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<br /> UN1FaRM CoVENwN7S. Elorrowcr and ILcndcr c��vcr�ant and ng�ce us Pollows: o�
<br /> . 1. Payiaent ot Printip�l�nd intersst;Prepayment aed I.�t�Chuges, Borrow+�r�hall promptly� pay w•hen dac
<br /> thG prin4ip�1 nfand interect c�n thF dGbR evidGnCetl hy thc iVotc and any prepayment and latr charges due under thc Notc.
<br /> 2, �u�th[or TaY�aud ln�uraw��, Sul+,;��t to�!�+c�irnhlC�.4!!�i.'i!^��►:lsen��'s���4;ixnsl:r.�:�FSlK�rs sh�Zl,.:�
<br /> � to I.endor an�he day ntnnthiy puymenls ere tiue undcr the Note, until thc Note is paid in fulf,a�um("�=unds"}equal tn
<br /> Une-tweltlh af: (a) �early t�aes and assessrr�ents which may attein priority o��cr this Securitp Inrtrument; (h) yearly
<br /> less�hald psyments ar graund rents on �he Property. if any; (cl yearly haza�d insurance premiums; and ld) yeartv
<br /> mort�sRe insurance premiums�if sny. Thest items�re callod "acraw itcros."L,ende�may cstimate the Funds due an Ihe
<br /> r t�si�of cumnt data�nd re�sonabic cstimates of tuture escrow items.
<br /> . The Funds shall be held in an in�titution the deQosits or accaunts oP which are insured or guaranteecl hy a�'edcral or
<br /> state a�ency(includin� I.ender if Lender is such an institutian). Lender sfial! apply the Funds to pay'the esc��w items.
<br /> Lender may aot charge far holding and Applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verifj�ing the escrow items,unless
<br /> , Lender pays Borr�wer interat on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Batrower and
<br /> Lender may x�ree in writina that interal sh�ll bc paid on thc Funds. Ualas an ags•ecmcnt is made ar applicabic law
<br /> ; requira intr.rest to be paid,Lender shaQ not be required to pay Bc�rrower any interest or earning�on the Funds.Lendcr
<br /> � s1u�11 give tu&►�rower.without charge.an annuAl acc�unting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpcue for which each debit ta the runds was msde.The Funds are pledged as additional securitv far the sums r�eeured by
<br /> thisSecurity Instrument.
<br /> i � If the amount of'the fiunds held b��Lender,together with the future moathly payments of Funds payable priar to
<br /> y the due dates of the escrow items,�hal!exceed the amaunt r�quired to pay the escrow ite+ns when due.the excess shall be,
<br /> ! at Borrower's option,either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Barrower on monthly payments af Funds. IP the
<br /> . � amount af the Funds hetd by Lender is not su}ficient to pay the escraw items when due.Borrawer shall pay to Lender any
<br /> , �mount necess�ry to make up the deflciency in one or more payments as required by Lender.
<br /> � Upon payment in Puq of al)sums secured by ihis Security lnstrument,Lender shal!promptly refund ta Borrower
<br /> � any Funds held by Lender. If under paragreph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender shall apply.na latrr �
<br /> ' than immediately prior to the sate oP the Property or its acquisition by Lendcr.any Funds held by Lender ut the time af
<br /> � �ppii�;ation as a credit against the sums secured by this Security instrument. �
<br /> , 3. ANileatioa of Paya�eatf. Unless applicable law p►ovides othrrwise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> � pa�ragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to late charges due under the note;second,to prepayment charges due undor the
<br /> Note;third,to amaunts payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to interest due;and la.at,to principal due.
<br /> 4, C'I�r�es;i,itas. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments, charges, flnes and impositions attributable to the
<br /> � 1'roperty which may attain priority.over this Security In�trument. and leasehold payments or ground rents. iP any.
<br /> Bonower shall pay these obligativns in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bonower shall '
<br /> � pay them on time directly to the penon owed�+,a}ment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts .
<br /> ' to be paid under this paragraph. If Borrower rttakes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender
<br /> _ .. .-. _' _ ... .. :.r^..�`�F^°�'""^�`T""b��'�W7ri�vi{im - .. ._ . . . . . - ____-
<br /> � �ortower shsl)promptly discha�ge any licn which has prionty ovcr this Sccurity Instrument unless Borrower:(a) '� '-
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment oPthe ot�Icgation secured by the lien in a manner ac¢rptable to Lender,(b)contestc in good
<br /> faith the lien by.or defends against enforcecncnt uf the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender c opinion operate to ,
<br /> prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the I'roperty;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an � �
<br /> • agrament satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to tFr.i�Secunty In�trumcnt. If Lender determines that�ny pan of
<br /> � the Property is subject to a lien which may atlain priority� at�er this Security instn�ment. Ixnder may give�orrower a -
<br /> ' � notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisf} the lien or take ane ur more of the actiam set forth abave within 10 days
<br /> � of the giving of natice.
<br /> � S. Hu�rd InsuntnCe. Borrawer shalE Geep the improvements now existing or hereaftcr erected an the Pmperty
<br /> � insured against toss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended co��erage"and any othrr hazards for which Lender
<br /> ' requires insuranee. This insuranee sh�ll be maintaineci in the amounts and for the pericxis that Lenrler requires. The
<br /> • insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Horrower s�bject to Lender'�approval which tihall not fie
<br /> : unreasc�nably withheld.
