<br />r shft a Ndus" Deed of Trust . �..
<br />321- 1296810 — 703 (b).
<br />7% Deed d Treat ("Security Instrument ^) is made on 7m--,—h 3,
<br />19 89 Thetruetoris Wayne S. Shultis ate, ir-6-T ,.l,. Shultis/,{
<br />iie;is. :! iYftd R.
<br />Savings and Loan . :.• -s' °;;,:''.. ` 4a�:. Sµ `'MehascSciary. is
<br />Home Federal gee oa Association of GrQ�i�;:g sit �;ti,.r,;e,riaaing
<br />under the laws of Nebraska . and whose 221 S.. ,
<br />address is O'Et:'Gh:
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 ;` ": ("Under")
<br />Wilaesselt That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and tntst trams: x �r",,, d and cr.•aw.1. as We:*i sir i`r�`ri m Dollar (SI). to
<br />him in hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby aetcnowledaga *vs. � hm presents pimp In t�yl, convey and
<br />confirm% unto the Trustee in tnst. with power of sale: forever, all of the fol;Ei��., descrtW real estate, sibtatt .l�yije 401heing in the county of
<br />Hall . and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />—= Lot Thirty -Nine (39), in Castle Estates 9ubt"ilif-eacin, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The rider to the mortgage attached hereto and End -uted of even date herewith is
<br />incorporated herein and the covenants and agreements of the rider shall a*ne -Ni Find
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this 'mortgage.
<br />which has the address of 4018 Palace DriiSiroeu
<br />Nebraska 68803 r�,p,. r ("Property Addnwl-
<br />To knave ad To Hold the premiss above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all haft plumbing and
<br />lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in cannectioa with said real estate unto the Trusft and to its suwessors
<br />and assigns, forever. The Borrower represents to, and convenants with. the Tnutee, that the Borrower his good right to sell and convey said
<br />premises; that they are free from encumbrance: and that the Borrower will warrant aW.defend the same against the lawful diems of all persons
<br />whonnoever. and the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homesturd, and a1f.as writal rights, either in law or in eq*j. and all other
<br />contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the above-described premises, and interriioa being to convey hereby an aF*hae 6:7c, .infee simple,
<br />including all rights of hornestead, and other rights and inlumsts as aforesaid.
<br />ProvWW Abvays, and these present are exacutud and delivered unto the Trustee. in trust. hor3 r.ve.t for the ffxirpF* purposes
<br />Wbemv% the Borrower an the xrd , day of parch . eg 89 " .16wrowed from the Lerrale: .
<br />the sum of Forty Seven Thee san od j ifty and no /100 - - - - - --
<br />tars 1 47 250. ), for wtz.
<br />sum the Bonowet has executed and delivered to the lender Bwruwv% pro misssory mote of even date, bearing
<br />interest of the rate of Eleven per centurn ( 11.0 %) per annum on the unpaid biLinco iwd ;p".
<br />The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of Horner Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />pf Grand Island, 221 South Locust
<br />in Gra(td Island, J11ebr ka , or at such; rup°,rs: prim: as the holder of the MCI
<br />may designate m writing. m monl�rl�y installments cif Four Hundred Party Nine and
<br />- - - - -- Dollars (S 449.97 ). commencing on the fisrat i4k;+ May
<br />19 89 . and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paidlexcept itw, 6c ffhsh 4eyment of principal,
<br />AM intel est. if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the first day of April
<br />2019.
<br />This form is used in connection with mortgages insured under the one- to four - family programs of the 14attcra1 Housing Act (incturwn3
<br />Seetbns 203(b) and (i)1 which require a One -Time Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in accordance: w40) the regulations for those
<br />programs.
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