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<br /> � �kKS 9Q�-= 10 4(�O 1 ueed oi i rusi
<br /> �' rt+rsp��p�r�t�sr+��►r�s�stt�.^�y w .�uy _. o�..�sz, nr a��wee� '
<br /> Veraa L. Hsb�rman, uaban an Wif� wfrether one or more,(hereina�fter caNed Nre"�iusfor'),
<br /> rvhcw�nrMV�addhas la ,
<br /> 1 MORWEST 6ANK S (herelnaRer called the"Trustee", whose mailing address is
<br /> � P.O. son 1768. 6rand Iglandi NE �e��ypAWEST BAIIfK NEBRASKA. NATION�ASSOCIA�jQN , (��A��
<br /> � caMid dN"6NNNck+Y"1. whose mawNna address is ZQ2..�+1- 3rd� P_Q,jfox 1769. G�and jsland. j�e�a�ka 68802 ,
<br /> t
<br /> i WITNESSETH:
<br /> � WHEREAS.Tiusta is indebMd to BeneNciary Jn the pdncJpal sum of Fifty Thausand and no/100ths---____�____�_
<br /> � OeX�us(S SQ..�� ),which lndebtedness!s eWdenced by Trustor's promissory note dated -T��i� , t9��,(herelnaf!er
<br /> � c�Med th�"Notr'j.pAyable t�o ihe ord�r o/Beneliciary and having a matu�ry of -Tan,�Ary�_, 1991 ,
<br /> � fYOW. THEAEFORE,ff�r the purpose ol sscudng:
<br /> (a) payrne�nt d the Mato,bgather wiGh lnterest thereon,fate charges,prepayment penames,any luture edvances,arrd all extenslons,
<br /> . modWic�eions,substitu�tons and renewars thereo�.
<br /> _ (b) payment ol aM otlier sums,fees or charges,tegeMe�wiM interest thereon,advanced to protect the securrry ot ihls Qeed o1 Tiust end
<br /> . flyd pe�ormt�nce of�covenants and agreeme�rts ofi�'rustor,whetner w not sei forih herein,
<br /> • (c) psrfamance,discharge of and complience with every term,covenant,obligation and agreement ol Trustor contained herein w
<br /> i Jncapor�ted by reference a any Wher secu�iry instrument at anytime given to secare the Note,and ,
<br /> � (d) ths repayment of all other sums w luiwe advances,with inte►est thereon, whlch may heretofore have been o�harealter be advanced
<br /> � by Benelicl�uy to Tiustor or Tiustor's successa in Intere�t a tiNe,
<br /> aN oi whkh is her�Nnaltsr collectivety cAl�ed the"Indebte�ness",Trusia lne�ocabty grants and transfers to Trustee,ia trust. W1TH POWER
<br /> � OF SALE�ths f�Jlowing descNbed properry: '
<br /> , Lot Four (4), Block Two (2), Brentwood Second Subdiviaion in th� City of Grand Island, .
<br /> ! Hall County, Nebraeka
<br /> i
<br /> ' .�.
<br /> � togsthsr with p)a/l buildings,str�ctures,additlons,enlargements,modificatiorrs,repairs, replacemenls,and improvements now a hereafter ; .;±�-
<br /> ---� ivc-aisd i�reorr.(w"j aii aquipmarrr,macirinery arro m�iures(mciud'mg.wiiirau't nmiiaiiwr.aif iigi►iing,ireaiing.ver►iiiating�Cov�ing.arr - - _ _ _
<br /> � condidonlr►p,aprinkliny and plumbing fixtmes,water and power systems, engines,boilers,ranges,ovens,dishwashers,mlrrors and mantels. �—
<br /> � carpstlng,lumaces,dl bumers,elevators and motors,relrigeretion plants a unr'ts,comrrruntcation systems.dynarrras,hansformers, e/ectrical �
<br /> � equlpment,sM►m and screen windows,doors,awnings end shades)now or hereafter aKached to,or buift in,any tre�slding or improvement ;_
<br /> � �ow a herealte�bcated thereon,(iii)all easemenis artd rights of way appurtenant thereto,(iv),a!I/easehold estate,right,tit/e and interest of '
<br /> , Tiustaln and to aNleases,whether now or hereafter existing a entered inb(including,without limita0^on,all cash and secu�iry deposits, •
<br /> advar�ce rentals 81+d daposlts a payments of a similar nature),pertalning thereio,(v)aIf rents,issues,profits and income therefiam(subjeci
<br /> � to the rfght of Tiusta b cdlect and sppty such rents,Issues,prolrts and income es they become due and payab/e so long as no event of
<br /> � de/aWt exlsts hereunder), (vi)a!1 royaNles,mineral,oi!artd gas rights and profits,water,waie�rights,and water stock,(vii)aJf tenements,
<br /> ' hereditaments,prtvileges and appurt�rnances be/onging,used ar enjoyed in connection therewith,and(viii)all proceeds of conversion,
<br /> ' voluntary or invo/untary,of any of the foregang into cash or liquidaied clafens(including, without l�miiation,proceeds of Insurance and
<br /> , condemnation awards),all of which is heretnalter collective/y called the"Tiust Property".
