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<br /> TR[�3TEE�& �E�p 90°-�- 10 4 0 4 2
<br /> � xi�ow �, MEN HX Tf16BS PRESENT: ThAt JGSLrPH H. 8llA1�I, Tl�ustl�e,
<br /> upon a A��d ot Tru�t aad• �nd �ntar�d into on or about Nov�mbez 14,
<br /> 19s4, by and b�tNa�n Randy R. P=�il�r, Tru�tor, end Josaph H.
<br /> Hadaai, Tru�t�a and l�irst �'�d�ral 8avinq� and Loen 1�l��ociation of �
<br /> . Lincoin, H��liciary� o! th� Rogist�r of Da�da o!lic� o! Hall
<br /> County, �i�bra�k�, h�rein call�d th� GRIINTOR, in aan�id�r�tion of
<br /> Tw�nty-liv� 1'laou�and On� Kunclr�d and No/�100 Dollar� ($Z5,100.00) ,
<br /> , � and oth�r valuabl• considoration r�c�ivad lroa Grant�e, do�s horeby
<br /> ! grant, barqain, s�lx, conv�y and aonlis� unto �'iRST FLDERi�L 9]�VINGS
<br /> � ]WD LQ11N 14880CZ�TSON O3� LiNCOLN, a Unit�d Stat�s Corporation,
<br /> � b�r�in ca�liMl. th� GRAI�TSB, th� lollo�rinq d�scribad real �st�te in
<br /> � Hall County, Nabraska:
<br /> �
<br /> ' Lot l�iv� �s� , Blocic Sixt��n (16) , in Rollins 1►ddition
<br /> . � to th� City o! Grand I�land, Hall County, N�braska.
<br /> . ! Tp �t� �tD TO xoLD th� abov�-described premieas toqather with, ,
<br /> � all t�n�sNnts, heraditaaents and appurt�nance4 thereto balonqinq
<br /> unto th� Grants�, srid to Grantes�s successore and aseiqns torevar.
<br /> Grantor da�s haraby covenant with the Grantee and with the
<br /> Grant���s succsssors and assign:
<br /> i
<br /> (i) That Randy R. Pleiler, Trustor, failed to pay the
<br /> e�n�ficiary paysionts which wsre contractua2ly due, and the Grnntor,
<br /> at th� r�quss� o! tho H�n�liciary, slected to declar�r ths entire ;
<br /> unp�id principal balanc�, together with int�reat theroon, at once
<br /> fa�adiately due and payable. ' - -
<br /> k ..,,
<br /> .. _._ _ .
<br /> (Z) That a Natico ot Dalault wa� 112ed by Grantor on -- - - -
<br /> �►ugust 14� 1989, aa Inatruaont No. 89-10+x74 of the Record4 in the '
<br /> Raqist�r o! Deeds �ffice o! Hall County, Nebra�sk�. �i copy of the =
<br /> Notic� ot Default was s�rvod upon Randy R. Ptaitar by publication
<br /> on auqust ZZ, 29, 1989 ancl Sept�aber 5, 1989. "
<br /> ` � (3) That Trustor, Randy R. Pleffer, failed to cure the
<br /> ' d�fault relerenced in the Notice ot DePault within 30 days after
<br /> thb �exvic� oi tl�a Notica o! Delault.
<br /> , (4) That a Notfce of Trustee's Sale was filed and a capy of
<br /> the Notics o� Truste�'s Sale was served upon Randy R. Pfeifer, by
<br /> publicatfon on Kay 17, 24, 31, 199Q and June 4, 14, 199t�.
<br /> _ �
<br /> (5) Grantor published Notice o! Truatee's Sale, to be held _
<br /> on June 25, 1990, at 10:00 a.�. , at Grand Ialand, Hall County, : �=
<br /> N�braska, which Notice was published in The Grand Island Dailry � �
<br /> . Indapendent, Hall Courlty, Nebraska, once a week for five (5)
<br /> consecutiv� ws�ks, coamencfng on May 17, 1990, and ending.on June -
<br /> � 14, 1990. Th� la4t publicAtion on Notfca was at least ten (10j
<br /> daya pri.or to the Trustee's Sale, and said sale was not later than
<br /> _ . thirty (34j days �fter the last publication of Notice.
<br /> (6) Grantor conducted the sale ef the real property at public
<br /> . auction and has accepted the bid of First Federal Savinqs and Loan
<br /> P►s�sociation of Lincoln in the sus af Twenty-five Thousana One
<br /> Hurndrad and Ko/300 ($25,100.00) , as the hf.ghest bid upon said real
<br /> property. Grantor hae co�plfed with the require�ents of the above-
<br /> referenced` Deed o! Trust �nci the requirements of Nebraska Statutes, _____, _
<br /> Section 76-1001 through 76-1018, 1965, in the exercise af the sale '
<br /> of the real property described herein at the Trustee•s Sale held
<br /> on June 25, 1990.
<br /> This Oe�d shall operate to convey to the Grantee, without
<br /> right of redemption, the Grantor's title and all right, title,
<br /> � interest and claim of the Trustor, and their successors in interest
<br /> and of a21 persona clainiing by, through or under it, in and to the
<br /> abave-d��cribed real property, including all such right, title, `'
<br /> �.nterest and claim in interest subsewent to the execution nf the ��
<br /> Dsed af Trust. �.w
<br /> �J
<br />