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<br /> �te►M�wrt 1_ Twxm�,r and Ell*an B. Tesmar.husband $,wife � whet hc r _ ,
<br /> one or nwre, hereln csl lod the HartgaRar, and FIV� PU1N7'S sANK of Grand -
<br /> - � Is1�nd, ti�11 Count�, Ne6rasks hcrein �A11ed ti�e Mortgagee, hereby eRree
<br /> �s fallows:
<br /> 1. Mort���or h�s exe�utcd and de l ivared �o HortAAgee� a f t rst
<br /> R��1 E�etat� Mar tg±�oe d��ed ������ ��_ �9�7 a�d recordGd _Al�qu�t 1r. 1987
<br /> as Dotu�r�ent No. s�_ap��� in ehe oEfice of the ReRister of
<br /> �reds af Hall Cdunty. Nebraska. in conaideration of thr
<br /> Hor�gagev's certein Pron�iRSOry Natc for � 10_000.00 � which is a
<br /> ��- valid aubsisting oblisation of the Nortgaqor a�d that payn�c�t of the �
<br /> rewMfnder af the princ�pal and accrued i�terest thereon will be due
<br /> � sccording to the terms oE the �forementioned ficst Real Estate Mort-
<br /> � �aRe, nwdiEled and payable ta the folloWing maencr:
<br /> Incrwsi�g princip�l back to the o�iginsl amc�unt of 310,000; the psyment
<br /> ��hount wlll reinain the same--psyments are #260.89 due the tOth of each
<br /> �onth b�ginning Os-10-90, with � maturity of 07-i0-9�.
<br /> � � � The new mstu�ity date on the Mortgage wilt be July 10, 199R.
<br /> 2. All other terms ar�d conditions contained in the oriRinal
<br /> f i rs� Real Esta te Moe tgage dat ed As,O ■e t�� toe7 , sha 11 rema i n tl�e
<br /> aa�e. and the !lodf fication and Exten�ion Agreemrnt is mud�� a pa�t of
<br /> the originat flrst Real Escate Mortgage by rcfcrence and shall inure co
<br /> all �ucceSS�rs and assigns and the heirs.
<br /> Datcd this the f�� day of �_, 19�. � •
<br /> . LEGAL: Lot Two�(2), 81ock Two (Z), Ashton Piace, an addition to the City '�,
<br /> of Grand� Island, H�11 County, Nebraska. .� , ;�
<br /> � �:�.
<br /> , .
<br /> �.---_—..---_—_ �`�',��� L� r� ./C�.' - - - .-..-. `T-
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<br /> by Edwa�d . O'8oy VVice Presiolent) �'�`
<br /> STATE OF NF.B�ASEU) ��
<br /> )
<br /> B�fore me,. n notary pubt ic qual if irrl for said count v, pe•rsonal i�
<br /> camc R_�rt J. Tesrner <���d Ei een B_ Tesmer . �now�� �o
<br /> �c t.=� Gr tt:t ic;�nt aca! �ersot�s uh� s��ner.; thc• foreKaSnK i��s:rj.�mke�t a��cf
<br /> atknoWlE�dKc�d [tiP ex�ct�ttvn ti��reuE to !�e ci�eir vulu���ary a�t .an:i decd.
<br /> • 4litness my ha�d ond not��rial sca! on ���Y 6 �ggp r
<br /> .
<br /> � oEM�1AYrtwa�ir ' � _ ' ° " ��.�• ��,!��
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<br /> Bi•(�rc• me . a uc�f:r-y pubi ic quai ii t�•ct f�,r sat d � ount ��, pc�r�onai iti �
<br /> tame �ard_M. ��BUY��� �(.��.�l.�)e 'r.itiva�� t �+ ri�• t �� t•e� ; hir etJ�•��t i c �il �
<br /> ipE•tSUr► wh:� �[F;it£:d 'ha• l��rr�;�ttiE; tr��.t rcir�� i�t ,�nci ;�ck.uu:�l�•ci}.i•:I tl��• �•xi•� u--
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