<br /> 1. Tiite.Trustor covenants,wairants and agrees with 8eneficiary,its successas and esslgns,that Trusbr owns the Trust Property Iree
<br /> • Irom any pria lien a encumbrance,that this Deed o/Trust is and.vill remain a valid and enlorceable/irst Iren on the Tiust Property,
<br /> thai Tiustor,at its expense,will preserve such titla and will malnte/n th�s lSeed ol Trust as a lirst and paramount lien upon the Trusi
<br /> , Prope�fy and wIN'!o►ever wa►rant and defend the valid;ty and priority of th�lien hereof against the claims al all pe�sons and pa�t/es ;�
<br /> whomsoeve� 7r�stoi,8t its expense, wifl Cause this Deed of Trust.and each amendmeni or supp/emenf herefo,to be filed and
<br /> recorded as e mafgage of the Tiust Property in such manner and in such placo and wrll take such action as In the opinion ol Trusfee �:
<br /> may be required by any presenf or luture law in order to perfeci,maintain and profect the lien of this Deed of T►ust,as the same may . ,
<br /> be a►nended or supplerrtented from time to time. Tiustor wili make such lurthe�asswartce or assurances to Qerlecr its Ut/e to the Trust
<br /> PropeRy as m8y 6B required by Ben9ficiacy. Tiusta hereby relinquishes 811 right o1 dower and homestead in 8nd to the frust Properfy.
<br /> � 2. PaymerK aJ Indebtbdness. Trvstor shaN pLnctuaHy pay the princlpaf ot and rmsrest On the lndebtedness secured heretnr
<br /> ' 3. ConshuCdon o/fmprovemenis. Trustor shal!complete in good and workmanlike manrrer any bm/drngs,improvemen[s a reparrs relaeng
<br /> ttrereto which may be begLn on the Trust Prope►ty or contemplated by the loan evrdenced by the Noie secured hereby, to pay when
<br /> : �ua ai!costs artd liabilitres i»currsd theretoro,aRd not to psm►it arry cons►rucUon:.sn against such Tn�st P�opsrry. !n the event
<br /> construction oi buildings,improvements or repairs a►e contemplated.Trostor a/so agrees.anything in this Dee�i ol Trusf to the contrary
<br /> nOfwifhsfending;{a)b prompfly canmence any such work and to comp/efe the proposed improvements promptly.(b)to complete the
<br /> , sam9 i�acCOrdarnCe with the plans and spec�ficafions as approved by Benetrciary.(c)to comply w�th all the terms of a bu�Iding loan
<br /> ag�eemenf,il any,between Trustor end Beneficisry,the terms ol which ore Incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereot,
<br /> (d}to albw Benefrc/ary to rnspeCi th� trust Prpperty at aJl times dunng constrUCtion,and(e)to replace any work or materials
<br /> unsaiisfactory fo 8enefiC�ary within lilfeen(15)days alfer wntten nouce Irom 8enefrcrary of such/act.
