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<br /> �� � and other �ood and valuable aonaic�rations� t�ceip ere s eby � �'
<br /> �' '
<br /> ��l�g�� ZYllie Nimnth � ;�
<br /> i� I ;i .
<br /> �, ! �
<br /> i' of craut Islaaxt , t�ebra9lca, hereir, call the o-anttc�rr, � ;`
<br /> i f whe ane or aaore does y gran � canvey and release u�to tF� Central Platte ' '!
<br /> ; Naturai Ra�caurce Distriot, Grand Island, Nebra9ka, herein called the�Grantee� its � ;j
<br /> j � suooeaaa•� anc� a�aigns a perpet,�ral easema�t in� over a�d Lpon the �b7loaing I I
<br /> 1 n
<br /> I! f described land situated in the Canty of H�a11 , State of Nebt^aska, � ;
<br /> !I t. to �+it: � `
<br /> �. � 1.6 Acres - S'� 1� I� � I '�
<br /> f � Sec 23-12N-9�W for pexm�nent�easement as sYvown an attached � 'I
<br /> , plat. i �'
<br /> , i .
<br /> i� ! 3.1 Acres - E� NW� and Part of Si� NW�a Sec 23-12N-9W for permanent � �;
<br /> ;; � easement as shown on attached plat. ; ;;
<br /> ;; ( far the purpoee of or in oonacction with the oor�struation of a new c��annel berm I x
<br /> �� � and to icnprove the existir�g ctiannel on Moores Creek � , ;'
<br /> �` located m the above described laxls� aonstruction i,xlude widening, ;
<br /> on
<br /> ;� 1 deepening, st,r'aighta�ing, snd clearing ar�d snagging of trees, brush and ott�er , �
<br /> -�' ! d�bris. for or in oanection with the operatian, mafntenar�ce and in.�aeetion of � ..,;,
<br /> �; ,i . s�ch charmel berm and ct�riel as� for the t'Ieaage of any w�:ers in, aver, �.�cn o� . -- -- - -_-__ _
<br /> ;� tt�rwagh such c3�aru'►el berm and channel. �
<br /> �� �
<br /> ;t i The rights a�rl pri�ilegas herein �anted shall be sub�ect to tbe following tertre =-
<br /> , �nci oc�rsdi�iar►s. ,.�
<br /> i; �( ,
<br /> �' ( 1. Zhe aonsideratian reoited herein shall constit,utie paym�t in Nll for . �
<br /> f` ' all danage aastained or to be sustained by the Girantor by reason of ti�e exercise '
<br /> �; � of any of the rights �r activities described or �anted by t�e above. ,
<br /> i'. ►
<br /> ;� � 2. Zhis easeo�t includes the right oF ingress and e�ess at any time aver
<br /> ; ' � and t,pcm the ea�n�t aea of the Grantor as specifically described above.
<br /> ' � 3. Zher�e is reserved to the Grantor� his heirs and aasiBn�s� the right and
<br /> �; ; privilege to t�se the above described land of the Grantor at any time in any �
<br /> �. � mamer and for any purpose rat irxonsistent with the fl�ll use and en�oyment by �
<br /> �, i the Grantee� its suocessors arxl assigns, of the rig�t and privilege herein ,"�"'F
<br /> granted.
<br /> 'i 4. Zhe Grantee �hall oonstruct� operate and mafntain the above described T
<br /> :: ; worlo of improveaent within its discretion.
<br /> �; � 5. ZY�is �t ahall not perss r�or shall the same be oonstrued to pass� to
<br /> �:
<br /> � the Grantee any fee simple interest or title to the above described lands.
<br /> � 6. The Grantee will oonstruct a te�nporary electric fence along both banks
<br /> of the improved chanrfel (Fhere needed) and install a solar powered fencer. This
<br /> � syste�n will be utilized for tw� (2? �"owinB geasons thereafter beoaning the ,
<br /> P�'bP�"tY of ttie (irar�tor. /
<br /> , 7 ��� Cvr•e�n��r l�ti���Cewy7`ruc7� !h� Ci^�OfS�a9 WiT�i Tdd�s whtrY ;-�_—_-_--
<br /> . �
<br /> rpr���r C�0 tc'S� / . ,
<br /> � $, Thr Gra��p� ca,�/ Ce.ss�i�'ucT ea� ra c� C re ss.k> ���as,✓rr w�i�r�°
<br /> �rw��.r ���se s.
<br /> TO HA11E AND TO HOLD the aforesaid easement in� over ar�d upon the above descriEcd �
<br /> �.anci of the LYantor� with all the rights, privileges and appurtenances t,�iereto
<br /> belonging or in anywise appertaining, unto �he Grantee� i�s successors and �
<br /> �:signs f�rever. �
<br /> � , ��
<br /> 1 r>- ;
<br /> �
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