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<br /> 9�---- 1Q402�
<br /> � �n�► paR! of th� Prap�rty Is locwtad and �hall m�ll capl�s M �uch natic� in tCN m�n��� n pracrib�
<br /> b�► +�ppNo�h I�w!o Qonorw� Md ta th� oth�pe�s pr��crib�d by �pplic�bl� law. AR�� th� tim�
<br /> . �k�d b�►applkabl� law. Tn��tN shall qiw pubito notic� af sal� to th� puaQn� � In th�enann�
<br /> R�N� �'fl �PF�k�bl� I�w. Tn�itw, Mrilhout tNmand on eonarwr� �hMl rNl t!N Ptop�e�lr �t pu611e
<br /> auai�oe ia aM ini�i�si ivida�r �i ine an� wiai pi� �nd und�r iie�i�nn� d��ai in tiN noda�af
<br /> � yM In on� er mor� p�toN�and M �ny ar+eNr Tru� dN�mtr�. TrustN may P�Aa++� tsi� a1 MI ot
<br /> �1►P�M d� ��q�11 69l P�61b �nou�esn�nt at th�tint� and plac� of � prwiouNy �ch�duNd
<br /> a�.. L.�d.r or ia a.�i�n.. res�r Pu�cl�«th�Prop�elr ae any sal..
<br /> URo� no�ipt of p�ym�nt o!�M pric� hid� TrustN shMl dNlwr to th� purahaMr Tru�'� dMd
<br /> :+��t1M P�y. 'iiw�r�itats i� ths T�'a e1Md �hsN b� prtma i�cN wkMnc� of t!N trulh
<br /> of!� Mal�b mad� 1FwnM�. TruslN �hdl apply tiN proaNds o�th� sN� in tM lollowin� anl�: (a�
<br /> . b MI � of!M a�. NwiwlMp� but not llmM�d !o. Trush�'�tNS as P�nnkNd b'f►�PP���
<br /> and r��abN aMan�s' fi� (b)to aN swn�Ncund by tMs �curlly Iostn�nNn� and (o) �ny�coa�
<br /> ; to!iN P�rson or P�nans I�Mh► w+titNd to k.
<br /> � 1�. R�oonwy�nc�. upan p.yn�«�e a�s„�n. s.a�na Dy u,ts s.�y �n•run+«,�. �.nd.► sn.� r.Qu.s� qn�sa. a
<br /> , � r000nvy 1M Pt�opRf�►and�AM wnendK Mi�9�ourity Inqn�nt�nd�/noc��icM�dnp d�bt��d by thN �auMy k��nl to
<br /> • . TiwM�.Tn�iN thr noonwy 1M 11ropMy wlthoul w�rrmty�nd witAaA chrp� W th�p�nat or p�no��ipYy�ntllwd t6 M. Such
<br /> Pr'aon or P�rsons�h�l P�Y�nY noad�Moo oos1�•
<br /> . 1�. sub�tltt�t�Tru�tN. lw+dw,d ih opMon,nrY Irom rir�to Umf��no+r�T�wt«�nd �ppok�t��uoo�tor tru�to�ny
<br /> Tn�fN�p�aY�Md�h�t�un�by m inatrwe�t ncad�d In th�oounry N which thb S�curlry Instrwnwn b noordsd.WNhout oonv�y�nc�
<br /> e!����i;::::y.�iti�u-,c�aor�v.�a a�suee�ci to eN t�titN,Pvww�nd du�o�conNrtW upon TrustN h�vin and bY�PPk�
<br /> . I�w.
<br /> � 20. R�qu�st tor Notic�s. earow.r nyu.sc��n��co�.s a�h•ao�a d�rwK and.ai.e.s�n to eamow«�•.ddn•a
<br /> w�,+on w�+.�rop.ny�wd�.�. •�eomoww�n..nau«t•�n.� oo�a a�n.none�.a a.a�.�a � e.s«+��o �n.v«.on �
<br /> �onh h.n•r,...
