� � _
<br />_�
<br /> � �
<br /> yu-= ii,��yy
<br /> NoN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.BorroKer And Lender further co�enant and agrec as folt�ws�
<br /> • 19. Atcekr�W�n; ReaRedla. I�der sb�ll �irr notice to Aoerower p�io� to �cctleratlon fnllowTln� &���oKe�'s
<br /> 6nacl otiu�r coreeaut or yreeae�t t�tAi�S�cM�ity in�trumenf tbrl eot p�rior to�rceler�tto�undt�p��e�r�ph�t3�ud!7
<br /> wiiw�yNie�iie"r+►w�o�iiq o�ierRi�e}.iie eotice uaii��ee.[ty: ��! tiWe deitult: !0) tae Astioa requfred to cure-thc
<br /> - � d�lrwt�ft)�i�ie,eot teaa tia�38 days irowr the�tt tbe�ottce is�t�en to 9orrower.by whtch the default muat be cused;
<br /> �ni(d)tlutt tfdltire to cure tMe dehult o�or befare tlk d�te speciAed ia the aottce nuy rault i�sccekration ot tMt.sn�
<br /> tee�red br tlt+�See�rity I�shw�eat�d ak of tbe Pro�erty.T�e n�ttce�it turther tetor� Borrowt�ot tl�e�t�kt te
<br /> �'eiwhte i(ta��ccete�tiou�d trr rl�lt to�l���conrt �ctta� to �nert tAe non�xUtc�ce�t� def�ult a�aay otAer
<br /> �lel�e�e of Boreower b sceeknNo��i aile.It the defa�lt is uot turtd on o�Detare the date��ecdfled in the aoHa.I.e�der
<br /> at ih c�!q� s�p r�,;,:.3:z i��.:3::ia�wyment iw iwii ot�1i wius rec�rai oy tib �e�wHty iestru�aent w[thoat tu�ther
<br /> �e�i arii�y i�eoke tMe pwer otale aad iu�otre�re�aiks�ermitted by aMlkable uw.Le�de�sMall be eudtled ta .
<br /> eollect all e:�e�a t�nbd i� �iq t!k re�edie� �o�ided ts tMt� puasn�h 19, iscludin�; but eot li�nited to,
<br /> �d�ic attor�eys'I�a a�d co�b ot dtk e�iieNCe.
<br /> It tMe�ower ot sale is i�rokd,Trwttee sWl record a aoNce ot detaMlt in aicM county in whkh aay p�rt ot Hk
<br /> Pra�ty i�lacatA a�i�11�ail co�ia ot wc��otke is tre maawer pracribed by spplic�ble lsw to Aorrowe��to the
<br /> � otYer�so�s Kac�iit�by s�Ncable Iaw.Atter d�e ti�t reqwired by�p�lidbk law,Tnntee sl�all�ire publte noHce of
<br /> . �le to t!e'enoiu�d i�tIM��e��erlbed by ap�Hcable law.Trustee,without dem�nd on Borrower�shall all che
<br /> Pro�erty at pblk artNou to tlie hi�at bidder at tLe tise and pl�ce�nd under the terms dest�nated in the nutice o!aale in
<br /> o�e or Nroie�ue�ls aad in u�y order Trustee deterntlaa.Tru:tee nuy po�tpoae aale of dl o�any pucel of the Properh'bY
<br /> �rlk aNOMMCewent at tl�e ti�e and�lace oT ary �edously icheduled aale.I.eeder or its de�cigaee tasy p�rchaae ti�e
<br /> � Pro�ty at,�y�ak.
<br /> ' U� �eet�t ot p�ymewt ot t6e prlce bid, Trustee s6a11 delt�er to the purchaser 7'�ustce's deed conreyin� the
<br /> Pro/erf�r.7i�e recitals ie t`e'Iin�etee',��,!�slt ter�;�tsa�i�lz e�tt'senee oi i�e ie�ii�oi ine statemenfis maae tLerein.
<br /> � �iriutee�NH a�ly t4e proceed�ot t6e sak is t6e tollowtn�order.(�l to iil expenus ot tlee�le�including.but st►It limited
<br /> to,Tnata's[ep as�enaitted by applkabk law and reasowsle attornegs'fees;(b)to all�um�secured by this Secur�t}
<br /> In�trueiea�and(cl a�excese to the peraon or persons legdly entitled to it.
