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200006904 <br /><• DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THAT PART OF LOT <br />FORTY SIX OF INDUSTRIAL ADDITION..SUBJECT TO LIEN <br />A imcl nl' Lind comprising ail of LUIS Sixty -live (65), Sixty -six ftili), <br />Sixty -seven (67), Sixty eight (68), Sixty -nine (69), Scvcnty -SCVa1 (77), <br />Scvcnty -eight (78), Scvuuy nine (79), Eighty (80), Mighty -tine (81), <br />Nincty -six (96), fdinety -seven (97), Nincty -eight (98), ;ntd One <br />llundred Thrcc (10), and part of Lois Forty -six (46), Forty -seven <br />(47), forty -cighi (4R), Fnrty -nine (49), Filly (50), Filly tinc (51), <br />Sixty -four (64), Fighiy -two (82), Nincty -five (95), and One llundre(1 <br />Lour (1114), all in the lndusiri;d Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />ti' chimk;!, and Iynie ir. the Southwest Quarter (SW' /4) of ScClion <br />Fourtccn (14), "I ,,unsl;ip Hewn (11) North, Rnttt'c Ninc (9) Wcst o1' <br />the 61h P.M., 11;,11 ('ntnHy. Nchmska, and more panicularh' dcscrihud <br />as I1,311m s: <br />licginning at a I;;•irt scveniy (711.0) [Cct South and thirty -thice (:,I) <br />feel lust nl then niihWL'SI moles ufsaid Southwest QUartUr (SWWV4); <br />hence mmlling ::.e:lcrly and lutrallcl u, the N ,nth line of said <br />Sowh':Csl Qu;111cr (SW' /4) a distance of nnc thousand nine hundred <br />Ihirl). seven ;111(1 live lcanhs (1,9: ;7.5) ICCt: lhcnec running southcri) <br />i and parallel to the West line of said Southwest Quarter (SWV4) a <br />1 distance o one thousand six hundred thirty and thirty-two hundredths <br />(1,632.'2) feet to a point on the northerly ,right -of -way line of the <br />C.B. R Q. Railror,d Company; thence running northwesterly along said <br />right -of -way a distance of seven hundred thirty -four and ninety -eight <br />hundredth; /734.98) feet to a point on the East line of the Southwest <br />Ou;rtcr c. + s Southwest Quarter (SW /;SW +h); thence running <br />northerly along the E: :st lisle of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />So:;ti:,,ca Quarter (SWIASWy4) a distance of thirty -nine rnd sixty - <br />eight hundredths (39.68) feet to the Northeast corner of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the South.�,cst Quarter (SWY4SWr /.,); thcncc ' <br />running westerly along the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (SW! /4SWI/4) a distance of seventy -six and thirty- ' <br />seven hundredths (76.37) feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way <br />line of the C.B. & Q. Railroad Company; thence running <br />northwesterly along said right -of -way a distance of one thousand three <br />hundred seventy and fifty -six hundredths (1,370.56) feet to a point <br />thirty -three (33.0) fleet East of file West line of said Southvcst <br />Quarter (SW'/4): ther:c,; running North and parallel to the West line <br />Southwest Quarter a distance of six hundred nineteen and <br />[111"tcnths (619.3) fccl to the point of beginning, and containing <br />50.0 acres, more or less, and (le-sctihed in a survey dated Octohcr 6, <br />1963, preparc;i by Thomas L. Jordan, Registereu Land Surveyor, <br />Grnxl Island, Nebraska. <br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tract ofland <br />a)mprising a part of Lot Forty Six (46), Industrial Addition to the City Of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the West line of Lot Forty Six (46), Industrial <br />Addition, said point being Seventy (70.0) feet south of and Thirty <br />Three (33.0) feet east of the northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW 'A) of'Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., said point also being the Intersection of <br />the south line of Swift Road and the east line of Stuhr Road; thence <br />east on the south line of Swift Road a distance of Twenty (20.0) feet; <br />thence southwesterly on a line to a point Twenty (20.0) feet south of <br />the intersection of the south line of Swift Road and the east line of <br />Stuhr Road; thence north on the east line of Stuhr Road a distance of <br />Twenty (20.0) feet to the point of beginning; as sl.own on the plat <br />dated March 6, 1996, marked Exhibit "A" and a ached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by referent. <br />&4, <br />