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<br /> < �J�s r� .�is}" yt t.� r i:i�ru�i�1 -��-j fr - _ �i �.n -- .5�lv:.�-�.`�,,.i.�(''��--5��i. .',` . .
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<br /> {d� Ba�aflclary n�ay elact t�c�se tfx3 TruSt Pr�parip c+r ar+y�an if�a`aof fo be sWti urrder tRu Ex�wer ot sxte,arrd i►�surt�e�enr.
<br /> I�n�pCfary ar TruxteA SAttM gArQ sach notice�t da�AUR and noNce 01 saM As may be then relluirarf by Iaw. TI►ereaftet,u�n the
<br /> �xp�ir�tion od serch tims iu►d ffis giWnQ of strch notice ol sdle as may then be raautre0 by law, flustee,at the tlme and pJace specineri
<br /> � er m.�oNc.a�,�rw,slr�ll sNV such Tvµtt F'ropeRy, a eny pAR fhsreof spsclfied by Benefrcrary,ar put,�ic aucr.�a►ro rne h+gnesr
<br /> t�ddM ADr CWh In Itwfvi mc►rt�y ol fhs lMibd Stetss ol Mte�ice. Upon mceipt o!payrnerrt ol tha p�ice bld, Truatse ahaJl appty tt►e
<br /> pduCNds+�f tM IfoMowlr�g Grdsr(il Ib the Ct�,st dnd�xpens�s ol exercising the power o!sale�nd of the sale.Includin�bue r�W tim�ted
<br /> � lo.�+IN1'a PMS a nat mow Man�300.00 pW�ane•ASM ot o�»paC�nt al t�e�ross sa►e pncs,and roasonaDls e[faney fa�s.(n)ro
<br /> EAt N}d�bledhraa,e�nd('�i}!M txCess,il�.M t�+e pe�ttn or psnorts lsyNfy errtit�sd ttr�r+eb.
<br /> IIN ccats and a�cwnd by!9a►�Ncrary�n onlrxclnq any r;pAt undsi this D�sed o/�n,st,includirtQ witltout limitsdon,abstract a trtle
<br /> ha.l�p�xstsaf ssa��pe+�re�tcrrrrs ta ti�a�nsexar�cs�attoerrey bes arrd ca�et casts,sMd!Ds�nd constih�h lndebtsdnQSS sx:urod tiar+by.
<br /> z� a�w.a r.w�... r�sna.Q..s n�.r. �
<br /> (U d�w.►,a oa+►�,Ho�s a rr�tw shaM bs dstwrNnsd soMy by the sxpreas proWslons of tb�s oesa a rr�sr a,�r►�sros sn�r�or ns
<br /> Nwi,i..�.rci�t fix L7s ju�ii►u►n,i�ii:a uf sw:h uu�ti�s w�i.ut►�y�,�tidr�s as are speciiicaky sei�Ortn herein.anri no irxrplied covensnts or
<br /> , obMy�ons�N 6�impoMd upo��TittsOr�.
<br /> (b) Nb pnrialon of d►ta!'�d d Tiusf shaM nqulro Tiust�s on expend a risk its own hw�ds,or othevwisa lncur any Nnancial obHQadon 1n
<br /> a�.�«►c.a a�y a ia d�o.s n.�w,�ds..a!�tb sx�rciss o/eny ol its riyhls a powers.
<br /> (C) Tivaw n�q►co+,«�wren co�m.+a lts own Chowl�and ths sowsd d such couns./snan be lu►r and compJete.ua�o�zadan end
<br /> piahrcl�on in 11n nfprct ol�ny aclan tak�n a sulMnrd by k h�rw�xlsr►n poocl I�w�N►wnd r�ance thrrson.snd
<br /> (d) Trurlw sA�M not b�MaM��for any acdon faken by It in pood/adA and roason�by Dskeved by it to be euthaized a withln its
<br /> dbcnMo�a�Ms a powas corMwnd upon it by d�A�d ol Trust.
<br /> 28. S�c��ly Ap+srrr�nt and Flxtun fiAvf�.Triis Desd ol Tiutt shsH cansh�tute a securiry egreement and fFkNre 6ting w►der Me Rrovlalons o1 �
<br /> !h�N�bnska UYNrb�n»ConxrNrcl�Codr w�M nspsc[ro tNoss 6xturss desaribed in the proambks hsroof es constltutinQ e paR of the
<br /> Tiwt PhoMrry,MgMl�r wlth ap oM»r props►fy ol tnnlbr,eithsr slmilar or Wss+mil�i b ths ssme.rtow a hereafMr bcatsd�t or on the
<br /> . Trwf f�Mio�ty.
<br /> 20. Fuhrr Adv�r�css.f/pon rotlwst d Trwbr,Benef`ciary,at 6eneliciary's option,prior M 1W!reconvayance ol ths lrusi Properry by
<br /> - T�i�aM�b T��k+r,mey�k�h��re�anc���!+Tir�sk�. St�ch h�l�!rn!±xiv?�!x�e�,�trith inlr�r�!�►�mrn.Sh�J�I)!!1!NG1I��l;I.N1!C L��C��
<br /> Tnmt Aeno ar�st►aN ens pnnclpd+wnounr d cr�e�ndenrednsss securod oy tn►s Desd or r►usr,not�nctud:np sams edvencsd ro p►�tecr
<br /> tM�c,�erffy.�xcMd the(otsl sum oI s� none .Advances o1 dr�bu�smerrls maQe by Beneficiary b protsct the security.