<br /> 20•Lendee i�Pas�esdon. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Leader (in
<br /> person,by agent or bv judiciaUy appointed receive-)shall be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to co�e�;t the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender ur che oeceiver
<br /> shall be appiied flrst tcr�ayment af the costs of management of thc Pro�ertv and callection of renfs,including,but not
<br /> �imited to,receiver's fees.premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attc�meys'fe�,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. . ;
<br /> � 21.Recon�eyance.Upon.payment of all sums secured by this Security lnstrmntent,Lender shall request Trustce to
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall sunender this Security Instrumeret and ell notes evidencing debt socurod by this Security -
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustx shall reconv�y the Property withont warranty and withaut charge to the person ar persons
<br /> -- •___.._.__.:...�. , _ �-sLE
<br /> - ,c�nur cncu�w to�i.�uc�f persan vr ptlSVi15 511811 P8y aliy flCOlQBitOA COStS. :
<br /> 22.S�bttitYte 7lrustee.Ltnder,at its opt+on,may from t�me to time remove Trustee and appoint a sucassor trustee t`�
<br /> to any Tntstee appointed hereunder by an instrument recotded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. `
<br /> Withaut conveyance of the Property,the successar trustee shal!succeed to ap the title,power and dutits canferred upon °
<br /> Trustee her�in and by applicatble Iaw.
<br /> 23.Reanest for Notkd.Borrawer requests that copies of the notices of default and sate be sent to Borrower's
<br /> address which is the Property Address.
<br /> Z4.Riders to this Security Iastrumeat.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> _ this Securitg Instrument.the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> supplement the wveiunts and agreements of this S�curity Instrument as iP the rider(s) were a pan of this Sccurity
<br /> instrument.[Check appGcable box(es)j
<br /> � _ � Adjnstable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider [� 2-d F�mily Rider ,� '
<br /> ❑ Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Developmont Ridcr �
<br /> ❑ Other(s) [specifyJ `
<br /> BY Sl(3NING BE�ow, Bonower accepts and agrees to the tetms and covenants contained in this Security �.�
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recordtd with it
<br /> ' ........................................................................................ ..�-e/y�e�..��.�,� !���• ,
<br /> �valin..�.: ..tloucet. ........................................... (Seal>
<br /> —Borrower
<br /> ' � ........................................................................................ .................................................................................... .($C8�)
<br /> ' —Borrowe�
<br /> S7ATE OF NEBRA5KA, Hall (�c�unty titi:
<br /> On this 9th day of July , I�0 , beforc mc, ihc undcrtiigncci, a Notary F'ublic
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified for said county,personally came �velin �1. Doucet, an unm8rried per-
<br /> SOn . to mc knu«•n to hr thc ` _ -�
<br /> identieal person(s) «•hose nanie(s) are sub�cribed t� the f�re�.oin�; intitrumrnt and ackno«Iedgcd thr e�rcuti�n
<br /> theteof to be her �•oluntary� act and decd.
<br /> Witness my fiand and notarial scal at Grand Island, Nebr�ska in �aicl a�unty, thc �
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> C - "
<br /> My Commission ex ires: ��" � 'y-� �
<br /> �
<br /> L; i�Al IOTAAY,�hb M N�k�i . . . .�C.e.-.�_,. . . �`��C„�. ... . .... . .. .. . . �
<br /> �E�.�.�R / `1�i,ir. 1'uhl�. �3
<br /> Mf►Co�.6p�Mar.9,1993 RFQUE�ST F(iR IZ[?CO���I:YANC�I� Yn
<br /> �ro H SfhF� �;i,
<br /> Thc undcrsi�ncd i� thc hc�iticr c�f thc notr�r nnlr� .rctnccl hy !hi� I):r�l ��I I ni.t. 5,ncl n�,ir ��i n�,tc•. t��_�cll�ri ,r ,
<br /> �vithaliath�rindehtednr��.ecurcdhythi� I)eccli�t I�ii,l. Ir��nc��•�i��.rni �nsull )nu.���hr�:h< <lii:�,ic�l ��rt,�u�cl .,�iil
<br /> n�tc ur notc� i111C� I�11ti �)Cl'(� (�t �IU�T. �t�lllfl Gf�' Cji�ItCfl't� �ICii'���,.Uil� li� tc.��ll�i\, ��II�InUI �.t,i�t.11llt. d�� I�1� i.1.�Ii
<br /> nntic hcld hy }'ou untler Ihi� f)ccd nf [ru.i t�, th�• ��ci,�ni �,t �•rt .,�u, Ir��,�ll� ruhllc�l Ili�iri��-
<br /> Uatc: . . �
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