<br /> AI!insurance policies and renewal�shaf[ be acceptaEle to Lender and shall inc3ude a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall havt the right to hold the policies and rentwal�. lf Lende�rcquires.I3orrow•er shall promplly g��e to Lender
<br /> al)receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. !n tht event of loss.Borrower shall g�ve prompt notice ta the insuranre
<br /> carrier�nd Ixnder.Lender may make proof of lo�.s if not made promptly by Borraw�er. `
<br /> i Urtkss Lender and Bormwer atherwise agree in wtiting,insurance prrcecd�chall br applie�f n�restorati�n nr repair ,
<br /> of the Proper�y damaged,if the restoration or repair is econumicaUy f�,sible and L.endePs secur�ty is not lessened.lf the '
<br /> rcstaration or repair is not economically feasible�r l.rnder's security w•ould tx lesuned,the msurance proceedti shall t►e� •
<br /> apptied to the sums SecureJ by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due, w ith any excess paid �0 6orruwer. If
<br /> Bormwer abandons the Property,or does not answer w�thin 30 dayti a natsce fra�m I.ender that the insurance carner hati
<br /> offered to�ettle a claim,then l.ender may cnllect the insuranre pr��ceeds. Lender may use the procr�cfs to repair�or rcstare
<br /> the Pro�+erty ot t��+ay sums sec�red b�this�e��ifFll�' IIt.4SlLtilt£Ilt, t}h�ther or nn!lhe�due. The}O u�:��rica3 w:!!i�€in
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender anci Borraw�er utherwise agree in w•r�ting,any apphcation i.f pr��ceeds to pnnc�pal shall nut extend�r
<br /> postpone thc duc date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 or changc the amount uf the paymcntc. If
<br /> under paragr�ph 14 the Property is acquired by Lender, Barmwer'S nght tv any �ntiurance rohcieti and prureeds resultmg
<br /> from dama�e to the Property pnor to the acquisition shatl pasti to Lender t��thc cxtcnt of�hc�um��ccurcd by thi�Secur�ty
<br /> Instrument immediately pnur to thc acquis�tion
<br /> b. PreservAtton and;taintenance ot Property;l.easeholds. Norma�rr�h:ill nc�t de�tr��}.ciamage c�r�ubstantialty
<br /> change the Property, allou• the Yroperty to deten�ratc c�r cc�mm�t ��a�te. If Iluti Serutu� In�trument i� �m a Icatichi�ld.
<br /> $orrow•er sfiall campl}�with the prrn•iyi�•ns of thc le.ne.and�f Be�rn•acr a�yiurc�frc title t��thc Yr��perty,tl�e Ica�ehold and %_----=
<br /> fee titic shall nnt merge a��tcs�l.ender aFree�to the merger in��ruing •
<br /> 7. Protection af i..cndcr's RiKhts in the Nroperty�; �lortga�e Insuranre. lf l3c�rr����er fa�l� t�� prrf��rm �he
<br /> covenants:►nd agreements c�mta�ned t�►thic Se�unty In�trumr��l.��r therr��a lry.al pr<�;ccJ�ng that ma} �ignifirant(y afTe.t
<br /> Lender's rights in the Pmperty (such aa a pruccedmg �n h.inkr►��+tc�, �+rnhate, fur :un�l�mn���i��n r► t�� ciifnr�c la��� ��r
<br /> regul�honsl,tltcn L.nder:n�.►}d��and p.��fnr uhate+cr n nete�sary t.��mtr�t thc�,�lue��ithc Pr��pert} ,�n�i l cn�irr'�n�ht. �!
<br /> in thc Ptope�ty. i.cnder'.rt�tuuic m.�� �nrlu�le �ctymg :�n} �um�,ecurc�i h} a lien uin�h h.�� rnnnt� ���rr th�. �e.��rit� ��E
<br /> � insttume�it..�p�canng in rc,urt.�:�}in,c:re.�",nahle:itt„rne« fee,and rnt�nn�;�n�thr t'r�q�rr�� t��rn,,l.r rc;..ur. �11ih��uE:Ii �
<br /> l.ender ma}•tai�e action�u�cler►h��rar.,gr.i�h�,l_c�rdcr d��c�nnt h.��r tc��i���:�
<br /> An}enu�tntt�J�rliu�.ctfl�� i.cn�iet un:lertfn��.ita};r.��+h '��.il!hc•.+�m�•.:.f,lm.�i�.�i�Ici,trt li,�rr<,�.c� •:.iur� ��ti t}�:, ���
<br /> 5ecut�fy intilrum�nt ��nic« A��rr�+wcr:�nd I cndcr:t�'fl'Q tl�l��tlCl�i i�llt l�� (�.1�fllt I.� 1�:C.c dll:t'11711���1 t�l hi.:� tlill't t�I�•�'11: �
<br /> thc d.�te �,f d��hur�cment :�t thc lntr �.�tc .uid .h.ili t�z• r,.��.enlr- ur.l� ��tri.•,� u��. :� �;, �;.r '�.�;�� f :•i��••� t�� H,•in•�tc. ��,Cf�
<br /> rcquc�Unt;p.�y tuent
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