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T S D <br />r7 n Z n i - M <br />-� = o o a <br />�" ry <br />CZ <br />O G rn <br />'< <br />CP <br />d O co!) <br />M O <br />z► q7 —� <br />3 Can r I M <br />i 1 n cn Cc <br />f- > ca <br />co <br />PREFACE TO MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST UNDER <br />FARM HOMESTEAD PROTECTION ACT <br />WAIVER \o <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, the undersigned, <br />MICHAEL A. PANOWICZ and PATRICIA M. PANOWICZ, husband and wife, prior to executing the <br />attached Deed of Trust dated July 6, 2001, by and between the undersigned and THE STATE BANK OF <br />CAIRO, A Nebraska Banking Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Mortgage ") hereby state and <br />acknowledge: <br />1. The undersigned states, warrants and represents that their dwelling house and other buildings subject to a <br />homestead are presently located upon the following described real estate (hereafter referred to as "Parcel <br />1 ") <br />The North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N 1/2 SW 1/4) and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S 1/2 NW 1/4) of <br />Section Eleven (11), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County Nebraska; and <br />The Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11), West of the <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, execpt the following tract of land: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Section <br />Twenty-two (22), said point being One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-three (1263.00) feet west of the Southeast corner of <br />said Section Twenty-two (22); thence running westerly along and upon the south line of said Section Twenty-two (22), a <br />distance of Nine Hundred Thirty-three and Twenty-four Hundredths (933.24) feet; thence deflecting right 90 °00' and running <br />northerly, a distance of Three Hundred Sixteen and Forty-four Hundredths (316.44) feet; thence deflecting right 29 °41'55' <br />and running northeasterly, a distance of One Hundred Ninety -nine and Fifty -four Hundredths (199.54) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 48 053'56" and running northeasterly, a distance of Six Hundred Seventy-eight and Sixteen Hundredths (678.16) feet; <br />thence deflecting left 25 °09'33" and running northeasterly, a s distance of One Hundred Seventy-seven and Sixty-eight <br />Hundredths (177.68) feet; thence deflecting left 28 °21'14" and running northeasterly, a distance of Sixty-three and Forty-two <br />hundredths (63.42) feet; thence deflecting right 154 °54'56" and running southerly, a distance of Seven Hundred Eighty-seven <br />and Five Hundredths (787.05) feet to the point of beginning. <br />2. The undersigned acknowledges that they have a right to make a designation of homestead in the Mortgage <br />or Deed of Trust for the purpose of affording the opportunity to retain their homestead in the event of <br />default and foreclosure under the Mortgage or trustee's sale under the Deed of Trust. <br />3. The undersigned acknowledges that the execution of this waiver constitutes the complete waiver of rights <br />otherwise available for the purpose of affording the opportunity to retain a homestead in the event of a <br />default and any foreclosure under the Mortgage or trustee's sale under the Deed of Trust. <br />4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgment and waiver is their knowing and voluntary act and <br />deed and the undersigned do hereby willingly and voluntarily waive, relinquish and remise any and <br />all right to make a designation of homestead in the Mortgage or Deed of Trust. <br />5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment and waiver shall be filed as a <br />Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Deed of Trust. <br />Dated: July 6, 2001 <br />MICHAEL A. PANOWI <br />PATRICIA M. PANOW <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on July 6, 2001, by MICHAEL A. PANOWICZ <br />and PATRICIA M. PANOWICZ, husband and wife. <br />GENERAL NOTARY•stote of Neorssw <br />IRVIN BA W�{ <br />My Comm. Fxp, 1M_ <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />