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<br /> q�� 1Q4005
<br /> .�..i....+�...t�w+.� �riit�aii riaht�i'wri'rnntuv� tiv�Tnictrn s Ii:4 i3F�pt�riaht;titM, interect apcl ct�im of the Tn�ctnr anct hic�neerccnpc
<br /> ... ... �....... .� y'. _. ._.... .�._e .. • -
<br /> in intccest uxf�ot all,persans claimiry�by ot throu�h or unckr them,in and ta thc proper�y sold, inciudins all such right,tittc, intcrcst
<br /> snd rhim ir�And ta�uch propehy�cquircd ba+the Trustnr ar his s►x;cessors in intenst suNsequent to the executian of the T�ustee.The
<br /> � 7irustee�Mll �ppiy the pro�ceak of the Tttatee's sak. firsl,to thc cast anc! ex�etue�oP exercisin� the pow�er n!' sale, and of the sale,
<br /> et�!�:_ !M �;:�:;i C�!!�-'I'se.N.is-'° !'••• ,.•tt�.lha ie:^••�•� rs�: !a � :l:�wr::�t: i ::F' ts m y �: p:c�:� t'ur ir. :l�:ts�:s�sl.
<br /> W r`M VMM Mr r�t�b VArbM �• •�r i�
<br /> �co�d.tQ prlyment c�l't!�c�i�st_��ned by the t�t�d��d the b�futce,iC any.to tl�e p�rson or persons kgaliy cntitkd ther�tta
<br /> �
<br /> Attd the Ttust�e caMetants faithfuily to perform the tiust heiein ciated.
<br /> lIENEF�CIARY aap► fionn ti�ta tjme wb�titute a succe�ssa or sucee�cw� to any Tnutee named f�enin or actirrs hereunder to
<br /> eo�ece�le t6ie Thnt D�ed. Upon wch ap�oinbna�t and �rithaut conveyince tn the successor Trustee. the latt�er aMli be v+ested with aU
<br /> � ' titb, pe�ww�and dutks cankrred upon u�y Trusta hercin named or acdns he�eunder.Each such appointmrnt and substitution slnll
<br /> be rwds 6y Mriuea imwmd�!aad a�c�Med by Btnefici�ry.ca�lainin6 rekcence to this'ilrust Dad and its phce of recad.wlrich,when
<br /> �eoad�d.in dio efrioe of tbe Re�let d'D�eds d'the cwmty a counties in whicA s�id propertY is situated,sh�ll be carclusire pmd
<br /> oF prepe��ppointment ai the wores�Tn�sla.The foregc�ins po�wer of aubstitution And the procedurc tlierefae shail nat bc e�luaire
<br /> d'tbe pdwet and pocedute provided fa by law fot the subsdtution M a Trustet or Trustees in the place M' the 7irusta or Trusta�
<br /> n�a�d baein.
<br /> ' , Sbould the Trustar or its suceessor in intenat without the consent in writina af the Bemet�ciary sell.trar�sfer.cx convey.or permit
<br /> ! :. :s�:.-�.�,ir�'�-�ar r,�;c�3;:,i�bs:,�'�,-rr►r-rt tar a:�te a��ar�;m.��mer. iis int�c.s: in L�:.a��e d�ri�d m,�!+ntrt!(nr�r p�t
<br /> thaeol�.tlkn&neC�ciary may declaie al)swns sec�ued 1Kaby immediately due and p�yabk.subject tn applicable Isnr.
<br /> � The w�iver by Tru:tee or Beneficwry d'any detault oP Trustor under this Trust Deed sh�li not be ar be deemed W be a waiver
<br /> o�a�►atl�er or sirnilu dd'mfts awbsequentty occnrrina,
<br /> This Tcuss Deed sh�ll innre to and bind the heirs.ksatees,devise�s,administratas,execuwrs.succcssors and a�isns of the MtGa . ,
<br /> l�arto. ',
<br /> .�. �
<br /> _'fhe Tiu.tt I�eed shall be construed accordin�t to the laws of the State o�'Nebraska.
<br /> = - �_ ..
<br /> ----- . __.. ... ----.. . _.
<br /> ,:-•�-_.
<br /> The Trustor etquests thri a copy c�f arry notice of defautt and of any notice ol'sak heneunder be rrraikd to him by certified mail
<br /> at the addreas hetzinbefore set forth and evidence of such mailing shall constitute evidence of nceipt of such notice. �
<br /> � Trustor rcprrsents and warrants that the above described rtal estate is not used for an agricuitural activity.
<br /> j
<br /> , Whenever the context sn requires, sir�ular woeds shall be construed in the piura! and vice vers�.and the masculine gender shal!
<br /> be eanstruod to inciude the feminine and vice versa.
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> IN WITN�SS WHEREOF.the Trusta has�henunto set his h�nd tha day and y�ear fir�t above written.
<br /> �,
<br /> !
<br /> �
<br /> TRI. "fl7 Daniel Floze Jr.
<br /> , �
<br /> " � .
<br /> TRLSiOR
<br /> �A�p� Nebraska (3loria Flores
<br /> , COUNTY OF . xAti �}�.
<br /> &fore me,� Notary Pubtic,qualifed by said couni}•,personalty came nani�l Fl.ores, ,7r. a�
<br /> ,...--�---_.-_
<br /> _, Gloriai Flores kne�wn t� me tc� be the identical per«�ntsi«h��signe�! the fi�re��►ing
<br /> instrument and ackndwledged the exece�tion thereof to be his. her or thcir ve�{untart art and deed. �ti'itntss my hc,nd and Nvtanai Seal
<br /> pq Julv �. 1990 , �g _ ,
<br /> My commissian expirex f��l�i.��'9y . � . �!���.�-' _ M#
<br /> L ?`UTA R�' Pt:l3UC . ���
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