<br /> 4. Funds for Pay�rrent of Charges.Subject fo applicable law or ro a written wo�ver by Beneficiary. Trusror shaa pay to 8enstr�rary on rhe
<br /> lirsf day ol each rnonth,or such other date each month as may be speciliad by 8enelicrary,unbl the Irrdebtedness rs pa:��n luli,a sum
<br /> • (hereinafter catled the"Funds')equal fo 1�f2th of the yearly taxes and assessrrrenfs which may atta�n piior�ty over thrs Deed of Trust ��°�` --
<br /> and grourtd�ents on the Trust Prvperty,if any,p/us t�12th of the pearly premium instaJlments lor hazard rnsu�ance,plus 1 12th of the '
<br /> yeady premium installments lor moftgage insurance,rf any,�11 as�easonably estrmafed indi�Hy and Irom hme fo[rme by Behelrc�ary on
<br /> the basls of assessments and bil/s and raasonable eshmates thereol The�unds sha/l be hpld�n an�nshfuGOn, fhe depcsrts n�
<br /> aCCOUnts of whrc:h ere Insurod or guaranteed by a lede�al ar state a,ency inc/ud�ng Benelic�ary Ben�f,r.�ary shall app�y:�e F�unds ro
<br /> pay said taxes, assessments.lnstuance promfums and ground rents Beneirc�ary sna��nor bo�equ���d to pay 7�usror any rnrerest or
<br /> earn�ngs on tha fiurrd�. Bsnefrciary sha!►g+ve to T�ustor, w�thorit cha�ge,an�nnua�accvunting of tne Funcas sf,ow�r,�cr�C�(s ancl �
<br /> debits fo the Funds and tha purposv fv�whrcl►each deb�t to ihe Furrds was macle The Funds are p/edged as add�UOnal seCUr�ty tor M
<br /> � UaR lndebtedness secured by this OgKd of Trust. lf tho amouni of the Funds held by Benekcrary.together w,th the�uture monthly
<br /> instaifinenfs ol FundS payabfe pnor to ihe du8 dates o!taxes, as5eS�ments.rn3urr�nce prem,ums and groc:nd rents,shall crcned�he �
<br /> amouni iequired to pay sard taxvs,assossments,msurAnce prem�ums arrtl ground�ents��s!ney la��due. sucn excess srra I de. at �,,,
<br /> rrustor's opUOn,either prOmptiy repa�d to Trustor o�cieddod b Trusto�A�a�nst�utwe morthty�nstallnrents oi Funds N rhe amount of c13�
<br /> tho Funds he/d by f3enei�cenry srtan not De sutf,aent fv pay t��xQS,assossments :nsu�ance p�em�ums an�q.n�,�a.�nts as they �a�l due �f
<br /> Tre.sfor sha11 pay to Benoisc�ary any Arnaunt necess�ry tn makv up tnQ Uef�c%E�C��Ydhin fh�ify dr7yS ��O•'�����P dLi1P��0!iCf!r��ntldt°d by �'
<br /> Eienofrc�ary fo Trusfa►requeshng payment thereul (lpon paymcn►�n I(dl Ct i+:l IIiC!Eh1p�nE'SS Nf'r�E�!.�i�qry Sh,l^t�%U^+p!!r���lur��!.°n •
<br /> T/UStU�any Funds hoJd by Benef�C�81Y 1/thp TfUSf PtUF.'B/iy�S SU��7!1�rcler tnE��:f,�i '(��Sd'P V••�•f• ~rli:.!f'•r;+(••�y,,t�li�•.•.Yi'.�',+'.��i��'�•�T
<br /> byBonehc���ry f�r�ntd;�:,ary�nc�u:,ppry irmnUdiBtE��ypirr��tut^e:�t'c� olrhr� T,u�.r Fr;>�����, r-• '•. :� Ju . . :•: t�� Ftr•�����. ,,, ,r , E;.�•:;�.
<br /> /lE��f��)y�C/lU�/C7iN{/�1��h,Y ll/!10 Uf iI(JFl!;C.t71:U71 i)5 R C/Pf/11 ilCfii'J75(fh(� tI1�1CC'I(�l1:�(�:•� 11(l� •t i� .. ,. f •1 . ,. .. .'.'r�� ..:�. , ,.. •
<br /> O.r.�!(�il:/:Jfi*{!A("�C/ illi:�)hIIJCJI�lF7�1 d ��il��C��(G�C�+rlli�;. �i�IC��It��E'Ct L (�:I� �•f�/c:�� �r�. ..l' ,i � .. , n� • �i � . � . � . �� .
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