed irerekn. It Trusts fails to hth01kt any &folk payment or fails to perform any of the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br />pod of Trust, or in any prior maIM or deed of trust, of it any action or proceeding is commented which materially affects Beneficing Y's in-
<br />forest in the Property. Including, but not "fed or*ent domain proceedings, or proceedings involving a decendent, or"itTkustor fails to pgry
<br />Trustdr's debts generally as They become dc�e. tisasn Beneficiary, of Beneficiary's option and without notice to or des-,vxd urn T7ustor and
<br />witlbrsnd, releasing Truster from any oNgation hereunder, may make such appearances, disburse such sums, and take suc!n :tio'x t5.is necessary
<br />to p si lieneficiary's interest f.xtrhdng, bat ryst limited to, disbursement of reasonable attorney's fees, payment, pu i ' . contesl or cot's
<br />probCti�;; i.& irtPC mbratce, chorgo cw Bert, cr4 entry upon the Property to make repairs. In the event that Trustor ST14 fail to procure fn-
<br />suc4nt, sr 14. -O'r foxes, assessment%, or any ofi�er charges or to make any payments to existing prior lien br.¢bci�s ur beneiiciarfes, T3eneficiary
<br />ma>j,►(lir r a`;srti t insurotxe ondrnake suchparrmM k My amounts disbursed by Bemeficiary ¢�rrSUant to this l�acrsgroph 6 stroll becarrtG o;lditional
<br />indebtedri si tt Trustor secured by INS geed oT :Ttist. Such amounts shall be poydbk- upon naNfte from 6 7' lltdary to Trustor regniesSvng pay-
<br />ment thereof, and shall bear interest from tfif 4tWte of disbursement at the role payable from I ine to time on ouistamOT principal under live
<br />Nato unless payment of interest at svchroij would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall be ii; ,16-sst of floe highest
<br />rate permissible under oppli,ob`e GSrr. Nothing contained in this Paragraph 6 shall require Beneficiary to incur. any expeiise'or*lake ony action
<br />hereunder.
<br />y. Asstffnheenl of Rents. Eeneficnsry shall [lave the r6glnl, power and authority during the continuance of this Deed of Trust to collect Shp
<br />rents, issues and profits of thef' ;actty and of any perscctal property located thereon with or without taking possession of The property of fected'
<br />hereby, and Trustor hereby obschilely and uncondiliarrely assigns all such rents, issues and profits to 8eneiiciary. Beneficiary, howehaer, l,erefhy
<br />consents to the Trustee's cell4af o n and retention of ssamh rents, issues and profits ass they accrue and become payable so long as Trssres 4s nos,
<br />of such time, in de1w.? wi,h rip'- Yee! to payment of any indebtedness securest hereby, or in the performance of any agreement hereuca>ler Upon
<br />any such default. f: onefkfiarq Maly t; any time, either in person, by agent„ or by receiver to be appointed Irt,^ d court, without notice and without
<br />regard to 11% adequacy of a" rrity for the indebtedness hereby setbeed, (o) enter upon and take passgasion of the Property or any part
<br />twreol, and in its awnrorne sLe Tor or otherwise collect suds rents, issues marl profits, including those past_,uiae and unpaid, and apply the samp.
<br />less costs and oaltomwes efi cgeration and collection, including reasonable altoatarys fees, upon any indettedraass secured hereby, and in such
<br />order us 8enefickry. moy determines (b) perform such acts of repair or protection as may be necessary or #r+per to conserve the value of f tae
<br />Repoortys (eylease f!4 some or any part thereof for such rental, term, and upon such conditions as its judgment may dictate or terminate or ad-
<br />just the arms and conditions 9f any existing lease or looses. Unless Trustor and Begteffciary agree otherwise in writing, any application of Iethes,
<br />Issuesor;rotas to any inia!'sfedness secured hereby sfiall not extend or postpone the due date of the hhst rl;maent payments as provider) Inschid
<br />promissory trade or chorgge tire° amount of such instolim�ts. The entering upon: on, 1, possession,of ASe Property,, the colieVion of such
<br />rsrtfz: 4sry s on& profits, - t cs:e application thereof as �fcresoid,. shall not wean or cure any defa.G�.1 c9g cavtice of detvuih hereunder, or in•
<br />vgfiddte any act done pursek�1 to such "oboe. Trustor a-lsz vssigrs t•,) Beneficiary, as lurtl- '1st perforrill.mce of the obligotirrm
<br />sta ured hereby, all prepait< irons and all monies whicfter V i uva bc-:Em, or may hereD,P,e. + 4.1h 5!66 Truster by any lessee of the i'r o•
<br />Ferny, to secure the payment of any rent or damages'„ upon default in the p Y; i`o-nn'tcr.e, .t' Cny of she jibvisioxns hereof. Trustor agrees to
<br />deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary. Delivery of written notice of Benefice,.; ?', s was« of the 6�4t granted herein, to any tenant ac-
<br />eupying said premises shall be sufficient to require sold terms to pv�e said rent to the 8ersfi a i y. until further notice.
