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200106570 <br />Project' NO.: 97- 0174.04 <br />Central Platte Natural Resources District 2'11 <br />RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT Tract NO.: <br />TEMPORARY EASEMENT <br />THISCONTRACT. made and entered into this . ............................... day of ........................................................................................ ............................... �t)F►20C 1 <br />by and between .......W�...Lyl,�.,.Wh t ng,.._.Trustee.__of the ..W.._ Lyle Whj ipg.. Revocable.._ Livipg.. TTUSt ........................... <br />,�ltec�,,,November.. „1.3, ,1992 .and Danne._.J Gmpel <br />................................................. _ .................................................. <br />... ............................... . <br />Address: Box,.2018.,....Cody.,....WXom ng...GAO <br />hereinafter called the OWNER, and ..Cl Resources District <br />....................entral ....... P..........atte ............................... hereinafter called the BUYER. <br />WITNESSETH: In consideration of the payment or pavments as specified below, the OWNER hereby grants to the RIIYER a Temporary Easement, <br />for construction purposes, to certain real estate described as follows: <br />TRACT 201E <br />A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LOCATED IN SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 11 <br />NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST, OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND MORE <br />PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST <br />QUARTER (NE CORNER, E1 /2, SW1 /4) OF SECTION 35; THENCE ON AN ASSUMED <br />BEARING OF SOUTH 01 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EAST <br />LINE OF SAID E1 /2, SW1 /4 A DISTANCE OF 577.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF <br />BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 01 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 46 SECONDS <br />EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 120.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 <br />DEGREES 48 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST ON A LINE PARALLEL TO THE NORTH <br />LINE OF SAID SW1 /4 A DISTANCE OF 639.88 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES <br />00 MINUTES 39 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 167.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 <br />DEGREES 48 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST ON A LINE PARALLEL TO THE NORTH <br />LINE OF SAID SW1 /4 A DISTANCE OF 754.17 FEET TO THE POINT OF <br />BEGINNING. SAID EASEMENT CONTAINS 1.93 ACRES MORE OR LESS. <br />.�1 eayee•C+�7 i9�rta �er Ne Mov'd�'�taN�cuo�� >er/ 9ear5. <br />v <br />It is agreed and understood that the BUYER is hereby granted an immediate right of entry upon the premises described above. <br />'Ihe BUYER agrees to pay for the use of the above described real estate as specified below. If the OWNER so desires, he /she shall have the <br />right to receive 100% of the payments due under this contract prior to the BUYER'S use thereof. <br />Approximately ..... 1.tU........... acres at S.......N.�A .. per acre ......................................................... ............................... S .............. i.a.?nr..nn......... <br />......................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... S ................. ............................... <br />......................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... $ ................. ............................... <br />TOTAL $ ... ...........i. .,.znn..nn......... <br />It is understood that the easement area may be used for the temporary relocation of utilities during the construction of the project. <br />The above payments shall cover all damages caused by the establishment and construction of the above project except for CROP DAMAGE, if <br />any, which will be paid for in the amount based on the yield from the balance of the field less expenses of marketing and harvesting. CROP DAMAGE <br />shall mean damage to such crops as are required to be planted annually and which were planted at the time of the signing of this contract and which <br />are actually damaged due to construction of this project, but in no case shall damages be paid for more than one year's crop. The OWNER agrees <br />to make a reasonable attempt to harvest any crop so as to mitigate the crop damage. <br />This contract shall be binding on both parties as soon as it is executed by both parties but, if said. temporary easement should not be required, <br />this contract shall terminate upon the payment of $10.00 by the BUYER to the OWNER. <br />This contract may be executed in more than one copy, each copy of which, however, shall serve as an original for all purposes, but all copies <br />shall constitute but one and the same, agreement. <br />This contract shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of the above project by� thr, BUYJ3R: <br />THIS IS A LEGAL AND BINDING CONTRACT —READ IT. <br />The representative of the BUYER, In presenting this contract has g me a copy and explained all of Its provisions. A complete <br />understanding and explanation has been given of the terminology, phrases, and statements contained In this contract. It Is understood <br />that no promises, verbal agreements or understanding, except as set forth In this contract, will be honored by the BUYER. <br />BUYER O NER W. LYLE WHITING REVOCABLE LIVING <br />TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 13, 1992 <br />By ................................................................................................. ............................... �� <br />L �e I? ....:. <br />y stin41”? � sEee <br />Date............................................................................................. ............................... �... • ....... , anne ii p <br />
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