State of M AWaske Deed et Trust [I;A2OrN;
<br />989-7x3 1
<br />VA Deed ofTMd ("Securq ter- Imment") is made on F ehrt tat y 2O
<br />19 89 .Thetrmuris C14 ARLES F.::PPEIFER AND WHIL 111 R. PFC'IFER, husband and wife
<br />("&xrower') The itwstee is PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE
<br />Ct7MPANY ("Trustee ). The beneficiary is
<br />HOME FEDERAL_ SAVINGS AND LDWI ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND , which is organized and existing
<br />uader the laws of PiE$GLASf:.R , and whose addrevs is 221 South Locust
<br />Grand Island. Nebraska ( "Lender").
<br />Wkneaweft That tae &xrw%vr in., eonsWiation of the debt and trust hereinafter described and created, and the sum of One Dollar (Si), to
<br />him in hand paid by the Trustee* Elie receipt iif which is hereby acknowledged. does by these presents grant. bargain and sett, convey and
<br />confirm, unto the Truttae im Errs$, wkk powes of sale, forever, all of the following described real estate, situated lying and being in the County of
<br />HALL , aril State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />The ri;3er to the r„raYtgage aLLdLJied hereto and executed of even date herewith is incorporated,
<br />herein and the cciv.anants artd agreements of the rider shall amend and supplement the
<br />covenants and agreements elf this mortgage.
<br />which haftAd*nsOf 1439 N. NvLear•J P,l;F&%je Grand IQWd
<br />Nebraska 68803 rte ceCcr ("Property Address" );
<br />To Have acrd To Hold ftprcmhxs#konc C,rscribed, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating, plumbing and
<br />lighting fixtures and equiyraerr r F tT humgaftr attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Trustee. and to its successors
<br />and assigns, forever. The P myacr rtWfflxm w, and converans % !n. the Trustee, that the Borrower has good right to sell and convey said
<br />premisas; that tky are free frwtr,twrrrakamce; and that the Baum er will warrant and defend the some against the lawful claims of all persons
<br />ahonssoever, and the said 13OW&Wer t Mby: rtlingWshes a18 TieS of homestead. and all marital rights, either in law or in equitji And 411 other
<br />contingent iu;rert ga cf toe Virtux%r imeadr rw Or. above- describod premises. and intention being to convey hereby an absolaw title, in fee simple.
<br />including a;I *ss ct htam.-&--t94 and a1a vjW and interests as aforesaid.
<br />Provided Atwsya, and the<e 9CMM are executed =4 delivered unto the Trustee. in trust, however for the falli+,wing purposes:
<br />Whereas, the P.orroat:r om Ile - 28th . day of February , 14,09 , borrowed from the Lender
<br />thesumof FORTY FIVE Tlg6USAND AND NO/ 100------------------------------------------ - - - - --
<br />Dollars (S 45,000.00 ). for .which
<br />sum the Borrower !*,tz exxutaod Arid delivered to the Lender, Serrower's promissory note of even date, bearing
<br />interest of the ride of nine o& one -half per =turn ( 9.50 %) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said principal and s) ntrvashallbepayableat the office of HOME FEDERAL. SAVINGS APIO I0APJ ASSOC:IATIC)N
<br />221 South Locust
<br />in Grand Island, Nebraska . or at such sxher place as the ho!der of the note
<br />nay desigeax in wriUa j, in. monthly installments of FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY NINE AND 91/ l U(I-_- -- - - - - -- -
<br />- -- - ilk�l;ats (S 469.91 ), commencirg ten the Grit d.ty of A`) r i 1
<br />1989 . and od the tintdity of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid. except that aho final pu)nront rrf principal
<br />and interest, if rot sowul paid, shall be due and payable on the first day of March
<br />20 04
<br />This form is used ir, eo:!-rteetion with mortgages insured under the one- to tour - ramify progranis o.i tht. National H©usrng Act including
<br />Sections 2=b) and (i))which require a One -Time Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in necordance wilt) tha rtrgulat,ons for those
<br />Programs.
<br />Page Eery
<br />L
<br />fore HUD-92149•I)t,t (388 odtion)
<br />24 CFA NO IP1+1)
<br />haar�
<br />