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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST 89w 10107 0 <br />/OMIOIrl11a IIEAp TlYS EEIOf1w SIONt11W <br />rtortow�rs (Tru►Ion1un01ratandttiat tMlfoCUmsntMatthallarowwrsaraabou ltasaai;WalsaQaW of trustandnMarnongagaandtnattMpowsrotas (evrovtdad <br />twin the OwdOtTrwtVwMa PA*W WvdNf*W tNphtsandobtigall onaloths( 3orrowe" thenamartyagelntheaventotadefaultatbreachofobligationunderthe <br />Dead of Trust, weluding, but nsl fi tBlod to, the Lenders right to hove the feat Property Solid by the Truatse without any judicial proceeding or torectolure Borrowers <br />replaMnt and trarmll that Mlle acknawledgament was eaeculsd by thorn before the sawAkm of tho Oeed of Trust. <br />L <br />frnothy . Wichil Borrower <br />@n to R. Wichert) Borrower . . <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br />COMPLETE Nft "MM ONLrN the teal /wf/sNY r*eerfaea aeMMn w INDWtOU"LY *WNW A41111CULTUM LAND. <br />n. fpre.M., aeal/I.r oNLY oNft awls A. O. ter Q ;,;,. <br />D A. of/M AIMER OP NO W To DEn "lM NDYESTMW— <br />ThetfO Mww( s) acknMkdgethatthsyar*aboultoexaeue the following Dead of Trust upon the real itig sdescribedthanin .The Borrower($),andeachofthemif <br />mm thmow.d* have" disalafel their right to designate MWMUedpursuant thereto. fdo part of the homSeraoewof either of theSorrowar(A) l; presently or will in the <br />futurebesiluelled upon SAWreaisstaN. The Sorr~(s) understandthatifei therestablishesahomasteadonany 'part of sold rsalastato dunngChatime the Deadof Trust <br />ranWneurwtisliedanda lion upon Midratatae, trAM tthall band, fight tornakso designation of homestead in theeventofa loreclosureor augee's Sale with rospectio <br />Yid Oesd M Ttwt <br />D a wAWEft op f(wff TO OESIOMATE NovnTu& <br />Th* Sonvww( s) saknowWdgethsttheysteaboulto execute.ho following CeedotTrustupontle redestatedescribod therein. Thet3arrower(s), andauhof themd <br />amts than wAr-da do aby waive WAir right todealgnele a homosNad pursut rs thereto. The 9onzwer(s) understand that they have the right.tu. make a designation of <br />homateadaee * Mby* aacutingthiswaiver,t heyarewaivingrightsotherwisi; zia. ableforthepurposeofaffordingthemtheopportunitytoie4firitheirhomesteadmthe <br />event of a dotatutupon the Dead of Trust <br />D c. OKS1iWTION OF HOMESTEAD. <br />Purausall to Vial faun H mn%W Protection Act (Section 76-1901 at seq. tiivised Statutes of the State of Nebraska). 1hellorrower(s), do hereby designate the real <br />Property ft=Rmd in the - Osr�iation of Hornest*ad" attached hereto and IrAmpq�ted herein by this reference. <br />Borrower <br />Borrower <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST: U:tnade as of the 1 Sit.. daygi ..1lr WCi2—_..1914__. , by and among tie Trustor, T#Jghv L- Wichart <br />and RM11I.R. „ Whart, _lzc�J=d_apd_..w Jfe,.---. .whose mailing address►sR�a._Rnx 1331 E <br />68802-1331 thsrern`Borrowar'►.1tleTrustee. il�Illiam G. Blackburn, a &&m Pr ni the NE' ±+rate 63ar As In., <br />Ys+oeemai9ripaadressra1'Ix..Q. Box 2284, ��jr� lslan , 1�}E 60002 -2280 <br />w4owerwiciary. FL4 Apints _Ban_k___ - <br />whosemailingaddressis �•Q• _�4i_1Q7_� G�rci.1_FJ]rla�r _i'is�VSr�= �_�-• -- f (herein °Lender') <br />FORVALUABLECONSIDERATION. includi ngtheindebtedness ida; tr1 1a1?r etainandbuttn ero+nCreated.thereceiptofwhich• tooaby acknowledged, Borrower <br />tw 4by inevoesibly grants. transfers. conveys and assigns to Trustw. IN TRUST. WITH POW1111 OF SALE. for the benefit and seturiry, cf i rl OW. under and subject to Ina <br />Itt'rns and Conditions hereinahelsst forth. the read property. described as lo'IttwC. <br />TI*_ ,East Thirty Eight (38) Feet of Lot Two (2), and the West Forty Two (4,2). Feet of Lot <br />(3), Block Three (3), Pleasant View Third Addition "its the City of Cra' nd Island, Hall <br />C:cv..:� ,: Nebraska. <br />Together with all buildings, improverMnts, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways. easements. rights, privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise <br />pertill” thorM. and the rents, Issues and tents, reversions and remainders thereof; Including, but not limited to. healing and cooling equipment and such personal <br />propertythat isattachodto theimprowmenttsoastoconstitutaafixturs; and together with thehom*stead or marital interests. Many, which interestsare hereby released <br />and"Vei ; Nfolwhich, inctudingfepfacaeentaandatlditionSthoreto. rsherabydeelaredtoboapartoftherealestatesecuradbythel ienofthisDeadofTrustandallofthe <br />f0top g W" referred to heroin as tie "property" <br />This Dated ad True dteM acute (a) the payment of the principal sum and Interest evidenced by Borrower 9 note andror credit agreement dated Mph. t_,._ <br />19,019 having a maturity date of March 5,- 1994 , in the original principal amount of f ..5 -OAQfte-0_1- _ and any and all <br />modihcations. extensions and renewals thereof or therstoand any and all future advancesand readvances hereunder pursuant to one or mote promissory notes or credit <br />agreer MIS( hte /NneaOSd" Notary.( b) thepsymenlofOthersumsadvancedbyLendertoprotecithesecurityoftheNote.( c) thoperformanceallcovenantsandagreement <br />of Swf~ sM forth hff"; end id) an indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct. indirect. absolute or conbngeet and whether arising by note. <br />guaranty. ovwdran orahaerwitsof <br />Soft~. to prot*cf the Security of this Deed of Trust, covenants and agrees with lender as follows <br />1. hrrrsaA sop 111dWad fitarintat. Borrower 0all Promptly pay when due the principal of and fritereston. and any feasat er.arrei:W4vjded in, trio Note of in this <br />Oad of Tevst. <br />Z. MMSdrfdwNls Meow nirofineProp" tits the light and authority to conveythe Proptlity. and warrants that the lion created hereby is a first and prior lion on <br />the Ptaperty, eaCapl at may ottlleneiete be set forth heroin. and the execution and delivery of this Dead of Trust does not violate any contract or other obligation to which <br />SOr /Owe ls Mr0 jaCt. <br />L 3. Tft f, M li. <br />aaevelooTOPay~ dW 811 taxes. special assessments and all other chaigesagainst the Property and. upon written demand by Lault cto pay to <br />Lendw such amotafl as msy beeutfictent to enable the Lender to pay Such taxes. assessments or other charges as they become due <br />e. hewwm.T o keep the Ptoperty insured against dams" by fire. hazardsinc tuded within the term, extended coverage' . and such otlmthaylrLsas Lender mar <br />require. lnemounjewd with compamessccovable toltendei . And with lost payable to the Lander In case of loss under aucn policies, the icatuevisscttior+zedtoadjust <br />CORKI w4compramnte, aflelaums thereunder and shall have theopbonof applying all at part of Ins, insurance proceeds fit ltlany indebtedness secured hereby an d, n suc h <br />otdw as Under may determine. (n) to the Borrow*# to be used for the repair or t ntorstion of fhe Property or Nil lot any other purpose or obiec t SatiSlactory to t e rider <br />nlhoutNHetingt relie nOf" DOWofTrustforihsfull amount$@ curedharebybeforesuchpaymen tevetlookplate Anyeppb ds <br />cabot tofptoceetu"'dtWedoetst".1.t <br />601 extend Or poStporre the dire date of any paytrMnfa under the Note. at cute any default theitundet or hereunder <br />S lll&AN awra Rgaira hots Cereplits al *0 Law a Borrower shall keep the Property in good conditiuu and tepsu Shan ptompu, repa.t or tools: v din <br />i nwavem *ntwnKh may bedamag"ofaestloyw % hallnotcommi sotpSrmrtanywasteordetenota ?+onoftneVroperty shannuiramcto aem�6e�iut suhsrar,n�.i,a,tei <br />sftyof Ina impiroveffloolson Iris Ptapsito. shelf not cwtlm,l. suffe# of permit Any act to Do done 40 Of Wpontt tePtupettyivviotaftOnOfanyfab riid•nan:e ru`Wgu+atia', a,rt <br />afuH6ay and arornpnydltthargeal Sol to Wet stom and eapenae all lions encumuiancesand chargeslav-ed ­posed at sssai411aga .... r t <br />i'. <br />r <br />i� <br />c <br />i <br />1 <br />f� <br />