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�aRR� <br />89-�- ' 140973 <br />NoN- UMF0R1M COvENANT'S. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows; <br />19 AcedertMiw Remedies. (Lender ftll give aotk a to Borrower prior to accekratisa feliowlag Borrower's <br />braieb otmey eoveasat or agreessest in this Seeetrity Isstraasut (but we prior to seeckradoa salts patsgrsp1 13 acrd 17 <br />oaks sppllcabie taw provides otherwise). IU notice shill specify: (a) the d1fillit; (b) the Stdioa retpai 4 to care the <br />default; (c) a date, ad less than 30 fts from the deft the aotke is gives to Borrower, by which the defaatt sum be cured; <br />and (d) that failare to care the delarit oa or before the deft specified is the notice ssay rash is aaeelantdm of the alas <br />secured by thin Security Iaommeat W sek of thin Property. The notice shall father iatoes Borrower of the rig)ut ft <br />reinstate alter acoderation anti the right to bring a oottat action to assert the o0K41kUw9 of a dttlaah air nay otter <br />detects: otBorrawer to acedustion sad alt: If the d fuh b not eared os or before the date specified In the notice, Leeks <br />St its option my require iaaediate paymeat G MR of all sans seemed by thin Security InstflralmW without t rtha <br />h. <br />M� <br />desssad and my invoke the power of sale and any other resedies permitted by appliesik law. Leader sW be entitled to <br />r• <br />collect all expenses incurred in praft the e0 no provided In this paraQspb 14, including, but not limited to, <br />remondic atteraeye fees anti ousts of title ewldew- <br />If the paver of ante b invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default is tub county In which nay pre of the <br />Property is located and shall mail COME" of weir seen is the fissures prescribed by appliabk law to Borrower and to the <br />other persons prsaibed by appiityble haw. Auer the time required by sNlieaWe law, Trustee shell ghtre "blik notice of <br />sale to the per and In the manner Wesedbed by applicable law. Tsas tee, wittaat demand on Borrower, doll sell the <br />Property at public auction to the biailwW.b1 tier at the thae and ptaeemimader the terms dedgaated in the notice of ale it: <br />one ate amore parcels and is any ariwTry detenaiam Traa ee =*3a sak stall or any parcel of the Property hey <br />polar annousetweat at the fume and plsoe of Say pvevkkLQN.:,¢� M9; A 1&CL "tn.'ier or 'ts designee tray purchase the <br />6,gKaty st any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the pruxm bK Trtrstse shin hirer to the purchaser TwaWs deed emtsveylve tbe. <br />qty. The recitals to the Trustees deed shall be prints facie evidence of the truth of de ststesh seats tpra+rte tbaeiz. . <br />tTdrastbe shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fo fi4g. order. (U to aft expenses of tie ash, isd WUS I!at not l ditd <br />to . Traat!M's fen as pa—ruitted by sp".r- iul•!e 1`' -' ra:es~y:' fcc; (b) to s'.' e---= sesoaeM bg acid% S ity <br />- <br />Instrmmt; sad (c) nay ewes to the penm cc pets+imitcT, oDy eatitkd to it. <br />20. Lender In Possession. Upon w=dwatom tinder parapaph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lendes' (k . <br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be end to enter upon. take possession of and manage the <br />Property and to c-: ect the rerrs of the Property including those past dare. Any rents collected by Lender or the recei%-- <br />shall be applied fm to parwrr: of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, inch&raimg, but not <br />limited to, receiver's [bees, en receiver's bonds and reasoaahle attLraeys' fees, and then to the satmas secured. by , <br />this Security Iaaaru,tent. <br />21. Reroaveysum Upon paymenc cfrEL sums secured by this Se aaity Imstttraten4 Lender shall request Trtsize rrs <br />rw=Day the Property and shall surrender tu: Secarky Lm runtent em ;L& actes eykt icing debt secured by this Secuatty <br />Tnstn:rnent to Trustee. Trustee shall reconv� the Propeoy without wL -runty and without charge to the pawn or peme s <br />- <br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persotrs dW1 pay any recordatiim costs. <br />22. Sabsbtdtte Trustee. Lender, at its option. tray from time: tz ime remove Trustee and appoint a successor tnrstee. <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorde & <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor tnwtu shat: succeed to all the title. power and duties conferred upon <br />, <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />23. Request for Notices. Borrower reguesm that copies of the notices of default and We be sent to Borrower's <br />tlt <br />address which is the Property Address. <br />h <br />24. Riders to this Seearity lustrunw.. If one er more ridgy are executed by Borrower and recorded together with <br />this Security Instrument the covertmta nut; ugreerotews elf each su& rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements a f this Security tastn tent as if the rider(s) were a part cf this Security <br />Instrument. [Chctk. applicable ltoaies},1 - <br />_ . ® Adjus tAbW Rate Rider ❑ Condominium ,Fjdar ❑ 2-4 Family Rider _ <br />❑ Grxdwj4 Payment: Rider ❑I Flunned Unit Development Ender <br />e: <br />Q Other(sl, (Speciffyi. <br />BY SIGNE ^, EC-Low. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covennts contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any rideils3 "..ecuted by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />e: Z. <br />........................................................ ............................... ....................(Sea]) <br />aii��res. A. Schwaderrejr-, <br />`l..l..(r.� /'�`:t(��.. Seal <br />.............................................1"......... .............................., r:............... ....... �... ...h .J�f :�>J --00►� <br />Marcia K. Schwaderer <br />STATE of NEBR�A5K%, 17a1'i County ss: <br />On this 2? day of' February .19 89 before me, the unlwztign:d, zi Notary Vziz :ic <br />duly commissim%d and qualified for su &county. personally capin-, James A. Schwa a' ner and Marcia 1�1. <br />Schwaderer-, Husband and 'tiliAs , to me known to N- <br />identical person(s) whose nee:, .( "y4 a.:. subscribed to the forep- -drug instrument and azunowledged the execs: r,t1 <br />thereof to be their -' :,ioluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island. 'iebraska in said county, the <br />date aforesaid. <br />LMy Comm Tres: ,�' 1 , <br />• _"r-` <br />i�Ml .Still Mtl►tttka :. .. ..... ;, f�_ /� l_.t .. <br />r ............ . <br />YYIt�I►1 Notary Public <br />!! L MCLEL <br />U Eip. Aug t2. l VEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />h. <br />M� <br />Ts.) TRUSTEE <br />r• <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by thrc Deed of Trust. Note or notes.. together <br />with all other indebtedness. secured by this. deed of Trust. have been paid in full; You are he; e;-y directed to cancel tiaid <br />note or notes and this [teed tot Trust, which are delivered hereby. and t6 reconvey, with acr warranty, all the c %fate <br />new held by ynu under this [Deed of trust to the person or perums hKalh cnrttled thrre:r". <br />Date- <br />