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<br /> r:i.usi.i�°vrA Bi.i.a�i vr"f`itJ�a
<br /> � (Wleh Pawar df�k)
<br /> �t of First In�tnaat*��.(1Q_ Amouet oiOthe�inetaimenta t��$�.QQ__
<br /> '�tcc�a�t'p.�na� 3�TS?-�n Ftir.c rn�nn«ec tMu+n.c«e.Aug�SL-�6--,19_gp
<br /> NurobK of MoatAly In�t�lm�nb___8�_. Fiiurl Instal�nL Due D�te J�j��6 ,19.Q�,
<br /> � naen o� �vaT. wMM ehN ._..1�d� d JUl�— , is�,
<br /> �„ w�rr� n_ ����q�r�p� �_ ��.���,�sba�d and w3f� ,
<br /> ..w...M+uu� .i�n.. i� ?1?9 {�4+ct li4,rt h
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<br /> a�1�t�a, _ __ .tnhn fUfL^j�gh�lm dttT.
<br /> ..�,o..m.u� oaa�«. �. a�� N�e.dar�fca �a�n �+le. 688t11 ,
<br /> �a 1`ru�, u�d NawNt i5nanctal Ne6r�lca, inc., �rhae maitinR addreM ia _ '
<br /> P,rand ic 1 anrl�,�_6g�p3 _ ,�s Beneticiary.
<br /> , Wn'N�BdC'I'H.'l�u�ton h�rab�r�oe�bly,grant,b�rgain, eeN, �nd eonvey to Teust�s in tru� .vith pow+er of sal�,the followin�de-
<br /> , rcribd p�opsety In Coaaty. Nebraaka:
<br /> � .
<br /> Th� Easterly 14 of Lats 136 and 137 in 8elmont Addition To the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall Count�►. Nebraska
<br /> ; Toaether with tenemente,henditamenti+,end sppatrt�nancee thereunw belonging or in�nywiee sDpertaining and the rcnta,i�ues and - �
<br /> pin�ita tMnol: :
<br /> Thl�oonveyaaa �� int�nded for the pu�pore of�eeurin{t the payment to Beneficiary of 7'�vetro�r' promi� note of even date in the �
<br /> amoe�nt�tatd sbove a�"Ib�l of Paymente". S�id 'Tot�l of Payments" ie rep�yabk in the r.ucnber of monthly inatalmenta atated above. �
<br /> The ataount ot the in�talment p�yenents due on e�id io�n is etated abeve.The firet and final inrtalment due date�on said lwn aro stated '`-
<br /> � above. Parmtnt may b�made in advance in sny amount at any time. I]efi�ule irt makmq�ny payment ehall, at the Beneficiar}rs optioo (;�s-
<br /> -- — w�ui�rifhnnl�iMAR���� ��. 4.......�:...........aa4_a..__.._e__a.a�---- --- .. _ . _ . -
<br /> . . - .- -..-"-'._��.._ _.»......�..�.....�r1,!'^ Z..�a...s.o....r..w v.rw.nv v�ww�va'�ws vn�t aYC�trNi�ntt=c,/c�IfAj il4yitlO i@OA�E OI C111i�la:.. . _ . .. . .-
<br /> To proteet the Meurity of thia Deed of Tru�e.Truewr oovenanta and��eee: :-
<br /> '. l. To keep the prop�tty ie �ood con�t[on and repair: to permit no w��te therrof w oomptete e�y Duilding,atructure or iroprovement '
<br /> being built or �bout to be bvilt then�on:to re�tore promptly any building, ntruMure or improvement thereon �hich msy be damagcd or --
<br /> datroyed:and to camplY witA all ls�,ord�naaca,reRulatione,covrnante,conditione and►e�trictiona ntfeteins the prapeRy.
<br /> � 4•To p�y bofore delinqwnt al)lawful taYee and sseea�menU upon ehe property:to keep the property free ar.�d clear of all ather charge�,
<br /> ! li�n�or Nfeurobrance�imp�ieina the�eeurity of this Ik+ed oP Truat
<br /> , 3. To k�ep �11 buiklings now or henafter erected on the property dexribed hereio conNnuouely iRaurcd againat loee Dy fire or other
<br /> hwrd� in an amount not teas than thc total debt eecurcd by thu I)eed of Trunt All policies�hall be held by the Renefcciary, and be
<br /> �n such coenpanier�ts t}►e Benet�ciary may �pprove and have toas payable f,r»t to the Iienefic►ary rsa itn �ntereet may appenr nnd then
<br /> t�+the 7�vrtoe. The amount wUected under any innnranoe policy may be epQlied npon any indebtednee�hereby secund in auc�+order se
<br /> • the Banetitiary �ha�l determine. $uch applicatwn by the Heneficiery shall not cause d►xontinu�nct of any qroceedinge to foretlwe this
<br /> , Deed of'Tru�t or cure or�vaive�ny defsult or�otice of default or im�ahdau any ac:cfvne pursuanc to auch natia ln the event of foreclo�urr.
<br /> al)riRhb of the 7�uator in insurance policies t?►ea�n fora shaU paee to the purchaxr et the foceci�xurc sale.
<br /> 4.7b obtafe tM writteo cot�sent of Be�tici�l�r refOre eellin�,cortvey��g or otherw�ee traneferr�n�the pruperty or any part thereof and
<br /> - sny such sale,conrey�nce or trsnsfer vrithwiut�►aB��ei,�ry'a writttn conxent ehall conat�tute a derault unckr thr. terms hereof. �..
<br /> 5.To defend�ny action or proceedicy�purportirys to�aft'ert the iecuHry heriwf or the r�ghtn or power�of$enrlice�ry or Trvatee
<br /> 8. ShouW Tru�Wr fail to pay when due any tezes,aeeessmenta. �nsurance premiuma, I�ene, encumbrances or other cha e� ��
<br /> rg against the .
<br /> property herein�bove dt�cribrd, F3enefic►arv may pay the snme, and the amount � pa�d. K•�th intere�t at the rnte het forth �n the note
<br /> eecurtd htrcby,ehall be added to and be�:..�ne a part nf the deht secured�n this Deed of 7'rust iiq per�e�tted bv law
<br /> 1. In the event�ny portion of the property ia tuken or demaQed in pn emineat domain proceedinR, the entire amount uf the award
<br /> or eueh portion thcreof as may be nece�ary to fully sat»fy the obliRst�on eecurcxi hereby, shnU be paid to E�enefic�ary• to be opplttd to
<br /> seid obligation
<br /> . 'l. Ry acapt►ng payment af any sum r,ecured hereby nRer�t�due date.lienefic�t+ry dnt�a nnt +.a«e �te r�Kht t�r�_►e rr�mpt gayme:it
<br /> _ �vhen due of ail�thpr atma•o aecuir�Qr*e dec[arn drfau!!far fs:lure w�.o�t.
<br /> 3. The Truetee ehall reconcey all or any part of the property covered by thie [Te:*ed df Trust tn the perw;n entrtled thereta, on wr�tten
<br /> requeet of the 7'ruat,or�nd the Renefic�ary, or upon �at�sfact�on uf the obliKation xcured anA wrrtten reque_r. for reconveyun� mndr hy
<br /> the Beneficiary or the person entitled theretu
<br /> 99t(�81(NE)
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