<br />8. Gndeaatotlete. if title to any part of the Property shall be taken 311 condernncr } :s. by right of eminent domain or similar oction.
<br />oushail be sold under threat ql condemnation, all award!;. do rages and Rrocee6s-rre hereby assigned r:'H, shall be paid to Beneliciow y who shall
<br />apply such awards, domages and proceeds to the suns 3srrred by this Deed of Tniirrl, with the excts o,' it to f, paid to Truslor. if Tru3rrr receives
<br />any notice or other information regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor stmtl give prompt written notice thereof to l;meficiary.
<br />8enelkiory shalt be entitled, at its option. to commence, appear in and prosecute in its own cnot;tt. any such action or proceedings and sholf be en-
<br />titled to make any compromise or settlement inconnection will, any such action or proceedings.
<br />9. Romeifes Net Exclesive. Deneficiury shall be erttilted to enlot ce poysnertf and performance of any indebtedness or obtigolianc corn, ed
<br />hereby and to exercise all rfgtnts ottd powers under this Deed of Trust or under ally other agreemonl execui ed in connection herewith OF any lows
<br />now or hereafter in force, notwillrslonding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be offset -
<br />wise secured, whether by mortgage. deed of trust, pledge, lien, assignment or otherwise. Neither file acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor itc
<br />enforcement whether by court action or, pursuant to the power of sate or other powers herein contained, dolt prejudice or in city n,rinner offer s
<br />Benefkiary's right to realize upon or enforce city other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary, is being agreed that Beneficint y 01(111 let•
<br />entitled to enforce Ilgi$ Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary in such order and manner as it mayy in its ub-
<br />solute discretion determine. ile remedy therein conferred upon or reserved to Beneliciary is intended to be exclusive of any other regnedy herein
<br />or by low provided or permitted, but each shalt be cumulative and shull be in addition to ever y other remedy given hereunder or now or herQnf trr
<br />oxisikq at low or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which it nary be
<br />otherwise entitled, may be exercised, eonhcurrenity or independently, from time to time allot as often as naay be deemed exp °diced Brtretirinry
<br />and it may pursue inconsisfonl remedies. NoWngherein shall be construed us profnibiling Beneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment ugui11ss
<br />The 11ustor to the extent such oction is permfeled by low.
<br />10. Tremfee of Property; Asttreortlen, It ail or any part of the properly or any interest therein is so►cl, transferred or co11veyerl I,y four 'OF
<br />wittiftu; Setirtk6 -y s prior wditen tea=m, excluditeg(ol the crptgtian of a lien at encumbrance subordinate to this Deed of Trust. IN 111e crr'u-
<br />lion of a purchase money security Interest for household appliances, (c) a fransf er by devise, descent or by operation of low upon the dealt of it
<br />joint tenant or (d) tine grant of any leasehold interest of itnee years or less not contnining an option to purchase, Beneticioly nosy, at
<br />LBenelWary's option, declare alt tine sums secured by Iltis Deed dl Joust lobe inunedialely duo ughd payable, Of cause the Trustee to file "null"
<br />of default. Beneficiary shall have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the sale• transfer or conveyance, Beneficiary (1114 11'0 pat smf 10
<br />whom Ilse property is late sold or traawterredreaclh agreement in votitirry llttst she tretlit of such person is satisfactory to Denalicirny tsrd stmt
<br />the bdeost poyabte an the sums secured by thus Deed of trust shall Will sw h utte us Itpnef icins y slndl request.
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