<br /> una.r tn.Nrrma n�no�,wMl�dl�sc►�etioney,sns�r not t,s dsemed ro be opeional savances.
<br /> 30. Rscunveyancs. Upon pay►nsr►t ol aN/ndebtedness secured by this Deed ol Tiust,8enefklary sha►I request Tiustee t�n reconvey the
<br /> Trtrsf Prqp�ity and s!►aN sunendsr Mis Deed of TruSt and a/l notes evidencing fidobtedness secured Dy thrs f)eed ol Tiust to Tiustee.
<br /> Tnpirr MuN nconwy tM Trust i>rdpsrry without wamutry and wiMot�t charge to the person a persons�egally enEitkd therete.Seich
<br /> psrson a psiaons sAa/f pay aM costs ol recadAtion,rf�ny.
<br /> ' 3t. SubsdhrM Truat�s.@snslicisry,et its ay�tion,may from dme t�t+me remvve Trvstee end�poinf a Successor Trustee to any Tiust�ee
<br /> appo�krl�ed'trsroundsr by sn irahun�ecit recorded In the county r�whkh t1Ns l�eed of Tiust Is recorded. Witlwut comaeyanes M ths Tiust •
<br /> Pr�cperry,Ef�Succssaor TrusMe shaN succeed fo aA Mb,power and duties confe�rod upon Tiusbe heroin end by applicab/e/ew. ,
<br /> 3T. Miyc�N�r»ous Ri9Ms ol 8sneficlary. BeneNciary may at any h�ms and han time b time. wimout notice,consent ta the making ol any
<br /> pl�f o/tM Tit�st f�ioipNty a the c.tia6on ol any essemsnt ther�on or eny covsnants roshicting use or occ�pancy tlwreot a egne ro =
<br /> aMer a arr�er+al Me t�rms ol thJs Oeed o1 Tiust Any pe�sorta/prope�y remaining upon Hre Aust F'ropeify slter Me Trtut Property Ass � `'`°
<br /> _-_.-__ __ /�MIfA�����AMwnn��nl�a�l./w A�wwNw:�w•_:1� •w�.�w..w. R..M..� T...�..•......�.. Inrwlww.�..w- J.��......J��J:�1:�.� _ . . -�
<br /> - . - .- ��w�rrr��►vr�rr�.���ww��•����rt vr�.1��N/N rir� vilw a i�MV.n/I VNNSi/1�W ViK10�Q/fr WVV Tf7 t/�!V ..�� . ..
<br /> d TrustN'a sa1�or I�ascbaur�,shall be conclusiv�sry prssumed ro havs t�een abandoned by Tiusta• t-<
<br /> 33. Notle�[n TnaMr. Tiustier hereby rsqe�ests tha�a copy Qf any notice ot dehute and not;ee of asle made a executed by�iu5tee pcusuant }:-
<br /> tp th�provisior►s l�sneoi bs ssnt to�it�star at its mdiling address set lorti►he►�ecnabave. -
<br /> fN WITNESS WHEREOf,ttis Ueed o!Tiust hAS bson duty ex day an0 r � t a .
<br /> E's< � �y.,c
<br /> n E. He e an —
<br /> StA�E OF NEBRASKA � erna . a r�na�ri"���`���
<br /> 1
<br /> )ss.
<br /> COUN�Y OF )
<br /> *
<br /> on rn�s aay a , 19.�,bolore me,a notary publrc�n and far sa�d counry,persvnalty ceme ,
<br /> �.arrv .�,
<br /> Ol _- _..__� �_, krrown fo me t�be the rdentical persons who .
<br /> �n�d ths 1oreQoonp Oeed of Tiust end acknowledged the�xecut�orr 2Aereo!M be M+en voluntary ect and deed, and the v�luntary act and �'�-.
<br /> dsod ol sakJ co�pora6on.
<br /> Wl�NESS my hsrtd and notar�al seal on th�s U18 day and y�d�tast ab�ve w�itfen �.
<br /> (SEALJ
<br /> " RK`l�►'Y V.:DwY�_._.._.�._".'___,_....��
<br /> Nr Ci.�r�viio'�r.:.ne '.-"- _-... _�-'-_' .�
<br /> 3TAtE OF NEBRASIG4 )
<br /> )SS.
<br /> cea�nrrv aF HAT.T,_,_..�. 1
<br /> Qn thJs 2L.h dey oJ_.`�_uIv T�. J9�.Q,dBfo�e me,d�otary publrc rn�nd lor s�rd raunry,pprsona�;y came .Tuhu,_E�_;�be�c�8n .
<br /> �nd VPrnB �„ Ns.h��n_, hu�;t�nnd .�1c3...9tif� .._ . known to me fa be the rdenr�al persons who
<br /> Srgned the lore,qoing D�ed oF Trusl end acknow:edgad the oxocutran tnerQOf tu Ce ihev va!ur,;a.ry act and deed
<br /> Wl7NES5 my hand Antl rtGtarral Se�31 on th�s!he day 8nd yea�lasf above wr�7en
<br /> tSfAt) � , '�=- •. - �"
<br /> t ' :.��'.�`!,� ..�.�- -''� � �'��r'� . ��p�
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<br /> 6FN�Mt NDtAAr•sqr�1 Mr�
<br /> MRHGA:tET M OiLLO!+i ���-�J< _'
<br /> Mr C�m+n Eio Iu�l 2.t95�J ". , t�
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