<br /> Z1. A�iIENDED COVENANT. in�ddklon to tht co,r�ants and apr�rNnts nwd�in th� k�tbum�M,Mort�pM and
<br /> Mat�por Ar�M�r oov�rw�t md aprN as Eclowa:
<br /> e«rvww.�ra.�.uwt snoua this s.outlly Instiwn.nt ana th•Rot.s«xu.d thK.ay na b.wybl. 1or tn,uranw unaw th. • .
<br /> � NMioeal HouMrq Ad wMMn • 90 1roRe th�d�ts h�nol. L�nd�r m�y.�t Its optbn md �
<br /> nolvvKhsYrbnp +rrytAfno b Panpraph s, ►pWn fmmedi.:e payrne�,t in tu� of a� wms :.an.d tiy ena s.aMity -
<br /> - - - �------- ��� '
<br /> � ...—.. ... . w��auwwni. n �ii�n� si���trwo[ t� �Mty �t�lflOfY�O �fli Of ifl� 3�R�Y atiQ i{� t0 j--.. --
<br /> ' 90 irom tM d�ts h�nof,d�clinbp to Nsun thls 3�axky In�lnirtNnt a�W Me '"
<br /> not�s�cund th�nby. ehM b9 M�rn�d conct,siw proof ot wch ine�r. Notwithstandhy th�la�oirp,thb opUon
<br /> rtf�y not b��cb�d Dy LmdK wh�►th�w�ava�bYity of hsuranc�is aoi�iy du�to L�ndws t�lur�to nrt�it�mort� -°
<br /> In�uwnC�ptMr�n W th� �cnt�ry. -
<br /> 22. Rid�n to this Sacurfty instrum�nt. H 011�O►IifOf��WM�K� �c�cutaa ey Bonowsr�nd noo►d�d toathK wrtb _
<br /> this S�axitS► MsaurtNnt, er,.cov.n.na ot..uf wcn �id�r sn�a r�cornorat.a (nto«,d shar.m«�d.nd sup��i.n,«N ti� oo+r.nr,a ;_
<br /> and apr�rwnb o1 thia S�axky InsOsxn�nt �s N th�ridK(a)w�n h a pa�e a eMs s.a,rky�ns�n.rn. �ch.a�.�sc.a.bo�«».
<br /> �Caidaek�ium RWw 0 Adjustabi�Rat�Rid�r ❑Carowk��Equity AIdK
<br /> � �PMrs�d uMt D�+rdopman RWa ❑t3raduat�6 Payrnent Fi�der �ott�er Acknow. d� Mort� Add�ndum �
<br /> ;
<br /> BY SI�NINd BELOW, Borrower �ccepts�nd ayrees to the terms conta(ned In this Security Instrument�rtd in any ddar(s)exe�uted �'
<br /> by Horrow�r�nd racord�d wilh it.
<br /> IAlknsss�s: ��'
<br /> 8orow�� �v n L MI I�r ��
<br /> ,
<br /> (�
<br /> (3orrower ='1'a�;y (Z. MUIlr
<br /> 1
<br /> (Space 6dow Tlus uno For AcknowledgementJ .=_°-°—
<br /> STATE OF N�brssks � �
<br /> COUNTY OF Hsll gs�
<br /> The torefloinfl instrument was acknowledgsd betore me thls 1Ath day ot Julv 1990_,
<br /> by __Kvvin L Mlllar and Tracy t�. Milier . husband and wife �
<br /> � Wdness my hand end omc'�al seal. , ��
<br /> r
<br /> t�l4y commissfon e;cpkes: 7-� •-�a�- �
<br /> „�= ot r��sa� } l O�y�
<br /> �'°�-r.'�i,Y•Stat: �. ka � / G�� Jc� / � C1 .�.(:E�.d� �,��
<br /> f,ENER9± ��'
<br /> ti'1kGrR�Y CA.OILION Notary �sc .
<br /> ��y rpmm E�D. 1uh Z.1�3�2 ..
<br /> a,ac a L•a '
<br /> F6175.CTI(04/d0) P(4/90) U(4/14/90) 60500�5
<br /> �
<br />